< Exodus 6 >

1 and to say LORD to(wards) Moses now to see: see which to make: do to/for Pharaoh for in/on/with hand: power strong to send: depart them and in/on/with hand: power strong to drive out: drive out them from land: country/planet his
Potem je Gospod rekel Mojzesu: »Sedaj boš videl kaj bom storil faraonu, kajti z močno roko jih bo pustil oditi in z močno roko jih bo pognal iz svoje dežele.«
2 and to speak: speak God to(wards) Moses and to say to(wards) him I LORD
Bog je Mojzesu spregovoril in mu rekel: »Jaz sem Gospod.
3 and to see: see to(wards) Abraham to(wards) Isaac and to(wards) Jacob in/on/with God Almighty and name my LORD not to know to/for them
Prikazal sem se Abrahamu, Izaku in Jakobu po imenu Bog Vsemogočni, toda po svojem imenu, Jahve, jim nisem bil znan.
4 and also to arise: establish [obj] covenant my with them to/for to give: give to/for them [obj] land: country/planet Canaan [obj] land: country/planet sojourning their which to sojourn in/on/with her
Z njimi sem utrdil tudi svojo zavezo, da jim dam kánaansko deželo, deželo njihovega popotovanja, v kateri so bili tujci.
5 and also I to hear: hear [obj] groan son: descendant/people Israel which Egypt to serve [obj] them and to remember [obj] covenant my
In tudi sam sem slišal stokanje Izraelovih otrok, ki jih Egipčani držijo v suženjstvu, in spomnil sem se svoje zaveze.
6 to/for so to say to/for son: descendant/people Israel I LORD and to come out: send [obj] you from underneath: under burden Egypt and to rescue [obj] you from service their and to redeem: redeem [obj] you in/on/with arm to stretch and in/on/with judgment great: large
Zatorej reci Izraelovim otrokom: ›Jaz sem Gospod in jaz vas bom izpeljal izpod bremen Egipčanov in jaz vas bom odstranil iz njihovega suženjstva in jaz vas bom odkupil z iztegnjenim laktom in z velikimi sodbami.
7 and to take: take [obj] you to/for me to/for people and to be to/for you to/for God and to know for I LORD God your [the] to come out: send [obj] you from underneath: under burden Egypt
Jaz vas bom vzel k sebi za ljudstvo in jaz vam bom Bog in vi boste vedeli, da jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog, ki vas osvobaja izpod bremen Egipčanov.
8 and to come (in): bring [obj] you to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to lift: vow [obj] hand: vow my to/for to give: give [obj] her to/for Abraham to/for Isaac and to/for Jacob and to give: give [obj] her to/for you possession I LORD
Jaz vas bom privedel v deželo, v zvezi s katero sem prisegel, da jo dam Abrahamu, Izaku in Jakobu, in dal vam jo bom za dediščino. Jaz sem Gospod.‹«
9 and to speak: speak Moses so to(wards) son: descendant/people Israel and not to hear: hear to(wards) Moses from shortness spirit and from service severe
Mojzes je tako govoril Izraelovim otrokom. Toda Mojzesu niso prisluhnili zaradi tesnobe duha in zaradi krutega suženjstva.
10 and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
11 to come (in): come to speak: speak to(wards) Pharaoh king Egypt and to send: let go [obj] son: descendant/people Israel from land: country/planet his
»Vstopi in govori faraonu, egiptovskemu kralju, da naj pusti Izraelove otroke oditi iz njegove dežele.«
12 and to speak: speak Moses to/for face: before LORD to/for to say look! son: descendant/people Israel not to hear: hear to(wards) me and how? to hear: hear me Pharaoh and I uncircumcised lips
Mojzes je govoril pred Gospodom, rekoč: »Glej, Izraelovi otroci mi niso prisluhnili. Kako bo potem faraon slišal mene, ki sem neobrezanih ustnic?«
13 and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses and to(wards) Aaron and to command them to(wards) son: descendant/people Israel and to(wards) Pharaoh king Egypt to/for to come out: send [obj] son: descendant/people Israel from land: country/planet Egypt
Gospod je govoril Mojzesu in Aronu ter jima naložil skrb za Izraelove otroke in faraona, egiptovskega kralja, da Izraelove otroke privedeta iz egiptovske dežele.
14 these head: leader house: household father their son: child Reuben firstborn Israel Hanoch and Pallu Hezron and Carmi these family Reuben
To so poglavarji hiš svojih očetov. Sinovi Rubena, Izraelovega prvorojenca: Henoh in Palú, Hecrón in Karmí; to so bile Rubenove družine.
15 and son: child Simeon Jemuel and Jamin and Ohad and Jachin and Zohar and Shaul son: child [the] Canaanitess these family Simeon
Simeonovi sinovi: Jemuél, Jamín, Ohad, Jahín, Cohar in Šaúl, sin kánaanske ženske. To so Simeonove družine.
16 and these name son: child Levi to/for generation their Gershon and Kohath and Merari and year life Levi seven and thirty and hundred year
To so imena Lévijevih sinov glede na njihove rodove: Geršón, Kehát in Merarí. Let Lévijevega življenja je bilo sto sedemintrideset let.
17 son: child Gershon Libni and Shimei to/for family their
Geršónova sinova: Libni in Šimí, glede na njuni družini.
18 and son: child Kohath Amram and Izhar and Hebron and Uzziel and year life Kohath three and thirty and hundred year
Kehátovi sinovi: Amrám, Jichár, Hebrón in Uziél. Let Kehátovega življenja je bilo sto triintrideset let.
19 and son: child Merari Mahli and Mushi these family [the] Levi to/for generation their
Meraríjeva sinova: Mahlí in Muší. To so družine Lévijevcev glede na svoje rodove.
20 and to take: marry Amram [obj] Jochebed aunt his to/for him to/for woman: wife and to beget to/for him [obj] Aaron and [obj] Moses and year life Amram seven and thirty and hundred year
Amrám si je za ženo vzel Johébedo, sestro svojega očeta. Rodila mu je Arona in Mojzesa. Let Amrámovega življenja je bilo sto sedemintrideset let.
21 and son: child Izhar Korah and Nepheg and Zichri
Jichárjevi sinovi: Korah, Nefeg in Zihrí.
22 and son: child Uzziel Mishael and Elizaphan and Sithri
Uziélovi sinovi: Mišaél, Elicafán in Sitrí.
23 and to take: marry Aaron [obj] Elisheba daughter Amminadab sister Nahshon to/for him to/for woman: wife and to beget to/for him [obj] Nadab and [obj] Abihu [obj] Eleazar and [obj] Ithamar
Aron si je vzel za ženo Elišébo, Aminadábovo hčer, Nahšónovo sestro. Rodila mu je Nadába in Abihúja, Eleazarja in Itamárja.
24 and son: child Korah Assir and Elkanah and Abiasaph these family [the] Korahite
Korahovi sinovi: Asír, Elkaná in Abiasáf. To so družine Korahovcev.
25 and Eleazar son: child Aaron to take: marry to/for him from daughter Putiel to/for him to/for woman: wife and to beget to/for him [obj] Phinehas these head: leader father [the] Levi to/for family their
Aronov sin Eleazar si je za ženo vzel eno izmed Putiélovih hčera. Rodila mu je Pinhása. To so poglavarji očetov Lévijevcev glede na njihove družine.
26 he/she/it Aaron and Moses which to say LORD to/for them to come out: send [obj] son: descendant/people Israel from land: country/planet Egypt upon army their
To sta tista Mojzes in Aron, ki jima je Gospod rekel: »Izpeljita Izraelove otroke iz egiptovske dežele glede na njihove vojske.«
27 they(masc.) [the] to speak: speak to(wards) Pharaoh king Egypt to/for to come out: send [obj] son: descendant/people Israel from Egypt he/she/it Moses and Aaron
To sta tista, ki sta govorila egiptovskemu kralju faraonu, da izpeljeta Izraelove otroke iz Egipta. To sta tista Mojzes in Aron.
28 and to be in/on/with day to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt
In pripetilo se je na dan, ko je Gospod spregovoril Mojzesu v egiptovski deželi,
29 and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say I LORD to speak: speak to(wards) Pharaoh king Egypt [obj] all which I to speak: speak to(wards) you
da je Gospod spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč: »Jaz sem Gospod. Govori faraonu, egiptovskemu kralju vse, kar ti povem.«
30 and to say Moses to/for face: before LORD look! I uncircumcised lips and how? to hear: hear to(wards) me Pharaoh
Mojzes je rekel pred Gospodom: »Glej, jaz sem neobrezanih ustnic in kako mi bo faraon prisluhnil?«

< Exodus 6 >