< 1 Samuel 12 >

1 and to say Samuel to(wards) all Israel behold to hear: obey in/on/with voice your to/for all which to say to/for me and to reign upon you king
Dixit autem Samuel ad universum Israël: Ecce audivi vocem vestram juxta omnia quæ locuti estis ad me, et constitui super vos regem.
2 and now behold [the] king to go: walk to/for face: before your and I be old and be gray and son: child my behold they with you and I to go: walk to/for face: before your from youth my till [the] day [the] this
Et nunc rex graditur ante vos: ego autem senui, et incanui: porro filii mei vobiscum sunt: itaque conversatus coram vobis ab adolescentia mea usque ad hanc diem, ecce præsto sum.
3 look! I to answer in/on/with me before LORD and before anointed his [obj] cattle who? to take: take and donkey who? to take: take and [obj] who? to oppress [obj] who? to crush and from hand who? to take: take ransom and to conceal eye my in/on/with him and to return: rescue to/for you
Loquimini de me coram Domino, et coram christo ejus, utrum bovem cujusquam tulerim, aut asinum: si quempiam calumniatus sum, si oppressi aliquem, si de manu cujusquam munus accepi: et contemnam illud hodie, restituamque vobis.
4 and to say not to oppress us and not to crush us and not to take: take from hand man: anyone anything
Et dixerunt: Non es calumniatus nos, neque oppressisti, neque tulisti de manu alicujus quippiam.
5 and to say to(wards) them witness LORD in/on/with you and witness anointed his [the] day: today [the] this for not to find in/on/with hand my anything and to say witness
Dixitque ad eos: Testis est Dominus adversum vos, et testis christus ejus in die hac, quia non inveneritis in manu mea quippiam. Et dixerunt: Testis.
6 and to say Samuel to(wards) [the] people LORD which to make [obj] Moses and [obj] Aaron and which to ascend: establish [obj] father your from land: country/planet Egypt
Et ait Samuel ad populum: Dominus, qui fecit Moysen et Aaron, et eduxit patres nostros de terra Ægypti.
7 and now to stand and to judge with you to/for face: before LORD [obj] all righteousness LORD which to make: do with you and with father your
Nunc ergo state, ut judicio contendam adversum vos coram Domino de omnibus misericordiis Domini quas fecit vobiscum et cum patribus vestris:
8 like/as as which to come (in): come Jacob Egypt and to cry out father your to(wards) LORD and to send: depart LORD [obj] Moses and [obj] Aaron and to come out: send [obj] father your from Egypt and to dwell them in/on/with place [the] this
quomodo Jacob ingressus est in Ægyptum, et clamaverunt patres vestri ad Dominum: et misit Dominus Moysen et Aaron, et eduxit patres vestros de Ægypto, et collocavit eos in loco hoc.
9 and to forget [obj] LORD God their and to sell [obj] them in/on/with hand: power Sisera ruler army Hazor and in/on/with hand: power Philistine and in/on/with hand: power king Moab and to fight in/on/with them
Qui obliti sunt Domini Dei sui, et tradidit eos in manu Sisaræ magistri militiæ Hasor, et in manu Philisthinorum, et in manu regis Moab: et pugnaverunt adversum eos.
10 and to cry out to(wards) LORD (and to say *Q(K)*) to sin for to leave: forsake [obj] LORD and to serve [obj] [the] Baal and [obj] [the] Ashtaroth and now to rescue us from hand: power enemy our and to serve you
Postea autem clamaverunt ad Dominum, et dixerunt: Peccavimus, quia dereliquimus Dominum, et servivimus Baalim et Astaroth: nunc ergo erue nos de manu inimicorum nostrorum, et serviemus tibi.
11 and to send: depart LORD [obj] Jerubbaal and [obj] Barak and [obj] Jephthah and [obj] Samuel and to rescue [obj] you from hand: power enemy your from around: side and to dwell security
Et misit Dominus Jerobaal, et Badan, et Jephte, et Samuel, et eruit vos de manu inimicorum vestrorum per circuitum, et habitastis confidenter.
12 and to see: see for Nahash king son: descendant/people Ammon to come (in): come upon you and to say to/for me not for king to reign upon us and LORD God your king your
Videntes autem quod Naas rex filiorum Ammon venisset adversum vos, dixistis mihi: Nequaquam, sed rex imperabit nobis: cum Dominus Deus vester regnaret in vobis.
13 and now behold [the] king which to choose which to ask and behold to give: put LORD upon you king
Nunc ergo præsto est rex vester, quem elegistis et petistis: ecce dedit vobis Dominus regem.
14 if to fear: revere [obj] LORD and to serve [obj] him and to hear: obey in/on/with voice his and not to rebel [obj] lip: word LORD and to be also you(m. p.) and also [the] king which to reign upon you after LORD God your
Si timueritis Dominum, et servieritis ei, et audieritis vocem ejus, et non exasperaveritis os Domini, eritis et vos, et rex qui imperat vobis, sequentes Dominum Deum vestrum:
15 and if not to hear: obey in/on/with voice LORD and to rebel [obj] lip: word LORD and to be hand: power LORD in/on/with you and in/on/with father your
si autem non audieritis vocem Domini, sed exasperaveritis sermones ejus, erit manus Domini super vos, et super patres vestros.
16 also now to stand and to see: see [obj] [the] word: thing [the] great: large [the] this which LORD to make: do to/for eye: before(the eyes) your
Sed et nunc state, et videte rem istam grandem quam facturus est Dominus in conspectu vestro.
17 not harvest wheat [the] day to call: call to to(wards) LORD and to give: give voice: thunder and rain and to know and to see: see for distress: evil your many which to make: do in/on/with eye: seeing LORD to/for to ask to/for you king
Numquid non messis tritici est hodie? invocabo Dominum, et dabit voces et pluvias: et scietis, et videbitis, quia grande malum feceritis vobis in conspectu Domini, petentes super vos regem.
18 and to call: call to Samuel to(wards) LORD and to give: give LORD voice: thunder and rain in/on/with day [the] he/she/it and to fear: revere all [the] people much [obj] LORD and [obj] Samuel
Et clamavit Samuel ad Dominum, et dedit Dominus voces et pluvias in illa die.
19 and to say all [the] people to(wards) Samuel to pray about/through/for servant/slave your to(wards) LORD God your and not to die for to add upon all sin our distress: evil to/for to ask to/for us king
Et timuit omnis populus nimis Dominum et Samuelem, et dixit universus populus ad Samuelem: Ora pro servis tuis ad Dominum Deum tuum, ut non moriamur: addidimus enim universis peccatis nostris malum, ut peteremus nobis regem.
20 and to say Samuel to(wards) [the] people not to fear you(m. p.) to make: do [obj] all [the] distress: evil [the] this surely not to turn aside: turn aside from after LORD and to serve [obj] LORD in/on/with all heart your
Dixit autem Samuel ad populum: Nolite timere: vos fecistis universum malum hoc, verumtamen nolite recedere a tergo Domini, sed servite Domino in omni corde vestro.
21 and not to turn aside: turn aside for after [the] formlessness which not to gain and not to rescue for formlessness they(masc.)
Et nolite declinare post vana, quæ non proderunt vobis, neque eruent vos, quia vana sunt.
22 for not to leave LORD [obj] people his in/on/with for the sake of name his [the] great: large for be willing LORD to/for to make [obj] you to/for him to/for people
Et non derelinquet Dominus populum suum propter nomen suum magnum: quia juravit Dominus facere vos sibi populum.
23 also I forbid to/for me from to sin to/for LORD from to cease to/for to pray about/through/for you and to show [obj] you in/on/with way: conduct [the] pleasant and [the] upright
Absit autem a me hoc peccatum in Dominum, ut cessem orare pro vobis, et docebo vos viam bonam et rectam.
24 surely to fear: revere [obj] LORD and to serve [obj] him in/on/with truth: faithful in/on/with all heart your for to see: examine [obj] which to magnify with you
Igitur timete Dominum, et servite ei in veritate, et ex toto corde vestro: vidistis enim magnifica quæ in vobis gesserit.
25 and if be evil be evil also you(m. p.) also king your to snatch
Quod si perseveraveritis in malitia, et vos et rex vester pariter peribitis.

< 1 Samuel 12 >