< Ephesians 5 >

1 to be therefore/then imitator the/this/who God as/when child beloved
Naizvozvo ivai vateveri vaMwari, sevana vanodikanwa;
2 and to walk in/on/among love as/just as and the/this/who Christ to love (me *NK(O)*) and to deliver themself above/for (me *NK(O)*) offering and sacrifice the/this/who God toward aroma aroma
uye fambai murudo, Kristu sezvaakatidawo, akazvipa nekuda kwedu, ave chipo nechibairo kuna Mwari zvive hwema hunonhuhwira.
3 sexual sin then and impurity all or greediness nor to name in/on/among you as/just as be proper holy: saint
Asi upombwe netsvina yese kana kuchiva ngazvirege kutongorehwa pakati penyu, sezvinofanira vatsvene;
4 and obscenity and foolish talk or vulgar jesting (which *N(k)O*) no (be fitting *N(k)O*) but more: rather thankfulness
neunzenza, nekutaura kweupenzi, kana kunemera, zvinhu zvisina kufanira; asi zviri nani kuvonga.
5 this/he/she/it for (to know *N(k)O*) to know that/since: that all sexual sinner or unclean or greedy (which *N(k)O*) to be idolater no to have/be inheritance in/on/among the/this/who kingdom the/this/who Christ and God
Nokuti munozviziva izvi, kuti mhombwe yega-yega, kana munhu asina kuchena, kana munhu anochiva, anova munamati wezvifananidzo, haana nhaka muushe hwaKristu nehwaMwari.
6 nothing you to trick empty word through/because of this/he/she/it for to come/go the/this/who wrath the/this/who God upon/to/against the/this/who son the/this/who disobedience
Ngakurege kuva nemunhu unokunyengerai nemashoko asina maturo; nokuti nekuda kwezvinhu izvi kutsamwa kwaMwari kunouya pamusoro pevana vekusateerera.
7 not therefore/then to be sharer it/s/he
Naizvozvo regai kuva vagovani navo.
8 to be for once/when darkness now then light in/on/among lord: God as/when child light to walk
Nokuti maimbova rima, asi ikozvino mava chiedza muna Ishe; fambai sevana vechiedza.
9 the/this/who for fruit the/this/who (light *N(K)O*) in/on/among all goodness and righteousness and truth
Nokuti chibereko cheMweya chiri mukunaka kwese nekururama nechokwadi,
10 to test which? to be well-pleasing the/this/who lord: God
muchiongorora zvinofadza kuna Ishe;
11 and not to share with the/this/who work the/this/who unfruitful the/this/who darkness more: rather then and to rebuke
uye musadyidzana nemabasa erima asina zvibereko, asi zviri nani mutsiurewo;
12 the/this/who for in secret to be by/under: by it/s/he shameful to be and to say
nokuti zvinhu zvinoitwa navo pakavanda zvinonyadzisa kunyange kutaura.
13 the/this/who then all to rebuke by/under: by the/this/who light to reveal all for the/this/who to reveal light to be
Asi zvinhu zvese zvinotsiurwa zvinoratidzwa nechiedza; nokuti zvese zvinoratidzwa chiedza.
14 therefore to say (to arise *N(k)O*) the/this/who to sleep and to arise out from the/this/who dead and to shine on you the/this/who Christ
Naizvozvo anoti: Simuka iwe urere, uye muka kubva kuvakafa, zvino Kristu achakuvhenekera.
15 to see therefore/then exactly how! to walk not as/when unwise but as/when wise
Naizvozvo chenjerai kuti munofamba sei nekuchenjerera, kwete semapenzi asi sevakachenjera;
16 to redeem the/this/who time/right time that/since: since the/this/who day evil/bad to be
muchidzikunura nguva, nokuti mazuva akaipa.
17 through/because of this/he/she/it not to be foolish but (to understand *N(k)O*) which? the/this/who will/desire the/this/who lord: God
Naizvozvo musava matununu, asi vanonzwisisa zviri kuda kwaIshe.
18 and not to get drunk wine in/on/among which to be debauchery but to fulfill in/on/among spirit/breath: spirit
Uye regai kuraradza newaini, makuri mune bongozozo guru, asi zadzwai neMweya,
19 to speak themself (in/on/among *n*) psalm and hymn and song spiritual to sing and to sing praise (in/on/among *ko*) the/this/who heart you the/this/who lord: God
muchitaurirana nemapisarema nenziyo, nenziyo dzeMweya, muchiimba nekuita mutinhimira mumoyo yenyu kuna Ishe,
20 to thank always above/for all in/on/among name the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ the/this/who God and father
muchipa kuvonga nguva dzese pamusoro pezvinhu zvese kuna Mwari naBaba, muzita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu,
21 to subject one another in/on/among fear (Christ *N(K)O*)
muchizviisa pasi umwe kune umwe mukutya Mwari.
22 the/this/who woman: wife the/this/who one's own/private man: husband (to subject *K(O)*) as/when the/this/who lord: God
Vakadzi, zviisei pasi pevarume venyu pachenyu, sekuna Ishe,
23 that/since: since (the/this/who *k*) man: husband to be head the/this/who woman: wife as/when and the/this/who Christ head the/this/who assembly (and *k*) it/s/he (to be *k*) savior the/this/who body
nokuti murume musoro wemukadzi, saKristuwo ari musoro wekereke, uye ndiye Muponesi wemuviri.
24 but (as/when *N(k)O*) the/this/who assembly to subject the/this/who Christ thus(-ly) and the/this/who woman: wife the/this/who (one's own/private *K*) man: husband in/on/among all
Asi kerekewo sezvairi pasi paKristu, saizvozvowo vakadzi kuvarume vavo pachavo pachinhu chese.
25 the/this/who man: husband to love the/this/who woman: wife (themself *K*) as/just as and the/this/who Christ to love the/this/who assembly and themself to deliver above/for it/s/he
Varume, idai vakadzi venyu pachenyu, Kristu sezvaakadawo kereke, akazvipa nekuda kwayo;
26 in order that/to it/s/he to sanctify to clean the/this/who washing the/this/who water in/on/among declaration
kuti aiite tsvene ainatse nekusuka kwemvura neShoko,
27 in order that/to to stand by (it/s/he *N(k)O*) themself honored the/this/who assembly not to have/be stain or wrinkle or one the/this/who such as this but in order that/to to be holy and blameless
kuti aikumikidze kwaari, kereke inobwinya isina gwapa kana kuwonyana, kana chimwe chezvakadai, asi kuti ive tsvene isina chaingapomerwa.
28 thus(-ly) to owe (and *no*) the/this/who man: husband to love the/this/who themself woman: wife as/when the/this/who themself body the/this/who to love the/this/who themself woman: wife themself to love
Saizvozvo varume vanofanira kuda vakadzi vavo pachavo semiviri yavo pachavo. Anoda mukadzi wake pachake, anozvida iye.
29 none for once/when the/this/who themself flesh to hate but to nourish/rear and to care for it/s/he as/just as and the/this/who (Christ *N(K)O*) the/this/who assembly
Nokuti hakuna wakatongovenga nyama yake pachake, asi anoifunda nekuchengetedza, sezvinoita Ishewo kukereke;
30 that/since: since member to be the/this/who body it/s/he (out from the/this/who flesh it/s/he and out from the/this/who bone it/s/he *K*)
nokuti isu tiri mitezo yemuviri wake, yenyama yake neyemafupa ake.
31 for this/he/she/it to leave behind a human the/this/who father (it/s/he *k*) and the/this/who mother and to join to/with (the/this/who woman: wife *NK(o)*) it/s/he and to be the/this/who two toward flesh one
Nekuda kweizvozvi munhu achasiya baba namai vake, ndokubatanidzwa kumukadzi wake; uye ava vaviri vachava nyama imwe.
32 the/this/who mystery this/he/she/it great to be I/we then to say toward Christ and toward the/this/who assembly
Chakavanzika ichi chikuru, asi ndinotaura zvaKristu nezvekereke.
33 but/however and you the/this/who according to one each the/this/who themself woman: wife thus(-ly) to love as/when themself the/this/who then woman: wife in order that/to to fear the/this/who man: husband
Asi imwiwo umwe neumwe pachake ngaade mukadzi wake pachake sezvaanozvida iye; nemukadzi aone kuti atye murume.

< Ephesians 5 >