< 1 Timothy 2 >

1 to plead/comfort therefore/then first all to do/make: do petition prayer intercession thankfulness above/for all a human 2 above/for king and all the/this/who in/on/among authority to be in order that/to quiet and quiet life to live in/on/among all piety and dignity 3 this/he/she/it (for *k*) good and pleasing before the/this/who savior me God 4 which all a human to will/desire to save and toward knowledge truth to come/go 5 one for God one and mediator God and a human a human Christ Jesus 6 the/this/who to give themself ransom above/for all the/this/who testimony time/right time one's own/private 7 toward which to place I/we preacher and apostle truth to say (in/on/among Christ *K*) no to lie teacher Gentiles in/on/among faith and truth 8 to plan therefore/then to pray the/this/who man in/on/among all place to lift up sacred hand without wrath and (reasoning *NK(O)*) 9 likewise and (the/this/who *k*) woman in/on/among attire/behaviour respectable with/after modesty and mental soundness to arrange themself not in/on/among braided (and gold *N(k)O*) or pearl or clothing valuable 10 but which be proper woman to profess reverence for God through/because of work good 11 woman in/on/among quietness to learn in/on/among all submission 12 to teach then woman no to permit nor to domineer man but to exist in/on/among quietness 13 Adam for first to mold then Eve 14 and Adam no to trick the/this/who then woman (to deceive *N(k)O*) in/on/among transgression to be 15 to save then through/because of the/this/who childbearing if to stay in/on/among faith and love and holiness with/after mental soundness

< 1 Timothy 2 >