< 1 Thessalonians 2 >

1 it/s/he for to know brother the/this/who entry me the/this/who to/with you that/since: that no empty to be
Lona ka sebele lo a itse, bakaulengwe ba ba rategang, gore loeto loo lo ne lwa nna lwa botlhokwa jang.
2 but (and *k*) to suffer before and to mistreat as/just as to know in/on/among Philippi to preach boldly in/on/among the/this/who God me to speak to/with you the/this/who gospel the/this/who God in/on/among much fight
Lo itse gore re ne ra sotlwa jang kwa Filipi pele ga re tla kwa go lona, le gore re bogile go le kae teng. Le fa go ntse jalo Modimo o ne wa re naya kgothatso go boelela molaetsa o mo go lona ka bopelokgale, le fa re ne re dikaganyeditswe ke baba.
3 the/this/who for encouragement me no out from error nor out from impurity (nor *N(k)O*) in/on/among deceit
Jalo lo ka bona gore re ne re sa rere ka maikutlo ape a tsietso kgotsa maikaelelo ape a a bosula mo megopolong ya rona; re ne re tlhamaletse gape re le boammaaruri.
4 but as/just as to test by/under: by the/this/who God to trust (in) the/this/who gospel thus(-ly) to speak no as/when a human to please but (the/this/who *k*) God the/this/who to test the/this/who heart me
Gonne re bua re le barongwa ba ba tswang kwa Modimong, re ikantswe ke One go bolela boammaaruri; ga re fetole molaetsa wa One ka gope go kgatlha batho ba ba o utlwang; gonne re direla Modimo ka osi, o o tlhatlhobang dikakanyo tse di boteng tsa dipelo tsa rona.
5 neither for once/when in/on/among word flattery to be as/just as to know neither in/on/among pretense greediness God witness
Le fa e le gangwe fela ga re ise re ke re leke go lo gapa ka mafoko a a borethe, jaaka lo itse sentle, le Modimo o itse gore re ne re sa itire ditsala tsa lona gore lo tle lo re neye madi!
6 neither to seek out from a human glory neither away from you neither away from another be able in/on/among burden to exist as/when Christ apostle
Fa e le kaga kgalaletso, ga re ise re ke re e kope mo go lona kgotsa mo go ope, legale ka re le baaposetoloi ba ga Keresete, re ne re na le tshwanelo ya gore lo re neye tlotlo.
7 but to be (child *N(K)O*) in/on/among midst you as/when (if *N(k)O*) nursing mother to care for the/this/who themself child
Mme re ne re siame mo go lona jaaka mmabana a otla bana ba gagwe ebile a ba tlhokomela.
8 thus(-ly) (yearn for *N(k)O*) you to delight to share you no alone the/this/who gospel the/this/who God but and the/this/who themself soul: life because beloved me (to be *N(k)O*)
Re ne ra lo rata thata thata, mo e leng gore ga re a ka ra lo naya molaetsa wa Modimo fela, mme re lo neile le one matshelo a rona tota.
9 to remember for brother the/this/who labor me and the/this/who toil night (for *k*) and day to work to/with the/this/who not to burden one you to preach toward you the/this/who gospel the/this/who God
A ga lo gakologelwe, bakaulengwe ba ba rategang, ka fa re dirileng ka teng ka bonatla mo go lona? Bosigo le motshegare re ne re fufulela go bona se se lekaneng gore tshedisa gore ditshenyegelo tsa rona di se ka tsa nna mokgweleo mo go ope wa lona, jaaka re rerile Mafoko a a Molemo a Modimo mo go lona.
10 you witness and the/this/who God as/when devoutly and rightly and blamelessly you the/this/who to trust (in) to be
Lona ka sebele lo basupi ba rona, jaaka Modimo le one e le mosupi, gore re ntse re siame re ikanyega ebile re se na molato mo go mongwe le mongwe wa lona.
11 just as to know as/when one each you as/when father child themself to plead/comfort you and to encourage and (to testify *N(k)O*)
Re buile le lona jaaka rabana a buisanya le bana ba gagwe, a ga lo gakologelwe? Re lo kopa, re lo kgothatsa ebile re batla
12 toward the/this/who (to walk *N(k)O*) you appropriately the/this/who God the/this/who to call: call you toward the/this/who themself kingdom and glory
gore matshelo a lona a malatsi otlhe a seka a tlhabisa Modimo ditlhong, mme a lere boitumelo mo go One o o lo laleditseng mo bogosing jwa One go nna le seabe mo kgalalelong ya One.
13 (and *no*) through/because of this/he/she/it and me to thank the/this/who God unceasingly that/since: that to take word hearing from/with/beside me the/this/who God to receive no word a human but as/just as to be truly word God which and be active in/on/among you the/this/who to trust (in)
Mme ga re kitla re khutlisa go leboga Modimo kaga se: gore erile fa re lo rerela, ga lo ise lo ke lo tseye gore mafoko a re neng re a bua e ne e kane e le a rona fela, mme lo ne lwa amogela se re neng re se bua e le Lefoko la Modimo tota, le tota e neng e le lone, mme le ne la fetola matshelo a lona fa lo le dumela.
14 you for imitator to be brother the/this/who assembly the/this/who God the/this/who to be in/on/among the/this/who Judea in/on/among Christ Jesus that/since: since (the/this/who *N(K)O*) (it/s/he *N(k)O*) to suffer and you by/under: by the/this/who one's own/private fellow countryman as/just as and it/s/he by/under: by the/this/who Jew
Mme jaanong, bakaulengwe ba ba rategang, lo bogile se diphuthego mo Judea di se bogileng, lo bogisiwa ke ba ga lona, fela jaaka ba ne ba bogisiwa ke ba ga bone ebong Bajuta.
15 the/this/who and the/this/who lord: God to kill Jesus and the/this/who (one's own/private *K*) prophet and (me *NK(O)*) to persecute and God not to please and all a human hostile
Erile ba sena go bolaya baporofiti ba bone, ba ne ba bolaya le ene Morena Jesu; mme jaanong ba re bogisitse setlhogo thata ba bo ba re leleka. Ba kgatlhanong le Modimo le botlhe
16 to prevent me the/this/who Gentiles to speak in order that/to to save toward the/this/who to fulfil it/s/he the/this/who sin always to precede/arrive then upon/to/against it/s/he the/this/who wrath (the/this/who God *O*) toward goal/tax
ba leka go re kganela gore re seka ra rerela Badichaba. Ba tlhabana ka ntlha ya go boifa gore e ka re kgotsa bangwe ba bolokwa; mme jalo dibe tsa bone di tswelela ka go gola. Mme lwa bofelo bogale jwa Modimo bo tsile mo go bone.
17 me then brother to orphan away from you to/with time/right time hour face no heart more excessively be eager the/this/who face you to perceive: see in/on/among much desire
Bakaulengwe ba ba rategang, fa re sena go kgaogana le lona lobakanyana ntswa dipelo tsa rona di ise di ke di lo tlogele, re ne ra leka thata go boela kwa go lona go lo bona gape.
18 (because *N(k)O*) to will/desire to come/go to/with you I/we on the other hand Paul and once and twice and to impede me the/this/who Satan
Re ne re rata go tla, mme nna Paulo, ke lekile gangwe le gape, mme Satane a re kganela.
19 which? for me hope or joy or crown pride or not! and you before the/this/who lord: God me Jesus (Christ *K*) in/on/among the/this/who it/s/he coming
Gonne re tshelela eng, se se re nayang tsholofelo le boitumelo ebile e le tuelo le serwalo se re ikgantshang ka sone? Ke lona! Ee, lo tlaa re leretse boitumelo jo bogolo fa re ema mmogo fa pele ga Morena Jesu Keresete fa a tla gape.
20 you for to be the/this/who glory me and the/this/who joy
Gonne lo kgalalelo ya rona le boitumelo.

< 1 Thessalonians 2 >