< Acts 25 >

1 Festus therefore/then to mount/board the/this/who province with/after Three day to ascend toward Jerusalem away from Caesarea
anantaraṁ phīṣṭo nijarājyam āgatya dinatrayāt paraṁ kaisariyāto yirūśālamnagaram āgamat|
2 to show (and/both *N(k)O*) it/s/he (the/this/who *N(k)O*) (high-priest *N(K)O*) and the/this/who first: best the/this/who Jew according to the/this/who Paul and to plead/comfort it/s/he
tadā mahāyājako yihūdīyānāṁ pradhānalokāśca tasya samakṣaṁ paulam apāvadanta|
3 to ask grace according to it/s/he that to summon it/s/he toward Jerusalem plot/ambush to do/make: do to kill it/s/he according to the/this/who road
bhavān taṁ yirūśālamam ānetum ājñāpayatviti vinīya te tasmād anugrahaṁ vāñchitavantaḥ|
4 the/this/who on the other hand therefore/then Festus to answer to keep: guard the/this/who Paul (toward Caesarea *N(k)O*) themself then to ensue in/on/among speed to depart
yataḥ pathimadhye gopanena paulaṁ hantuṁ tai rghātakā niyuktāḥ| phīṣṭa uttaraṁ dattavān paulaḥ kaisariyāyāṁ sthāsyati punaralpadināt param ahaṁ tatra yāsyāmi|
5 the/this/who therefore/then in/on/among you to assert able to descend with if one to be in/on/among the/this/who man wrong to accuse it/s/he
tatastasya mānuṣasya yadi kaścid aparādhastiṣṭhati tarhi yuṣmākaṁ ye śaknuvanti te mayā saha tatra gatvā tamapavadantu sa etāṁ kathāṁ kathitavān|
6 to remain then in/on/among it/s/he day (no *NO*) much (eight *NO*) or ten to come/go down toward Caesarea the/this/who the next day to seat upon/to/against the/this/who judgement seat to order the/this/who Paul to bring
daśadivasebhyo'dhikaṁ vilambya phīṣṭastasmāt kaisariyānagaraṁ gatvā parasmin divase vicārāsana upadiśya paulam ānetum ājñāpayat|
7 to come then it/s/he to stand around (it/s/he *NO*) the/this/who away from Jerusalem to come/go down Jew much and weighty charge (to vote against *N(k)O*) (according to the/this/who Paul *K*) which no be strong to display
paule samupasthite sati yirūśālamnagarād āgatā yihūdīyalokāstaṁ caturdiśi saṁveṣṭya tasya viruddhaṁ bahūn mahādoṣān utthāpitavantaḥ kintu teṣāṁ kimapi pramāṇaṁ dātuṁ na śaknuvantaḥ|
8 (the/this/who Paul *no*) to defend oneself (it/s/he *k*) that/since: that neither toward the/this/who law the/this/who Jew neither toward the/this/who temple neither toward Caesar one to sin
tataḥ paulaḥ svasmin uttaramidam uditavān, yihūdīyānāṁ vyavasthāyā mandirasya kaisarasya vā pratikūlaṁ kimapi karmma nāhaṁ kṛtavān|
9 the/this/who Festus then to will/desire the/this/who Jew grace to attain to answer the/this/who Paul to say to will/desire toward Jerusalem to ascend there about this/he/she/it (to judge *N(k)O*) upon/to/against I/we
kintu phīṣṭo yihūdīyān santuṣṭān karttum abhilaṣan paulam abhāṣata tvaṁ kiṁ yirūśālamaṁ gatvāsmin abhiyoge mama sākṣād vicārito bhaviṣyasi?
10 to say then the/this/who Paul upon/to/against the/this/who judgement seat Caesar to stand to be whither me be necessary to judge Jew none (to harm *NK(o)*) as/when and you good to come to know
tataḥ paula uttaraṁ proktavān, yatra mama vicāro bhavituṁ yogyaḥ kaisarasya tatra vicārāsana eva samupasthitosmi; ahaṁ yihūdīyānāṁ kāmapi hāniṁ nākārṣam iti bhavān yathārthato vijānāti|
11 if on the other hand (therefore/then *N(k)O*) to harm and worthy death to do/require one no to refuse/excuse the/this/who to die if then none to be which this/he/she/it to accuse me none me be able it/s/he to give grace Caesar to call (on)/name
kañcidaparādhaṁ kiñcana vadhārhaṁ karmma vā yadyaham akariṣyaṁ tarhi prāṇahananadaṇḍamapi bhoktum udyato'bhaviṣyaṁ, kintu te mama samapavādaṁ kurvvanti sa yadi kalpitamātro bhavati tarhi teṣāṁ kareṣu māṁ samarpayituṁ kasyāpyadhikāro nāsti, kaisarasya nikaṭe mama vicāro bhavatu|
12 then the/this/who Festus to talk with with/after the/this/who counsel/council to answer Caesar to call (on)/name upon/to/against Caesar to travel
tadā phīṣṭo mantribhiḥ sārddhaṁ saṁmantrya paulāya kathitavān, kaisarasya nikaṭe kiṁ tava vicāro bhaviṣyati? kaisarasya samīpaṁ gamiṣyasi|
13 day then to pass one Agrippa the/this/who king and Bernice to come to toward Caesarea (to pay respects to *N(k)O*) the/this/who Festus
kiyaddinebhyaḥ param āgripparājā barṇīkī ca phīṣṭaṁ sākṣāt karttuṁ kaisariyānagaram āgatavantau|
14 as/when then much day (to remain *NK(o)*) there the/this/who Festus the/this/who king to set before the/this/who according to the/this/who Paul to say man one to be to leave behind by/under: by Felix prisoner
tadā tau bahudināni tatra sthitau tataḥ phīṣṭastaṁ rājānaṁ paulasya kathāṁ vijñāpya kathayitum ārabhata paulanāmānam ekaṁ bandi phīlikṣo baddhaṁ saṁsthāpya gatavān|
15 about which to be me toward Jerusalem to show the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who elder: Elder the/this/who Jew to ask according to it/s/he (judgment *N(k)O*)
yirūśālami mama sthitikāle mahāyājako yihūdīyānāṁ prācīnalokāśca tam apodya tamprati daṇḍājñāṁ prārthayanta|
16 to/with which to answer that/since: that no to be custom Roman to give grace one a human (toward destruction *K*) before or the/this/who to accuse according to face to have/be the/this/who accuser place and/both defence to take about the/this/who accusation
tatoham ityuttaram avadaṁ yāvad apodito janaḥ svāpavādakān sākṣāt kṛtvā svasmin yo'parādha āropitastasya pratyuttaraṁ dātuṁ suyogaṁ na prāpnoti, tāvatkālaṁ kasyāpi mānuṣasya prāṇanāśājñāpanaṁ romilokānāṁ rīti rnahi|
17 to assemble therefore/then it/s/he in/to this place delay nothing to do/make: do the/this/who next/afterward to seat upon/to/against the/this/who judgement seat to order to bring the/this/who man
tatasteṣvatrāgateṣu parasmin divase'ham avilambaṁ vicārāsana upaviśya taṁ mānuṣam ānetum ājñāpayam|
18 about which to stand the/this/who accuser none cause/charge (to bear/lead *N(k)O*) which I/we to suppose (evil/bad *N(O)*)
tadanantaraṁ tasyāpavādakā upasthāya yādṛśam ahaṁ cintitavān tādṛśaṁ kañcana mahāpavādaṁ notthāpya
19 a question/dispute then one about the/this/who one's own/private religion to have/be to/with it/s/he and about one Jesus to die/be dead which to claim the/this/who Paul to live
sveṣāṁ mate tathā paulo yaṁ sajīvaṁ vadati tasmin yīśunāmani mṛtajane ca tasya viruddhaṁ kathitavantaḥ|
20 be perplexed then I/we (toward *k*) the/this/who about (this/he/she/it *N(k)O*) controversy to say if to plan to travel toward Jerusalem and there to judge about this/he/she/it
tatohaṁ tādṛgvicāre saṁśayānaḥ san kathitavān tvaṁ yirūśālamaṁ gatvā kiṁ tatra vicārito bhavitum icchasi?
21 the/this/who then Paul to call (on)/name to keep: guard it/s/he toward the/this/who the/this/who Augustan decision to order to keep: guard it/s/he until which (to send back *N(k)O*) it/s/he to/with Caesar
tadā paulo mahārājasya nikaṭe vicārito bhavituṁ prārthayata, tasmād yāvatkālaṁ taṁ kaisarasya samīpaṁ preṣayituṁ na śaknomi tāvatkālaṁ tamatra sthāpayitum ādiṣṭavān|
22 Agrippa then to/with the/this/who Festus (to assert *k*) to plan and it/s/he the/this/who a human to hear (the/this/who then *k*) tomorrow to assert to hear it/s/he
tata āgrippaḥ phīṣṭam uktavān, ahamapi tasya mānuṣasya kathāṁ śrotum abhilaṣāmi| tadā phīṣṭo vyāharat śvastadīyāṁ kathāṁ tvaṁ śroṣyasi|
23 the/this/who therefore/then the next day to come/go the/this/who Agrippa and the/this/who Bernice with/after much pageantry and to enter toward the/this/who hall with and/both (the/this/who *k*) military officer and man the/this/who according to prominent (to be *k*) the/this/who city and to order the/this/who Festus to bring the/this/who Paul
parasmin divase āgrippo barṇīkī ca mahāsamāgamaṁ kṛtvā pradhānavāhinīpatibhi rnagarasthapradhānalokaiśca saha militvā rājagṛhamāgatya samupasthitau tadā phīṣṭasyājñayā paula ānīto'bhavat|
24 and to assert the/this/who Festus Agrippa king and all the/this/who (be present with *NK(o)*) me man to see/experience this/he/she/it about which (all *N(k)O*) the/this/who multitude the/this/who Jew (to call on *NK(o)*) me in/on/among and/both Jerusalem and in/to this place (to cry out *N(k)O*) not be necessary it/s/he to live never again
tadā phīṣṭaḥ kathitavān he rājan āgrippa he upasthitāḥ sarvve lokā yirūśālamnagare yihūdīyalokasamūho yasmin mānuṣe mama samīpe nivedanaṁ kṛtvā proccaiḥ kathāmimāṁ kathitavān punaralpakālamapi tasya jīvanaṁ nocitaṁ tametaṁ mānuṣaṁ paśyata|
25 I/we then (to grasp *N(k)O*) nothing worthy it/s/he death to do/require (and *k*) it/s/he then this/he/she/it to call (on)/name the/this/who Augustan to judge to send (it/s/he *k*)
kintveṣa janaḥ prāṇanāśarhaṁ kimapi karmma na kṛtavān ityajānāṁ tathāpi sa mahārājasya sannidhau vicārito bhavituṁ prārthayata tasmāt tasya samīpaṁ taṁ preṣayituṁ matimakaravam|
26 about which secure one to write the/this/who lord: master no to have/be therefore to go/bring before it/s/he upon/to/against you and especially upon/to/against you king Agrippa that the/this/who investigation to be to have/be which? (to write *N(k)O*)
kintu śrīyuktasya samīpam etasmin kiṁ lekhanīyam ityasya kasyacin nirṇayasya na jātatvād etasya vicāre sati yathāhaṁ lekhituṁ kiñcana niścitaṁ prāpnomi tadarthaṁ yuṣmākaṁ samakṣaṁ viśeṣato he āgripparāja bhavataḥ samakṣam etam ānaye|
27 unreasonable for me to think to send prisoner not and the/this/who according to it/s/he cause/charge to signify
yato bandipreṣaṇasamaye tasyābhiyogasya kiñcidalekhanam aham ayuktaṁ jānāmi|

< Acts 25 >