< 1 Peter 2 >

1 to put aside therefore/then all evil and all deceit and (hypocrisy *NK(O)*) and envy and all slander 2 as/when newborn infant the/this/who spiritual pure milk to long for in order that/to in/on/among it/s/he to grow (toward salvation *NO*) 3 (if *N(k)O*) to taste that/since: that good/kind the/this/who lord: God 4 to/with which to come near/agree stone to live by/under: by a human on the other hand to reject from/with/beside then God select valued/honored 5 and it/s/he as/when stone to live to build house: home spiritual (toward *no*) priesthood holy to carry up spiritual sacrifice acceptable (the/this/who *NK*) God through/because of Jesus Christ 6 (because *N(k)O*) to contain in/on/among (the/this/who *k*) a writing look! to place in/on/among Zion stone cornerstone select valued/honored and the/this/who to trust (in) upon/to/against it/s/he no not to dishonor 7 you therefore/then the/this/who honor the/this/who to trust (in) (to disbelieve *N(K)O*) then (stone *N(k)O*) which to reject the/this/who to build this/he/she/it to be toward head corner 8 and stone stumbling block and rock stumbling block which to strike the/this/who word to disobey toward which and to place 9 you then family: descendant select kingly priesthood Gentiles holy a people toward acquiring that the/this/who virtue to proclaim the/this/who out from darkness you to call: call toward the/this/who marvellous it/s/he light 10 which once/when no a people now then a people God the/this/who no to have mercy now then to have mercy 11 beloved to plead/comfort as/when foreigner and stranger to have in full the/this/who fleshly desire who/which to battle according to the/this/who soul 12 the/this/who behaviour you in/on/among the/this/who Gentiles to have/be good in order that/to in/on/among which to slander you as/when wrongdoing out from the/this/who good work (to observe *N(k)O*) to glorify the/this/who God in/on/among day oversight 13 to subject (therefore/then *K*) all human creation through/because of the/this/who lord: God whether king as/when be higher 14 whether ruler as/when through/because of it/s/he to send toward vengeance (on the other hand *k*) wrongdoing praise then doing good 15 that/since: since thus(-ly) to be the/this/who will/desire the/this/who God to do good to muzzle the/this/who the/this/who foolish a human ignorance 16 as/when free/freedom and not as/when covering to have/be the/this/who evil the/this/who freedom but as/when God slave 17 all to honor the/this/who brotherhood (to love *NK(o)*) the/this/who God to fear the/this/who king to honor 18 the/this/who slave to subject in/on/among all fear the/this/who master no alone the/this/who good and gentle but and the/this/who crooked 19 this/he/she/it for grace if through/because of conscience God to endure one grief to suffer unjustly 20 what? for credit if to sin and to beat to remain/endure but if to do good and to suffer to remain/endure this/he/she/it grace from/with/beside God 21 toward this/he/she/it for to call: call that/since: since and Christ to suffer above/for (you *N(K)O*) you to leave behind example in order that/to to follow after the/this/who track it/s/he 22 which sin no to do/make: do nor to find/meet deceit in/on/among the/this/who mouth it/s/he 23 which to revile no to retaliate to suffer no to threaten to deliver then the/this/who to judge rightly 24 which the/this/who sin me it/s/he to carry up in/on/among the/this/who body it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who wood in order that/to the/this/who sin to cease to be the/this/who righteousness to live which the/this/who wound (it/s/he *k*) to heal 25 to be for as/when sheep (to lead astray *N(k)O*) but to turn now upon/to/against the/this/who shepherd and overseer the/this/who soul you

< 1 Peter 2 >