< Acts 14 >

1 to be then in/on/among Iconium according to the/this/who it/s/he to enter it/s/he toward the/this/who synagogue the/this/who Jew and to speak thus(-ly) so to trust (in) Jew and/both and Greek, Gentile much multitude
tau dvau janau yugapad ikaniyanagarasthayihūdīyānāṁ bhajanabhavanaṁ gatvā yathā bahavō yihūdīyā anyadēśīyalōkāśca vyaśvasan tādr̥śīṁ kathāṁ kathitavantau|
2 the/this/who then (to disobey *N(k)O*) Jew to awaken/rouse and to harm the/this/who soul the/this/who Gentiles according to the/this/who brother
kintu viśvāsahīnā yihūdīyā anyadēśīyalōkān kupravr̥ttiṁ grāhayitvā bhrātr̥gaṇaṁ prati tēṣāṁ vairaṁ janitavantaḥ|
3 sufficient on the other hand therefore/then time to remain to preach boldly upon/to/against the/this/who lord: God the/this/who to testify (upon/to/against *n*) the/this/who word the/this/who grace it/s/he (and *k*) to give sign and wonders to be through/because of the/this/who hand it/s/he
ataḥ svānugrahakathāyāḥ pramāṇaṁ datvā tayō rhastai rbahulakṣaṇam adbhutakarmma ca prākāśayad yaḥ prabhustasya kathā akṣōbhēna pracāryya tau tatra bahudināni samavātiṣṭhētāṁ|
4 to split then the/this/who multitude the/this/who city and the/this/who on the other hand to be with the/this/who Jew the/this/who then with the/this/who apostle
kintu kiyantō lōkā yihūdīyānāṁ sapakṣāḥ kiyantō lōkāḥ prēritānāṁ sapakṣā jātāḥ, atō nāgarikajananivahamadhyē bhinnavākyatvam abhavat|
5 as/when then to be impulse the/this/who Gentiles and/both and Jew with the/this/who ruler it/s/he to mistreat and to stone it/s/he
anyadēśīyā yihūdīyāstēṣām adhipatayaśca daurātmyaṁ kutvā tau prastarairāhantum udyatāḥ|
6 be aware to flee toward the/this/who city the/this/who Lycaonia Lystra and Derbe and the/this/who region
tau tadvārttāṁ prāpya palāyitvā lukāyaniyādēśasyāntarvvarttilustrādarbbō
7 and there to speak good news to be
tatsamīpasthadēśañca gatvā tatra susaṁvādaṁ pracārayatāṁ|
8 and one man unable in/on/among Lystra the/this/who foot to sit lame out from belly/womb/stomach mother it/s/he (be already *k*) which never (to walk *N(k)O*)
tatrōbhayapādayōścalanaśaktihīnō janmārabhya khañjaḥ kadāpi gamanaṁ nākarōt ētādr̥śa ēkō mānuṣō lustrānagara upaviśya paulasya kathāṁ śrutavān|
9 this/he/she/it (to hear *N(k)O*) the/this/who Paul to speak which to gaze it/s/he and to perceive: see that/since: that to have/be faith the/this/who to save
ētasmin samayē paulastamprati dr̥ṣṭiṁ kr̥tvā tasya svāsthyē viśvāsaṁ viditvā prōccaiḥ kathitavān
10 to say great (the/this/who *ko*) voice/sound: voice to arise upon/to/against the/this/who foot you (upright *NK(o)*) and (to spring *N(k)O*) and to walk
padbhyāmuttiṣṭhan r̥ju rbhava|tataḥ sa ullamphaṁ kr̥tvā gamanāgamanē kutavān|
11 the/this/who (and/both *N(k)O*) crowd to perceive: see which to do/make: do (the/this/who *k*) Paul to lift up the/this/who voice/sound: voice it/s/he Lycaonian to say the/this/who God to liken a human to come/go down to/with me
tadā lōkāḥ paulasya tat kāryyaṁ vilōkya lukāyanīyabhāṣayā prōccaiḥ kathāmētāṁ kathitavantaḥ, dēvā manuṣyarūpaṁ dhr̥tvāsmākaṁ samīpam avārōhan|
12 to call: call and/both the/this/who (on the other hand *k*) Barnabas Zeus the/this/who then Paul Hermes since it/s/he to be the/this/who to govern the/this/who word
tē barṇabbāṁ yūpitaram avadan paulaśca mukhyō vaktā tasmāt taṁ markuriyam avadan|
13 the/this/who (and/both *N(k)O*) priest the/this/who Zeus the/this/who to be before the/this/who city (it/s/he *k*) bull and wreath upon/to/against the/this/who gate to bear/lead with the/this/who crowd to will/desire to sacrifice
tasya nagarasya sammukhē sthāpitasya yūpitaravigrahasya yājakō vr̥ṣān puṣpamālāśca dvārasamīpam ānīya lōkaiḥ sarddhaṁ tāvuddiśya samutsr̥jya dātum udyataḥ|
14 to hear then the/this/who apostle Barnabas and Paul to tear the/this/who clothing (it/s/he *NK(o)*) (to rush out *N(k)O*) toward the/this/who crowd to cry
tadvārttāṁ śrutvā barṇabbāpaulau svīyavastrāṇi chitvā lōkānāṁ madhyaṁ vēgēna praviśya prōccaiḥ kathitavantau,
15 and to say man which? this/he/she/it to do/make: do and me like to be you a human to speak good news you away from this/he/she/it the/this/who futile to turn upon/to/against (the/this/who *k*) God (the/this/who *k*) to live which to do/make: do the/this/who heaven and the/this/who earth: planet and the/this/who sea and all the/this/who in/on/among it/s/he
hē mahēcchāḥ kuta ētādr̥śaṁ karmma kurutha? āvāmapi yuṣmādr̥śau sukhaduḥkhabhōginau manuṣyau, yuyam ētāḥ sarvvā vr̥thākalpanāḥ parityajya yathā gagaṇavasundharājalanidhīnāṁ tanmadhyasthānāṁ sarvvēṣāñca sraṣṭāramamaram īśvaraṁ prati parāvarttadhvē tadartham āvāṁ yuṣmākaṁ sannidhau susaṁvādaṁ pracārayāvaḥ|
16 which in/on/among the/this/who to pass by generation to allow all the/this/who Gentiles to travel the/this/who road it/s/he
sa īśvaraḥ pūrvvakālē sarvvadēśīyalōkān svasvamārgē calitumanumatiṁ dattavān,
17 (and certainly *N(k)O*) no without witness (it/s/he *N(k)O*) to release: leave (to do good *N(k)O*) from heaven (you *N(K)O*) rain to give and time/right time fruitbearing to fill up food and joy the/this/who heart (you *N(K)O*)
tathāpi ākāśāt tōyavarṣaṇēna nānāprakāraśasyōtpatyā ca yuṣmākaṁ hitaiṣī san bhakṣyairānanadēna ca yuṣmākam antaḥkaraṇāni tarpayan tāni dānāni nijasākṣisvarūpāṇi sthapitavān|
18 and this/he/she/it to say hardly to keep from the/this/who crowd the/this/who not to sacrifice it/s/he
kintu tādr̥śāyāṁ kathāyāṁ kathitāyāmapi tayōḥ samīpa utsarjanāt lōkanivahaṁ prāyēṇa nivarttayituṁ nāśaknutām|
19 to arrive/invade then away from Antioch and Iconium Jew and to persuade the/this/who crowd and to stone the/this/who Paul to drag out/outside(r) the/this/who city (to think *N(k)O*) it/s/he (to die/be dead *N(k)O*)
āntiyakhiyā-ikaniyanagarābhyāṁ katipayayihūdīyalōkā āgatya lōkān prāvarttayanta tasmāt tai paulaṁ prastarairāghnan tēna sa mr̥ta iti vijñāya nagarasya bahistam ākr̥ṣya nītavantaḥ|
20 to surround then the/this/who disciple it/s/he to arise to enter toward the/this/who city and the/this/who the next day to go out with the/this/who Barnabas toward Derbe
kintu śiṣyagaṇē tasya caturdiśi tiṣṭhati sati sa svayam utthāya punarapi nagaramadhyaṁ prāviśat tatparē'hani barṇabbāsahitō darbbīnagaraṁ gatavān|
21 to speak good news and/both the/this/who city that and to disciple sufficient to return toward the/this/who Lystra and (toward *no*) Iconium and (toward *no*) Antioch
tatra susaṁvādaṁ pracāryya bahulōkān śiṣyān kr̥tvā tau lustrām ikaniyam āntiyakhiyāñca parāvr̥tya gatau|
22 to strengthen the/this/who soul the/this/who disciple to plead/comfort to abide in/by the/this/who faith and that/since: that through/because of much pressure be necessary me to enter toward the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
bahuduḥkhāni bhuktvāpīśvararājyaṁ pravēṣṭavyam iti kāraṇād dharmmamārgē sthātuṁ vinayaṁ kr̥tvā śiṣyagaṇasya manaḥsthairyyam akurutāṁ|
23 to appoint then it/s/he according to assembly elder: Elder to pray with/after fasting to set before it/s/he the/this/who lord: God toward which to trust (in)
maṇḍalīnāṁ prācīnavargān niyujya prārthanōpavāsau kr̥tvā yatprabhau tē vyaśvasan tasya hastē tān samarpya
24 and to pass through the/this/who Pisidia to come/go toward (the/this/who *no*) Pamphylia
pisidiyāmadhyēna pāmphuliyādēśaṁ gatavantau|
25 and to speak in/on/among Perga the/this/who word to come/go down toward Attalia
paścāt pargānagaraṁ gatvā susaṁvādaṁ pracāryya attāliyānagaraṁ prasthitavantau|
26 and from there to set sail toward Antioch whence to be to deliver the/this/who grace the/this/who God toward the/this/who work which to fulfill
tasmāt samudrapathēna gatvā tābhyāṁ yat karmma sampannaṁ tatkarmma sādhayituṁ yannagarē dayālōrīśvarasya hastē samarpitau jātau tad āntiyakhiyānagaraṁ gatavantā|
27 to come then and to assemble the/this/who assembly (to report *N(k)O*) just as/how much to do/make: do the/this/who God with/after it/s/he and that/since: that to open the/this/who Gentiles door faith
tatrōpasthāya tannagarasthamaṇḍalīṁ saṁgr̥hya svābhyāma īśvarō yadyat karmmakarōt tathā yēna prakārēṇa bhinnadēśīyalōkān prati viśvāsarūpadvāram amōcayad ētān sarvvavr̥ttāntān tān jñāpitavantau|
28 to remain then (there *k*) time no little/few with the/this/who disciple
tatastau śiryyaiḥ sārddhaṁ tatra bahudināni nyavasatām|

< Acts 14 >