< Exodus 39 >

1 and from [the] blue and [the] purple and worm [the] scarlet to make garment braiding to/for to minister in/on/with Holy Place and to make [obj] garment [the] Holy Place which to/for Aaron like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 2 and to make [obj] [the] ephod gold blue and purple and worm scarlet and linen to twist 3 and to beat [obj] plate [the] gold and to cut cord to/for to make: do in/on/with midst [the] blue and in/on/with midst [the] purple and in/on/with midst worm [the] scarlet and in/on/with midst [the] linen deed: work to devise: design 4 shoulder to make to/for him to unite upon two (end his *Q(K)*) to unite 5 and artwork ephod his which upon him from him he/she/it like/as deed: work his gold blue and purple and worm scarlet and linen to twist like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 6 and to make [obj] stone [the] onyx to turn: surround filigree gold to engrave engraving signet upon name son: child Israel 7 and to set: make [obj] them upon shoulder [the] ephod stone memorial to/for son: child Israel like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 8 and to make [obj] [the] breastpiece deed: work to devise: design like/as deed: work ephod gold blue and purple and worm scarlet and linen to twist 9 to square to be to double to make [obj] [the] breastpiece span length his and span width his to double 10 and to fill in/on/with him four row stone row sardius topaz and gem [the] row [the] one 11 and [the] row [the] second emerald sapphire and jasper 12 and [the] row [the] third jacinth agate and amethyst 13 and [the] row [the] fourth jasper onyx and jasper to turn: surround filigree gold in/on/with setting their 14 and [the] stone upon name son: child Israel they(fem.) two ten upon name their engraving signet man: anyone upon name his to/for two ten tribe 15 and to make upon [the] breastpiece chain twists deed: work cord gold pure 16 and to make two filigree gold and two ring gold and to give: put [obj] two [the] ring upon two end [the] breastpiece 17 and to give: put two [the] cord [the] gold upon two [the] ring upon end [the] breastpiece 18 and [obj] two end two [the] cord to give: put upon two [the] filigree and to give: put them upon shoulder [the] ephod to(wards) opposite face: before his 19 and to make two ring gold and to set: put upon two end [the] breastpiece upon lip: edge his which to(wards) side: beside [the] ephod house: inside [to] 20 and to make two ring gold and to give: put them upon two shoulder [the] ephod from to/for beneath from opposite face: before his to/for close joining his from above to/for artwork [the] ephod 21 and to bind [obj] [the] breastpiece from ring his to(wards) ring [the] ephod in/on/with cord blue to/for to be upon artwork [the] ephod and not to remove [the] breastpiece from upon [the] ephod like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 22 and to make [obj] robe [the] ephod deed: work to weave entire blue 23 and lip: opening [the] robe in/on/with midst his like/as lip: opening breastplate lip: edge to/for lip: opening his around not to tear 24 and to make upon hem [the] robe pomegranate blue and purple and worm scarlet to twist 25 and to make bell gold pure and to give: put [obj] [the] bell in/on/with midst [the] pomegranate upon hem [the] robe around in/on/with midst [the] pomegranate 26 bell and pomegranate bell and pomegranate upon hem [the] robe around to/for to minister like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 27 and to make [obj] [the] tunic linen deed: work to weave to/for Aaron and to/for son: child his 28 and [obj] [the] turban linen and [obj] headdress [the] headgear linen and [obj] undergarment [the] linen linen to twist 29 and [obj] [the] girdle linen to twist and blue and purple and worm scarlet deed: work to weave like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 30 and to make [obj] flower consecration: crown [the] holiness gold pure and to write upon him writing engraving signet holiness to/for LORD 31 and to give: put upon him cord blue to/for to give: put upon [the] turban from to/for above [to] like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses 32 and to end: finish all service: work tabernacle tent meeting and to make: do son: descendant/people Israel like/as all which to command LORD [obj] Moses so to make: do 33 and to come (in): bring [obj] [the] tabernacle to(wards) Moses [obj] [the] tent and [obj] all article/utensil his clasp his board his (bar his *Q(K)*) and pillar his and socket his 34 and [obj] covering skin [the] ram [the] to redden and [obj] covering skin [the] leather and [obj] curtain [the] covering 35 [obj] ark [the] testimony and [obj] alone: pole his and [obj] [the] mercy seat 36 [obj] [the] table [obj] all article/utensil his and [obj] food: bread [the] face 37 [obj] [the] lampstand [the] pure [obj] lamp her lamp [the] rank and [obj] all article/utensil her and [obj] oil [the] light 38 and [obj] altar [the] gold and [obj] oil [the] anointing and [obj] incense [the] spice and [obj] covering entrance [the] tent 39 [obj] altar [the] bronze and [obj] grate [the] bronze which to/for him [obj] alone: pole his and [obj] all article/utensil his [obj] [the] basin and [obj] stand his 40 [obj] curtain [the] court [obj] pillar her and [obj] socket her and [obj] [the] covering to/for gate [the] court [obj] cord his and peg her and [obj] all article/utensil service: ministry [the] tabernacle to/for tent meeting 41 [obj] garment [the] braiding to/for to minister in/on/with Holy Place [obj] garment [the] Holy Place to/for Aaron [the] priest and [obj] garment son: child his to/for to minister 42 like/as all which to command LORD [obj] Moses so to make: do son: descendant/people Israel [obj] all [the] service: work 43 and to see: see Moses [obj] all [the] work and behold to make: do [obj] her like/as as which to command LORD so to make: do and to bless [obj] them Moses

< Exodus 39 >