< 2 Kings 11 >

1 and Athaliah mother Ahaziah (to see: see *Q(K)*) for to die son: child her and to arise: rise and to perish [obj] all seed: children [the] kingdom
अब अहज्याहकी आमा अतल्याहले आफ्नो छोरो मरेका देखेपछि तिनी उठिन् र सबै राजकीय बालबालिकालाई मारिन् ।
2 and to take: take Jehosheba daughter [the] king Joram sister Ahaziah [obj] Joash son: child Ahaziah and to steal [obj] him from midst son: child [the] king ([the] to die *Q(K)*) [obj] him and [obj] to suckle his in/on/with chamber [the] bed and to hide [obj] him from face: before Athaliah and not to die
तर राजा यहोरामकी छोरी, अहज्याहकी बहिनी यहोशेबाले मारिन लागेका राजाका छोराहरूका माझबाट अहज्याहका छोरो योआशलाई तिनको धाईसँगै सुटुक्‍क लगेर लुकाइन् । तिनले तिनीहरूलाई सुत्‍ने कोठामा राखिन् । योआश नमारिऊन् भनेर तिनीहरूले अतल्याहबाट उसलाई लुकाए ।
3 and to be with her house: temple LORD to hide six year and Athaliah to reign upon [the] land: country/planet
अतल्याहले देशमा राज्‍य गर्दा परमप्रभुको मन्‍दिरमा छ वर्षसम्म उसलाई आफ्‍नो धाईसँगै लुकाइयो ।
4 and in/on/with year [the] seventh to send: depart Jehoiada and to take: bring [obj] ruler ([the] hundred *Q(k)*) to/for Carite and to/for to run: guard and to come (in): come [obj] them to(wards) him house: temple LORD and to cut: make(covenant) to/for them covenant and to swear with them in/on/with house: temple LORD and to see: see [obj] them [obj] son: child [the] king
सातौँ वर्षमा यहोयादाले सन्देश पठाए, र सयौं करीहरू तथा पहरादारहरूका कमान्‍डरहरूलाई परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा आफूकहाँ लाए । तिनले तिनीहरूसित करार बाँधे र परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा तिनीहरूलाई शपथ खान लगाए । तब तिनले तिनीहरूलाई राजाका छोरा देखाए ।
5 and to command them to/for to say this [the] word: thing which to make: do [emph?] [the] third from you to come (in): come [the] Sabbath and to keep: guard charge house: home [the] king
तिनले तिनीहरूलाई यसो भनेर आज्ञा दिए, “तिमीहरूले यसो गर्नुपर्छ । तिमीहरूमध्ये एक-तिहाइ जो शबाथमा आउँछौ, तिमीहरूले राजदरबारको रेखदेख गर्नेछौ,
6 and [the] third in/on/with gate Sur and [the] third in/on/with gate after [the] to run: guard and to keep: guard [obj] charge [the] house: home defense
र एक-तिहाइचाहिं सुर ढोकामा बस्‍नेछौ अनि बाँकी एक-तिहाइ रक्षक कोठाको पछाडि बस्‍नेछौ ।”
7 and two [the] hand: times in/on/with you all to come out: come [the] Sabbath and to keep: guard [obj] charge house: temple LORD to(wards) [the] king
शबाथमा सेवा नगर्ने अन्य दुईवटा दलले, राजाको लागि परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा रेखदेख गर्नुपर्छ ।
8 and to surround upon [the] king around man: anyone and article/utensil his in/on/with hand his and [the] to come (in): come to(wards) [the] rank to die and to be with [the] king in/on/with to come out: come he and in/on/with to come (in): come he
हरेक मानिसले आफ्नो हातमा तरवार लिएर राजाको वरिपरि तैनाथ हुनुपर्छ । तिमीहरूको नजिक आउने जोसुकै भए पनि त्‍यसलाई मारियोस् । राजा बाहिर जाँदा र भित्र आउँदा तिमीहरू तिनीसँगै हिड्‍नुपर्छ ।
9 and to make: do ruler ([the] hundred *Q(k)*) like/as all which to command Jehoiada [the] priest and to take: bring man: anyone [obj] human his to come (in): come [the] Sabbath with to come out: come [the] Sabbath and to come (in): come to(wards) Jehoiada [the] priest
त्यसैले यहोयादा पुजारीले आज्ञा गरेअनुसार सयौं दलका कमान्‍डरहरूले सबै कुरा गरे । हरेकले आफ्नो दलका मानिसहरू अर्थात् शबाथमा सेवा गर्न खटाइएकाहरू र शबाथमा सेवा गर्नबाट फुर्सद भएकाहरूलाई लिएर तिनीहरू यहोयादा पुजारीकहाँ आए ।
10 and to give: give [the] priest to/for ruler ([the] hundred *Q(k)*) [obj] [the] spear and [obj] [the] shield which to/for king David which in/on/with house: temple LORD
तब यहोयादा पुजारीले परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा राखिएका राजा दाऊदका भालाहरू र ढालहरू कमान्‍डरहरूलाई दिए ।
11 and to stand: stand [the] to run: guard man: anyone and article/utensil his in/on/with hand his from shoulder [the] house: home [the] right: south till shoulder [the] house: home [the] left: north to/for altar and to/for house: home upon [the] king around
मन्दिरको दाहिने किनाराबाट देब्रे किनारासम्म अनि वेदी र मन्दिरको नजिक अङ्गरक्षहरू आ-आफ्ना हातमा हतियार लिएर खडा भएर राजालाई घेरा हाले ।
12 and to come out: send [obj] son: child [the] king and to give: put upon him [obj] [the] consecration: crown and [obj] [the] testimony and to reign [obj] him and to anoint him and to smite palm and to say to live [the] king
तब यहोयादाले राजाका छोरा योआशलाई बाहिर ल्याए, तिनलाई श्रीपेच लगाइदिए, र तिनलाई करारको उर्दी थमाइदिए । तब तिनीहरूले तिनलाई राजा बनाए र तिनलाई अभिषेक गरे । तिनीहरूले आफ्‍ना ताली बजाए र भने, “राजा दीर्घायु रहून्!”
13 and to hear: hear Athaliah [obj] voice: sound [the] to run: guard [the] people and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] people house: temple LORD
जब अतल्याहले अङ्गरक्षकहरू र मानिसहरूको हल्‍ला सुनिन्, तब तिनी परमप्रभुको मन्‍दिरमा मानिसहरूकहाँ आइन् ।
14 and to see: see and behold [the] king to stand: stand upon [the] pillar like/as justice: custom and [the] ruler and [the] trumpet to(wards) [the] king and all people [the] land: country/planet glad and to blow in/on/with trumpet and to tear Athaliah [obj] garment her and to call: call out conspiracy conspiracy
तिनले हेरिन् र चलनअनुसार राजा खम्बानेर खडा थिए, अनि कप्‍तानहरू र तुरही फुक्‍नेहरू राजाको छेउमा थिए । देशका सबै मानिसहरूले आनन्द मनाउँदै र तुरही फुक्दै थिए । तब अतल्याहले आफ्‍ना लुगा च्यातिन् र चिच्‍च्याइन्, धोका! धोका ।”
15 and to command Jehoiada [the] priest [obj] ruler ([the] hundred *Q(k)*) to reckon: overseer [the] strength: soldiers and to say to(wards) them to come out: send [obj] her to(wards) from house: home to/for rank and [the] to come (in): come after her to die in/on/with sword for to say [the] priest not to die house: temple LORD
तब यहोयाद पुजारीले सयौ कमान्‍डरहरूलाई यसो भनेर आज्ञा दिए, “तिनलाई बाहिर ल्याई दल-दलको बिचमा राख । तिनको पछि लाग्‍ने जोसुकैलाई तरवारले मार ।” किनकि पुजारीले भनेका थिए, “तिनलाई परमप्रभुको मन्दिरभित्र नमार ।”
16 and to set: put to/for her hand and to come (in): come way: road entrance [the] horse house: home [the] king and to die there
त्यसैले जब तिनी राजदरबारमा घोडाहरू पस्‍ने ठाउँमा पुगिन्, तब तिनीहरूले तिनलाई समाते र त्यहीँ तिनलाई मारियो ।
17 and to cut: make(covenant) Jehoiada [obj] [the] covenant between LORD and between [the] king and between [the] people to/for to be to/for people to/for LORD and between [the] king and between [the] people
तब यहोयादाले तिनीहरू परमप्रभुका जाति हुनुपर्छ भनेर परमप्रभु र राजा अनि जनताको बिचमा, अनि राजा र जनताको बिचमा एउटा करार बाँधे ।
18 and to come (in): come all people [the] land: country/planet house: home [the] Baal and to tear him [obj] (altar his *Q(K)*) and [obj] image his to break be good and [obj] Mattan priest [the] Baal to kill to/for face: before [the] altar and to set: put [the] priest punishment upon house: temple LORD
त्‍यसैले देशका सबै मानिसहरू बालको मन्दिरमा गए र त्यसलाई भत्काइदिए । तिनीहरूले बालका वेदीहरू र त्यसका मूर्तीहरूलाई टुक्राटुक्रा पारे, र तिनीहरूले ती वेदीकै सामुन्‍ने बालको पुजारी मत्तानलाई मारे । तब यहोयादा पुजारीले परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा पहरादारहरू नियुक्त गरे ।
19 and to take: take [obj] ruler [the] hundred and [obj] [the] Carite and [obj] [the] to run: guard and [obj] all people [the] land: country/planet and to go down [obj] [the] king from house: temple LORD and to come (in): come way: road gate [the] to run: guard house: home [the] king and to dwell upon throne [the] king
यहोयादाले आफूसित सयौं करीहरू तथा पहरादारहरूका कमान्‍डरहरू र देशका सबै मानिसहरूलाई साथमा लिए र तिनीहरूले मिलेर राजालाई परमप्रभुको मन्दिरबाट ल्याए र तिनीहरू पहरादारको ढोकाको बाटो हुँदै राजदरबारमा गए । योआशले राजकीय सिंहासनमा आफ्नो आसन ग्रहण गरे ।
20 and to rejoice all people [the] land: country/planet and [the] city to quiet and [obj] Athaliah to die in/on/with sword house: home ([the] king *Q(K)*)
त्‍यसैले देशका सबै मानिसहरू आनन्दित भए, र राजाको दरवारमा अतल्याहलाई तरवारले मारिएपछि सहरमा शान्ति भयो ।
21 son: aged seven year Jehoash in/on/with to reign he
योआशले राज्‍य गर्न सुरु गर्दा तिनी सात वर्षका थिए ।

< 2 Kings 11 >