< Exodus 37 >

1 and to make Bezalel [obj] [the] ark tree: wood acacia cubit and half length his and cubit and half width his and cubit and half height his
बजलेलले बबुल काठबाट सन्दुक बनाए । यसको लमाइ साँढे दुई हात र चौडाइ साँढे एक हातको थियो ।
2 and to overlay him gold pure from house: inside and from outside and to make to/for him border gold around
तिनले यसलाई भित्र र बाहिर निखुर सुनले मोहोरे अनि यसको चारैतिर सुनको बिट लगाए ।
3 and to pour: cast metal to/for him four ring gold upon four beat his and two ring upon side his [the] one and two ring upon side his [the] second
तिनले दुईवटा मुन्द्रा एकातिर र दुईवटा मुन्द्रा अर्कोतिर गरी त्यसको चारवटा खुट्टामा चारवटा मुन्द्रा हाले ।
4 and to make alone: pole tree: wood acacia and to overlay [obj] them gold
तिनले बबुलका डन्डाहरू बनाएर तिनलाई सुनले मोहोरे ।
5 and to come (in): bring [obj] [the] alone: pole in/on/with ring upon side [the] ark to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] ark
तिनले सन्दुकलाई बोक्‍न ती डन्डाहरू त्यसका दुवैतिर भएका मुन्द्राहरूमा हाले ।
6 and to make mercy seat gold pure cubit and half length her and cubit and half width her
तिनले निखुर सुनबाट प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनी बनाए । यसको लमाइ साँढे दुई हात र चौडाइ साँढे एक हातको थियो ।
7 and to make two cherub gold beating to make [obj] them from two end [the] mercy seat
बजलेलले प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनीको दुवै छेउका लागि पिटेको सुनका दुईवटा करूब बनाए ।
8 cherub one from end from this and cherub one from end from this from [the] mercy seat to make [obj] [the] cherub from two (end his *Q(K)*)
एउटा करूब प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनीको एउटा छेउमा अर्को करूब अर्को छेउको लागि थिए । ती करूबहरू प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनीकै टुक्राबाट बनाइएका थिए ।
9 and to be [the] cherub to spread wing to/for above [to] to cover in/on/with wing their upon [the] mercy seat and face their man: anyone to(wards) brother: compatriot his to(wards) [the] mercy seat to be face [the] cherub
करूबहरूले आ-आफ्ना पखेटाहरू माथितिर फैलाएका थिए, र प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनीलाई छाया पारेका थिए । करूबहरू आमनेसामने थिए, र तिनीहरूले प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनीतर्फ हेरेका थिए ।
10 and to make [obj] [the] table tree: wood acacia cubit length his and cubit width his and cubit and half height his
बजलेलले बबुल काठबाट टेबुल बनाए । यसको लमाइ दुई हात, चौडाइ एक हात र उचाइ साँढे एक हात थियो ।
11 and to overlay [obj] him gold pure and to make to/for him border gold around
तिनले यसलाई निखुर सुनले मोहोरे र यसको चारैतिर सुनको बिट लगाए ।
12 and to make to/for him perimeter handbreadth around and to make border gold to/for perimeter his around
तिनले यसको चारैतिर चार अङ्गुल चौडा भएको एउटा घेरो बनाए, र यसको चारैतिर सुनको बिट लगाए ।
13 and to pour: cast metal to/for him four ring gold and to give: put [obj] [the] ring upon four [the] side which to/for four foot his
तिनले टेबुलको निम्ति ढालेर चारवटा मुन्द्रा बनाए, र ती मुन्द्राहरूलाई चारवटा खुट्टाका चारवटा कुनामा लगाए ।
14 to/for close [the] perimeter to be [the] ring house: container to/for alone: pole to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] table
टेबुललाई बोक्‍न ती मुन्द्राहरू डन्डाहरूका लागि ठाउँ हुनलाई घेरोको छेउमा थिए ।
15 and to make [obj] [the] alone: pole tree: wood acacia and to overlay [obj] them gold to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] table
तिनले टेबुल बोक्‍नलाई बबुल काठबाट डन्डाहरू बनाए, र तिनलाई सुनले मोहोरे ।
16 and to make [obj] [the] article/utensil which upon [the] table [obj] dish his and [obj] palm: dish his and [obj] bowl his and [obj] [the] jug which to pour in/on/with them gold pure
तिनले भेटीहरू चढाउन प्रयोग हुने टेबुलमा राखिने थाल, चम्चा, कचौरा र करुबहरूजस्ता सामग्रीहरू बनाए ।
17 and to make [obj] [the] lampstand gold pure beating to make [obj] [the] lampstand thigh her and branch: stem her cup her capital her and flower her from her to be
तिनले यी सबै निखुर सुनले बनाए । तिनले पिटेको निखुर सुनबाट सामदान बनाए । तिनले यसको आधार र डन्डा हुने गरी सामदानलाई बनाए । यसका कचौरा, कोपिला र फुलहरू सबै एउटै टुक्राबाट बनाइएका थिए ।
18 and six branch to come out: issue from side her three branch lampstand from side her [the] one and three branch lampstand from side her [the] second
यसको एकापट्टिबाट तिनवटा हाँगा र अर्कोपट्टिबाट तिनवटा हाँगा गरी छवटा हाँगा बाहिरतिर निस्केका थिए ।
19 three cup be almond shaped in/on/with branch [the] one capital and flower and three cup be almond shaped in/on/with branch one capital and flower so to/for six [the] branch [the] to come out: come from [the] lampstand
पहिलो हाँगामा हाडे-बदामका फुलजस्ता तिनवटा कचौरा, कोपिला र फुलहरू थिए, अनि अर्को हाँगामा पनि हाडे-बदामका फुलजस्ता तिनवटा कचौरा, कोपिला र फुलहरू थिए । सामदानबाट बाहिरतिर निस्केका छवटै हाँगा उस्तै थिए ।
20 and in/on/with lampstand four cup be almond shaped capital her and flower her
सामदानको बिचको डन्डामा हाडे-बदाममा चारवटा कचौरा, आ-आफ्ना कोपिला र फुलहरू थिए ।
21 and capital underneath: under two [the] branch from her and capital underneath: under two [the] branch from her and capital underneath: under two [the] branch from her to/for six [the] branch [the] to come out: issue from her
सामदानबाट निस्केका छवटा हाँगामध्ये पहिलो जोडी हाँगामुनि एउटा कोपिला, दोस्रो जोडी हाँगामुनि दोस्रो कोपिला र तेस्रो जोडी हाँगामुनि तेस्रो कोपिला थियो । सामदानबाट बाहिरतिर निस्केका सबै छवटै हाँगामा उस्तै थिए ।
22 capital their and branch their from her to be all her beating one gold pure
तिनीहरूका कोपिला र हाँगाहरू सबै एउटै निखुर सुनको टुक्रा पिटेर बनाइएका थिए ।
23 and to make [obj] lamp her seven and tong her and censer her gold pure
बजलेलले सामदान, यसका सातवटा दिया, यसको चिम्टा र मोसोदानी निखुर सुनबाट बनाए ।
24 talent gold pure to make [obj] her and [obj] all article/utensil her
तिनले सामदान र यसका सबै सामान करिब चौँतिस किलोग्राम सुनबाट बनाए ।
25 and to make [obj] altar [the] incense tree: wood acacia cubit length his and cubit width his to square and cubit height his from him to be horn his
बजलेलले बबुल काठबाट धूपको वेदी बनाए । यसको लमाइ एक हात र चौडाइ एक हातको थियो । यो वर्गाकार थियो र यसको चौडाइ दुई हातको थियो । यसका सिङहरू एउटै टुक्राबाट बनाइएका थिए ।
26 and to overlay [obj] him gold pure [obj] roof his and [obj] wall his around and [obj] horn his and to make to/for him border gold around
तिनले धूपको वेदी, यसको माथिल्लो भाग, यसका किनाराहरू र सिङहरूलाई निखुर सुनले मोहोरे । तिनले यसको चारैतिर निखुर सुनको बिट पनि लगाए ।
27 and two ring gold to make to/for him from underneath: under to/for border his upon two side his upon two side his to/for house: container to/for alone: pole to/for to lift: bear [obj] him in/on/with them
बोक्‍ने डन्डाहरूका लागि घर हुनलाई तिनले त्यसको बिटमुनि वेदीका दुवैपट्टि सुनका दुईवटा मुन्द्रा बनाएर त्यसका दुईतिर लगाए ।
28 and to make [obj] [the] alone: pole tree: wood acacia and to overlay [obj] them gold
तिनले बबुल काठका डन्डाहरू बनाएर तिनलाई सुनले मोहोरे ।
29 and to make [obj] oil [the] anointing holiness and [obj] incense [the] spice pure deed: work to mix
तिनले अभिषेक गर्ने पवित्र तेल अत्तर बनाउनेले जस्तै सुगन्धित शुद्ध धूप बनाए ।

< Exodus 37 >