< 1 Samuel 13 >

1 son: aged (thirty *X*) year Saul in/on/with to reign he (and forty *X*) and two year to reign upon Israel
Sauls bija četrdesmit gadus vecs, kad palika par ķēniņu un valdīja divdesmit divus gadus pār Israēli.
2 and to choose to/for him Saul three thousand from Israel and to be with Saul thousand in/on/with Michmash and in/on/with mountain: hill country Bethel Bethel and thousand to be with Jonathan in/on/with Gibeah Benjamin and remainder [the] people to send: depart man: anyone to/for tent his
Un Sauls sev izlasīja trīs tūkstošus (vīru) no Israēla un divi tūkstoši bija pie Saula Mikmasā un uz Bēteles kalniem, un tūkstoš (vīru) pie Jonatāna Benjamina Ģibejā; un tos citus ļaudis viņš atlaida, ikvienu uz savām mājām.
3 and to smite Jonathan [obj] garrison Philistine which in/on/with Geba and to hear: hear Philistine and Saul to blow in/on/with trumpet in/on/with all [the] land: country/planet to/for to say to hear: hear [the] Hebrew
Bet Jonatāns sita Fīlistus lēģerī Ģebā, un Fīlisti to dzirdēja. Tādēļ Sauls pūta ar bazūnēm pa visu zemi sacīdams: lai Ebreji to dzird.
4 and all Israel to hear: hear to/for to say to smite Saul [obj] garrison Philistine and also to stink Israel in/on/with Philistine and to cry [the] people after Saul [the] Gilgal
Tad viss Israēls dzirdēja sakām: Sauls Fīlistus lēģerī ir sitis, un Israēls ir tapis smirdots pie Fīlistiem. Tad tie ļaudis tapa sasaukti uz Gilgalu Saulam pakaļ.
5 and Philistine to gather to/for to fight with Israel thirty thousand chariot and six thousand horseman and people: soldiers like/as sand which upon lip: shore [the] sea to/for abundance and to ascend: rise and to camp in/on/with Michmash east Beth-aven Beth-aven
Un Fīlisti sapulcējās pret Israēli karot, trīsdesmit tūkstoš rati un seštūkstoš jātnieki un tik daudz ļaužu kā smiltis jūrmalā. Un tie cēlās un apmeta lēģeri pie Mikmasas, no Bet-Avenas pret rītiem.
6 and man: anyone Israel to see: see for distress to/for him for to oppress [the] people and to hide [the] people in/on/with cave and in/on/with thistle and in/on/with crag and in/on/with stronghold and in/on/with pit
Kad nu Israēla vīri redzēja savas bēdas (jo tie ļaudis bija spaidos), tad tie ļaudis paslēpās alās un ērkšķu krūmos un klintīs un pilīs un bedrēs.
7 and Hebrew to pass [obj] [the] Jordan land: country/planet Gad and Gilead and Saul still he in/on/with Gilgal and all [the] people to tremble after him
Un Ebreji cēlās pār Jardāni pāri uz Gada zemi un Gileādu. Bet Sauls bija vēl Gilgalā un visi ļaudis drebēja viņam pakaļ.
8 (and to wait: wait *Q(K)*) seven day to/for meeting: time appointed which Samuel and not to come (in): come Samuel [the] Gilgal and to scatter [the] people from upon him
Tad viņš gaidīja septiņas dienas, līdz tam laikam, ko Samuēls bija nolicis. Bet kad Samuēls uz Gilgalu nenāca, tad tie ļaudis no viņa izklīda.
9 and to say Saul to approach: bring to(wards) me [the] burnt offering and [the] peace offering and to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering
Tad Sauls sacīja: nesiet man šurp to dedzināmo upuri un tos pateicības upurus. Un viņš upurēja to dedzināmo upuri.
10 and to be like/as to end: finish he to/for to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering and behold Samuel to come (in): come and to come out: come Saul to/for to encounter: meet him to/for to bless him
Kad nu viņš bija beidzis upurēt to dedzināmo upuri, redzi, tad Samuēls atnāca, un Sauls izgāja tam pretī, viņu sveicināt.
11 and to say Samuel what? to make: do and to say Saul for to see: see for to disperse [the] people from upon me and you(m. s.) not to come (in): come to/for meeting: time appointed [the] day and Philistine to gather Michmash
Tad Samuēls sacīja: ko tu esi darījis? Un Sauls sacīja: kad es redzēju, ka tie ļaudis no manis izklīda un tu noliktā laikā nenāci, un tie Fīlisti bija sapulcējušies Mikmasā,
12 and to say now to go down Philistine to(wards) me [the] Gilgal and face of LORD not to beg and to refrain and to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering
Tad es sacīju: nu Fīlisti pie manis nāks uz Gilgalu, un es Tā Kunga vaigu neesmu pielūdzis, tā es iedrošinājos un upurēju to dedzināmo upuri.
13 and to say Samuel to(wards) Saul be foolish not to keep: obey [obj] commandment LORD God your which to command you for now to establish: establish LORD [obj] kingdom your to(wards) Israel till forever: enduring
Tad Samuēls sacīja uz Saulu: tu esi aplam darījis; tu neesi turējis Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, bausli, ko Viņš tev ir pavēlējis; jo nu Tas Kungs tavu valstību pār Israēli būtu apstiprinājis mūžīgi,
14 and now kingdom your not to arise: establish to seek LORD to/for him man like/as heart his and to command him LORD to/for leader upon people his for not to keep: obey [obj] which to command you LORD
Bet nu tava valstība nepastāvēs: Tas Kungs Sev vīru ir izmeklējis pēc Savas sirds, un Tas Kungs to ir nolicis Saviem ļaudīm par valdnieku, tāpēc ka tu neesi turējis, ko Tas Kungs tev bija pavēlējis.
15 and to arise: rise Samuel and to ascend: rise from [the] Gilgal (and to go: went to/for way: journey his and remainder [the] people to ascend: rise after Saul to/for to encounter: meet people [the] battle and to come (in): come from [the] Gilgal *X*) Gibeah Benjamin and to reckon: list Saul [obj] [the] people [the] to find with him like/as six hundred man
Tad Samuēls cēlās un gāja no Gilgalas uz Benjamina Ģibeju, un Sauls skaitīja tos ļaudis, kas pie viņa atradās, pie sešsimt vīru.
16 and Saul and Jonathan son: child his and [the] people [the] to find with them to dwell in/on/with Geba Benjamin and Philistine to camp in/on/with Michmash
Un Sauls un Jonatāns, viņa dēls, un tie ļaudis, kas pie viņiem atradās, palika Benjamina Ģibejā. Bet Fīlisti bija apmetušies Mikmasā.
17 and to come out: come [the] to ruin from camp Philistine three head: group [the] head: group one to turn to(wards) way: direction Ophrah to(wards) land: country/planet Shual
Un no Fīlistu lēģera izgāja trīs pulki sirotāju, viens pulks griezās uz to ceļu pret Ovru, uz Saula zemi,
18 and [the] head: group one to turn way: direction Beth-horon Beth-horon and [the] head: group one to turn way: direction [the] border: boundary [the] to look upon (Zeboim) Valley [the] (Valley of) Zeboim [the] wilderness [to]
Un viens pulks griezās uz to ceļu pret Bet-Oronu, un viens pulks griezās uz to robežas ceļu, kas uz Ceboīm ieleju pret tuksnesi stiepjas.
19 and artificer not to find in/on/with all land: country/planet Israel for (to say *Q(K)*) Philistine lest to make [the] Hebrew sword or spear
Un neviena kalēja nebija pa visu Israēla zemi. Jo Fīlisti sacīja: lai Ebreji ne zobenu, ne šķēpu netaisa.
20 and to go down all Israel [the] Philistine to/for to sharpen man: anyone [obj] plowshare his and [obj] plowshare his and [obj] axe his and [obj] plowshare his
Tādēļ visam Israēlim bija jānoiet pie Fīlistiem, savu lemesi vai lāpstu vai cirvi vai izkapti asināt.
21 and to be [the] bluntness lip: one third to/for plowshare and to/for plowshare and to/for three fork and to/for [the] axe and to/for to stand [the] goad
Un asmeņi pie izkaptīm un lāpstām un dakšām un cirvjiem bija atcirsti, un tie dzenuļi atkal bija jāmetina.
22 and to be in/on/with day battle and not to find sword and spear in/on/with hand all [the] people which with Saul and with Jonathan and to find to/for Saul and to/for Jonathan son: child his
Un notikās kaujas dienā, ka ne pie viena no tiem ļaudīm, kas bija pie Saula un pie Jonatāna, neatrada rokā ne zobena, ne šķēpa, tikvien pie Saula un pie Jonatāna, viņa dēla, tie atradās.
23 and to come out: come station Philistine to(wards) ford Michmash
Un viens pulks Fīlistu devās uz to ceļa šaurumu kalnos pie Mikmasas.

< 1 Samuel 13 >