< 2 Peter 2 >

1 to be then and false prophet in/on/among the/this/who a people as/when and in/on/among you to be false teacher who/which to introduce sect destruction and the/this/who to buy it/s/he master to deny to bring upon themself quick destruction
2 and much to follow it/s/he the/this/who (debauchery *NK(O)*) through/because of which the/this/who road the/this/who truth to blaspheme
3 and in/on/among greediness made-up word you to traffic in which the/this/who judgment of old no be idle and the/this/who destruction it/s/he no (to doze *NK(o)*)
4 if for the/this/who God angel to sin no to spare but (chain *NK(O)*) darkness hell: Tartarus to deliver toward judgment (to keep: guard *N(k)O*) (Tartaroō g5020)
天主既然沒有寬免犯罪的天使,把他們投入了地獄,囚在幽暗的深坑,拘留到審判之時; (Tartaroō g5020)
5 and ancient world no to spare but eighth Noah righteousness preacher to keep/guard: protect flood world ungodly to bring upon
6 and city Sodom and Gomorrah to turn to ashes ruin to condemn example to ensue (ungodly *N(k)O*) to place
7 and just Lot to oppress by/under: by the/this/who the/this/who lawless in/on/among debauchery behaviour to rescue
8 a look for and hearing the/this/who just to live among in/on/among it/s/he day out from day soul just lawless work to torture: torture
9 to know lord: God pious out from temptation/testing: testing to rescue unjust then toward day judgment to punish to keep: guard
10 especially then the/this/who after flesh in/on/among desire defilement to travel and lordship to despise bold man self-willed glory no to tremble to blaspheme
尤其是存留那些隨從肉慾,而生活在污穢情慾中的人,以及那些輕視「 主權者」的人。他們都是些膽大驕傲的人,竟不怕褻瀆「眾尊榮者,」
11 where(-ever) angel strength and power great to be no to bear/lead according to it/s/he from/with/beside (lord: God *N(K)O*) blasphemous judgment
12 this/he/she/it then as/when unreasonable living thing (to beget *N(K)O*) natural toward capture and corruption in/on/among which be ignorant to blaspheme in/on/among the/this/who corruption it/s/he (and *no*) (to destroy *N(k)O*)
13 (to harm *N(K)O*) wage unrighteousness pleasure to govern the/this/who in/on/among day self-indulgence stain and blemish to revel in/on/among the/this/who (deceit *NK(o)*) it/s/he to feast with you
14 eye to have/be full adulterous and unceasing sin to entice soul unstable heart to train (greediness *N(K)O*) to have/be curse child
15 (to leave behind *N(k)O*) (the/this/who *k*) Straight road to lead astray to follow the/this/who road the/this/who Balaam the/this/who Beor which wage unrighteousness to love
16 rebuke then to have/be one's own/private lawlessness donkey mute in/on/among a human voice/sound: voice to speak to prevent the/this/who the/this/who prophet insanity
17 this/he/she/it to be flow waterless (and *no*) (fog *N(k)O*) by/under: by storm to drive which the/this/who darkness the/this/who darkness (toward an age: eternity *K*) to keep: guard (questioned)
他們像無水的泉源,又像為狂風所飄颺的雲霧:為他們所存留的,是黑暗的幽冥。 (questioned)
18 boastful for futility to speak to entice in/on/among desire flesh debauchery the/this/who (scarcely *N(K)O*) (to escape *N(k)O*) the/this/who in/on/among error to live/return
因為他們好講虛 偽的大話,用肉慾的放蕩為餌,勾引那些剛纔擺脫錯謬生活的人;
19 freedom it/s/he to profess it/s/he slave be already the/this/who corruption which for one be lesser this/he/she/it (and *ko*) to enslave
20 if for to escape the/this/who defilement the/this/who world in/on/among knowledge the/this/who lord: God (me *N*) and savior Jesus Christ this/he/she/it then again to entangle/involve be lesser to be it/s/he the/this/who last/least worse than the/this/who first
21 greater for to be it/s/he not to come to know the/this/who road the/this/who righteousness or to come to know (to return *N(k)O*) out from the/this/who to deliver it/s/he holy commandment
因為不認識正義之道,比認識後 而又背棄那傳授給他們的聖誡命,為他們倒好得多。
22 to happen (then *k*) it/s/he the/this/who the/this/who true proverb dog to turn upon/to/against the/this/who one's own/private vomit and sow to wash toward (wallowing *N(k)O*) mire

< 2 Peter 2 >