< 1 Kings 2 >

1 and to present: come day David to/for to die and to command [obj] Solomon son: child his to/for to say
दाऊदको मर्ने दिन नजिकिँदै गर्दा तिनले आफ्ना छोरा सोलोमनलाई यसो भने,
2 I to go: went in/on/with way: journey all [the] land: country/planet and to strengthen: strengthen and to be to/for man
“संसारको रीतझैँ म पनि मर्दै छु । त्यसकारण, बलिया होऊ, र आफैलाई मर्द साबित गर ।
3 and to keep: obey [obj] charge LORD God your to/for to go: walk in/on/with way: conduct his to/for to keep: obey statute his commandment his and justice: judgement his and testimony his like/as to write in/on/with instruction Moses because be prudent [obj] all which to make: do and [obj] all which to turn there
मोशाको व्यवस्थामा लेखिएका परमप्रभु तिम्रा परमेश्वरका मार्गहरूमा हिँड्न, उहाँका विधिहरू, आज्ञाहरू, निर्णयहरू र उहाँका करारका आदेशहरू पालन गर्न होसियार होऊ ताकि तिमी जता गए पनि तिमीले गर्ने सबै काममा तिम्रो उन्नति होस्,
4 because to arise: establish LORD [obj] word his which to speak: speak upon me to/for to say if to keep: look at son: descendant/people your [obj] way: conduct their to/for to go: walk to/for face: before my in/on/with truth: faithful in/on/with all heart their and in/on/with all soul their to/for to say not to cut: lack to/for you man from upon throne Israel
ताकि परमप्रभुले मेरो बारेमा यसो भन्नुभएको वचन उहाँले पुरा गर्नुभएको होस्, 'तेरा छोराहरूले तिनीहरूका सारा ह्रदय र सारा प्राणले विश्वसनीयतासाथ मेरो सामु हिँड्न होसियारीपूर्वक आफ्ना आचरणको रेखदेख गरे भने इस्राएलको सिंहासनमा बस्ने उत्तराधिकारीको कहिल्यै अभाव हुने छैन ।'
5 and also you(m. s.) to know [obj] which to make: do to/for me Joab son: child Zeruiah which to make: do to/for two ruler army Israel to/for Abner son: child Ner and to/for Amasa son: child Jether and to kill them and to set: put blood battle in/on/with peace and to give: put blood battle in/on/with belt his which in/on/with loin his and in/on/with sandal his which in/on/with foot his
सरूयाहका छोरा योआबले मलाई के गरे, र इस्राएलका दुई सेनापति अर्थात् नेरका छोरा अबनेर र येतेरका छोरा अमासलाई के गरे, सो तिमीलाई थाहै छ । तिनले दुवैलाई मारिदिए । तिनले शान्तिको समयमा युद्धको रगत बगाए, र युद्धको रगत आफ्नो कम्मरको पटुका र खुट्टाको जुत्तामा दले ।
6 and to make: do like/as wisdom your and not to go down greyheaded his in/on/with peace hell: Sheol (Sheol h7585)
तिमीले सिकेको बुद्धिले योआबसित व्यवहार गर्नू, तर तिनको फुलेको कपाल शान्तिसित चिहानमा जान नपाओस् । (Sheol h7585)
7 and to/for son: child Barzillai [the] Gileadite to make: do kindness and to be in/on/with to eat table your for so to present: come to(wards) me in/on/with to flee I from face: before Absalom brother: male-sibling your
तथापि, गिलादका बर्जिल्लैका छोराहरूमाथि दया देखाउनू, र तिम्रो टेबलमा खानेहरूमध्ये तिनीहरू पनि होऊन् किनकि म तिम्रो दाजु अब्शालोमबाट भाग्दा तिनीहरू मकहाँ आएका थिए ।
8 and behold with you Shimei son: child Gera Benjaminite [the] Benjaminite from Bahurim and he/she/it to lighten me curse be sick in/on/with day to go: went I Mahanaim and he/she/it to go down to/for to encounter: meet me [the] Jordan and to swear to/for him in/on/with LORD to/for to say if: surely no to die you in/on/with sword
हेर, बहूरीमको बेन्यामीनी गेराको छोरो शिमी तिमीसितै छ, जसले म महनोममा जाँदा त्यस दिन मलाई बेसरी सरापेको थियो । शिमी यर्दनमा मलाई भेट गर्न आयो, र त्यसले परमप्रभुको नाउँमा शपथ खाँदै भन्यो, 'म तिमीलाई तरवारले मार्ने छैनँ ।'
9 and now not to clear him for man wise you(m. s.) and to know [obj] which to make: do to/for him and to go down [obj] greyheaded his in/on/with blood hell: Sheol (Sheol h7585)
त्यसकारण, अब त्यसलाई दण्डविना नछोड्नू । तिमी बुद्धिमानी मानिस हौ, र त्यसलाई के गर्नुपर्छ भनी तिमीलाई थाहा छ । तिमीले त्यसको फुलेको कपाल रगतसँगै चिहानमा ल्याउनू ।” (Sheol h7585)
10 and to lie down: be dead David with father his and to bury in/on/with city David
त्यसपछि दाऊद आफ्ना पुर्खाहरूसित सुते, र तिनलाई दाऊदको सहरमा गाडियो ।
11 and [the] day which to reign David upon Israel forty year in/on/with Hebron to reign seven year and in/on/with Jerusalem to reign thirty and three year
दाऊदले इस्राएलमाथि चालिस वर्षसम्म शासन गरे । तिनले हेब्रोनमा सात वर्षसम्म र यरूशलेममा तेत्तिस वर्षसम्म राज्य गरे ।
12 and Solomon to dwell upon throne David father his and to establish: establish royalty his much
तब सोलोमन आफ्ना पिता दाऊदको सिंहासनमा बसे, र तिनको शासन दृढतापूर्वक स्थापित थियो ।
13 and to come (in): come Adonijah son: child Haggith to(wards) Bathsheba Bathsheba mother Solomon and to say peace to come (in): come you and to say peace
त्यसपछि हग्गीतका छोरा अदोनियाह सोलोमनकी आमा बतशेबाकहाँ आए । उनले भनिन्, “के तिमी शान्तिसितै आयौ?” तिनले जवाफ दिए, “हजुर, शान्तिसित आएँ ।”
14 and to say word: speaking to/for me to(wards) you and to say to speak: speak
तब तिनले भने, “मैले तपाईंलाई केही कुरो भन्नु छ ।” उनले भनिन्, “भन ।”
15 and to say you(f. s.) to know for to/for me to be [the] kingship and upon me to set: consider all Israel face their to/for to reign and to turn: turn [the] kingship and to be to/for brother: male-sibling my for from LORD to be to/for him
अदोनियाहले भने, “तपाईंलाई थाहै छ, कि राज्य मेरै थियो, र सारा इस्राएलले म नै राजा हुने छु भनी अपेक्षा गरेरहेका थिए । तर कुरो परिवर्तन भयो, र राज्य मेरो भाइलाई दिइयो किनकि परमप्रभुले यो तिनलाई दिनुभएको थियो ।
16 and now petition one I to ask from with you not to return: refuse [obj] face: before my and to say to(wards) him to speak: speak
अब म तपाईंलाई एउटा बिन्ती चढाउँछु र त्यसलाई इन्कार नगरिदिनुहोस् ।” बतशेबाले तिनलाई भनिन्, “भन ।”
17 and to say to say please to/for Solomon [the] king for not to return: refuse [obj] face: before your and to give: give to/for me [obj] Abishag [the] Shunammites to/for woman: wife
तिनले भने, “मैले शुनम्मी अबीशगलाई पत्नीको रूपमा लैजान पाऊँ भनी सोलोमन राजालाई बिन्ती गरिदिनुहोस् ।”
18 and to say Bathsheba Bathsheba pleasant I to speak: speak upon you to(wards) [the] king
बतशेबाले भनिन्, “ठिक छ । म राजासित कुरा गर्ने छु ।”
19 and to come (in): come Bathsheba Bathsheba to(wards) [the] king Solomon to/for to speak: speak to/for him upon Adonijah and to arise: rise [the] king to/for to encounter: meet her and to bow to/for her and to dwell upon throne his and to set: put throne to/for mother [the] king and to dwell to/for right his
त्यसकारण अदोनियाहको निम्ति कुरा गर्न बतशेबा राजा सोलोमनकहाँ गइन् । उनलाई भेट्न राजा खडा भए र तिनले उनलाई दण्डवत् गरे । त्यसपछि राजा आफ्नो सिंहासनमा बसे, र राजाकी आमाको निम्ति एउटा सिंहासन ल्याउने हुकुम गरे । उनी राजाको दाहिने हातपट्टि बसिन् ।
20 and to say petition one small I to ask from with you not to return: refuse [obj] face: before my and to say to/for her [the] king to ask mother my for not to return: refuse [obj] face: before your
त्यसपछि उनले भनिन्, “तिमीलाई एउटा सानो बिन्ती चढाउने इच्छा छ, किनकि तिमीले इन्कार गर्ने छैनौ ।” राजाले उनलाई भने, “भन्नुहोस् मेरी आमा । म त्यसलाई इन्कार गर्ने छैनँ ।”
21 and to say to give: give(marriage) [obj] Abishag [the] Shunammites to/for Adonijah brother: male-sibling your to/for woman: wife
उनले भनिन्, “तिम्रो दाजु अदोनियाहलाई शूनम्मी अबीशग पत्नीको रूपमा देऊ ।”
22 and to answer [the] king Solomon and to say to/for mother his and to/for what? you(f. s.) to ask [obj] Abishag [the] Shunammites to/for Adonijah and to ask to/for him [obj] [the] kingship for he/she/it brother: male-sibling my [the] great: old from me and to/for him and to/for Abiathar [the] priest and to/for Joab son: child Zeruiah
राजा सोलोमनले आफ्नी आमालाई भने, “तपाईं किन शूनम्मी अबीशगलाई अदोनियाहको लागि माग्नुहुन्छ? तपाईं तिनको लागि किन राज्य नै माग्नुहुन्न? किनकि तिनी मेरा दाजु हुन् । किन पुजारी अबियाथार र सरूयाहका छोरा योआबको निम्ति पनि माग्नुहुन्न?”
23 and to swear [the] king Solomon in/on/with LORD to/for to say thus to make: do to/for me God and thus to add for in/on/with soul: life his to speak: speak Adonijah [obj] [the] word [the] this
तब राजा सोलोमनले परमप्रभुको नाउँमा यसो भनी शपथ खाए, “यो बिन्तिको निम्ति अदोनियाहले आफ्नो ज्यान गुमाएनन् भने परमेश्वरले मलाई त्योभन्दा कठोर व्यवहार गरून् ।
24 and now alive LORD which to establish: establish me (and to dwell me *Q(k)*) upon throne David father my and which to make to/for me house: home like/as as which to speak: promise for [the] day to die Adonijah
त्यसकारण मलाई स्थापित गर्नुहुने, मलाई मेरा पिता दाऊदको सिंहासनमा राख्नुहुने र आफ्नो प्रतिज्ञाअनुसार मेरो वंश खडा गर्नुहुने जीवित परमप्रभुको नाउँमा म भन्दछु, कि आज निश्चय नै अदोनियाह मारिने छन् ।”
25 and to send: depart [the] king Solomon in/on/with hand: by Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and to fall on in/on/with him and to die
त्यसैले राजा सोलोमनले यहोयादाका छोरा बनायाहलाई पठाए, र बनायाहले अदोनियाहलाई फेला पारी मारे ।
26 and to/for Abiathar [the] priest to say [the] king Anathoth to go: went upon land: country your for man death you(m. s.) and in/on/with day: today [the] this not to die you for to lift: bear [obj] ark Lord YHWH/God to/for face: before David father my and for to afflict in/on/with all which to afflict father my
तब राजाले पुजारी अबियाथारलाई भने, “तिम्रो आफ्नै जग्गा अनातोतमा जाऊ । तिमी मृत्युको लायक छौ, तर मेरा पिता दाऊदको सामु तिमीले परमप्रभुको सन्दुक बोकेकाले र मेरा पिताजस्तै हरेक मार्गमा तिमीले दुःख भोगेकाले तिमीलाई म यस बेला मार्दिनँ ।”
27 and to drive out: drive out Solomon [obj] Abiathar from to be priest to/for LORD to/for to fill [obj] word LORD which to speak: speak upon house: household Eli in/on/with Shiloh
त्यसैले सोलोमनले अबियाथारलाई पुजारीको पदबाट हटाइदिए । यसरी शीलोमा बस्ने एलीका घरानाको बारेमा परमप्रभुले भन्नुभएको वचन पुरा भयो ।
28 and [the] tidings to come (in): come till Joab for Joab to stretch after Adonijah and after Absalom not to stretch and to flee Joab to(wards) tent LORD and to strengthen: hold in/on/with horn [the] altar
यो खबर योआबकहाँ आयो किनकि योआबले अदोनियाहलाई समर्थन गरेका थिए, यद्यपि तिनले अब्शालोमलाई भने समर्थन गरेका थिएनन् । त्यसैले योआब परमप्रभुको पालभित्र भागे, र वेदीका सिङहरू पक्रेर बसे ।
29 and to tell to/for king Solomon for to flee Joab to(wards) tent LORD and behold beside [the] altar and to send: depart Solomon [obj] Benaiah son: child Jehoiada to/for to say to go: went to fall on in/on/with him
योआब भागेर गई वेदीको छेउमा बसेका छन् भनी सोलोमनलाई बताइयो । तब सोलोमनले यहोयादाका छोरा बनायाहलाई यसो भनी पठाए, “जाऊ र तिनलाई मार ।”
30 and to come (in): come Benaiah to(wards) tent LORD and to say to(wards) him thus to say [the] king to come out: come and to say not for here to die and to return: return Benaiah [obj] [the] king word to/for to say thus to speak: speak Joab and thus to answer me
त्यसैले बनायाह परमप्रभुको पालभित्र प्रवेश गरी योआबलाई भने, “राजाले तिमीलाई बाहिर आउनू हुकुम गर्नुभएको छ ।” योआबले जवाफ दिए, “अँहँ, म यहीँ नै मर्ने छु ।” त्यसैले बनायाह राजाकहाँ फर्के र भने, “योआब वेदीमा नै मर्न चाहन्छन् ।”
31 and to say to/for him [the] king to make: do like/as as which to speak: speak and to fall on in/on/with him and to bury him and to turn aside: remove blood for nothing which to pour: kill Joab from upon me and from upon house: household father my
राजाले तिनलाई भने, “तिनले भनेजस्तै गर । तिनलाई मारेर गाड । यसरी म र तिमीले मेरा पिताको घरानाबाट विनाकारण योआबले बगाएको रगतको दोष लैजाने छौ ।
32 and to return: return LORD [obj] blood his upon head his which to fall on in/on/with two human righteous and pleasant from him and to kill them in/on/with sword and father my David not to know [obj] Abner son: child Ner ruler army Israel and [obj] Amasa son: child Jether ruler army Judah
तिनले बगाएको रगतको दोष तिनकै शिरमाथि परोस् किनकि तिनले मेरा पिता दाऊदको जानकारीविनै आफूभन्दा धर्मी र उत्तम दुई जना मानिस अर्थात् इस्राएलका सेनापति नेरका छोरा अबनेर र यहूदाका सेनापति येतेरका छोरा अमासलाई आक्रमण गरी तिनीहरूलाई तरवारले मारे ।
33 and to return: return blood their in/on/with head Joab and in/on/with head seed: children his to/for forever: enduring and to/for David and to/for seed: children his and to/for house: household his and to/for throne his to be peace till forever: enduring from from with LORD
त्यसैले तिनीहरूको रगतको दोष सदाको निम्ति योआब र तिनका सन्तानहरूका शिरमाथि परोस् । तर दाऊद र तिनका सन्तानहरू अनि तिनको वंश र तिनको सिंहासनमा भने सदासर्वदा परमप्रभुबाट शान्ति आओस् ।”
34 and to ascend: rise Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and to fall on in/on/with him and to die him and to bury in/on/with house: home his in/on/with wilderness
तब यहोयादाका छोरा बनायाह माथि उक्ले अनि योआबलाई प्रहार गरी मारे । तिनलाई उजाड-स्थानमा तिनको आफ्नै जग्गामा गाडियो ।
35 and to give: put [the] king [obj] Benaiah son: child Jehoiada underneath: instead him upon [the] army and [obj] Zadok [the] priest to give: put [the] king underneath: instead Abiathar
राजाले तिनको ठाउँमा यहोयादाका छोरा बनायाहलाई सेनापतिमा र अबियाथारको ठाउँमा सादोकलाई पुजारीमा नियुक्त गरे ।
36 and to send: depart [the] king and to call: call to to/for Shimei and to say to/for him to build to/for you house: home in/on/with Jerusalem and to dwell there and not to come out: come from there where? and where?
त्यसपछि राजाले शिमीलाई डाक्न पठाए र तिनलाई भने, “आफ्नो निम्ति यरूशलेममा घर बनाएर त्यहीँ बस, अनि त्यहाँबाट कतै नजाऊ ।
37 and to be in/on/with day to come out: come you and to pass [obj] torrent: valley Kidron to know to know for to die to die blood your to be in/on/with head your
किनकि जुन दिन तिमी किद्रोन उपत्यका पार गरेर जान्छौ, निश्चय नै तिमी मारिने छौ भनी जान । तिम्रो रगतको दोष तिम्रै शिरमाथि पर्ने छ ।”
38 and to say Shimei to/for king pleasant [the] word: speaking like/as as which to speak: speak lord my [the] king so to make: do servant/slave your and to dwell Shimei in/on/with Jerusalem day many
त्यसैले शिमीले राजालाई भने, “तपाईंले भन्नुभएको कुरो राम्रो छ । मेरा मालिक राजाले भन्नुभएझैँ हजुरको दासले गर्ने छ ।” त्यसैले धेरै दिनसम्म शिमी यरूशलेममा नै बसे ।
39 and to be from end three year and to flee two servant/slave to/for Shimei to(wards) Achish son: child Maacah king Gath and to tell to/for Shimei to/for to say behold servant/slave your in/on/with Gath
तर तिन वर्षको अन्त्यमा शिमीका दुई जना दास गातका राजा माकाका छोरा आकीशकहाँ भागेर गए । त्यसैले तिनीहरूले शिमीलाई यसो भने, “हेर्नुहोस्, तपाईंका दासहरू गातमा छन् ।”
40 and to arise: rise Shimei and to saddle/tie [obj] donkey his and to go: went Gath [to] to(wards) Achish to/for to seek [obj] servant/slave his and to go: went Shimei and to come (in): bring [obj] servant/slave his from Gath
तब शिमी उठे अनि गधामा जीनकाठी कसेर आफ्ना दासहरूको खोजीमा आकीशकहाँ गए र गातबाट आफ्ना दासहरूलाई फर्काएर ल्याए ।
41 and to tell to/for Solomon for to go: went Shimei from Jerusalem Gath and to return: return
शिमी यरूशलेमबाट गातमा गएर फर्केका छन् भनी जब सोलोमनलाई सुनाइयो,
42 and to send: depart [the] king and to call: call to to/for Shimei and to say to(wards) him not to swear you in/on/with LORD and to testify in/on/with you to/for to say in/on/with day to come out: come you and to go: went where? and where? to know to know for to die to die and to say to(wards) me pleasant [the] word: speaking to hear: obey
तब राजाले शिमीलाई डाक्न पठाए र तिनलाई भने, “'जुन दिन तिमी यहाँबाट अन्त कतै जान्छौ, तिमी निश्चय नै मारिने छौ भनी जान' भनी के मैले परप्रभुको नाउँमा शपथ खाई तिमीलाई गवाही दिएको थिइनँ र? तब तिमीले मलाई भन्यौ, 'हजुरले भन्नुभएको कुरा राम्रो छ ।'
43 and why? not to keep: obey [obj] oath LORD and [obj] [the] commandment which to command upon you
तब तिमीले किन परमप्रभुसित खाएको सपथ र मेरो आज्ञा पालन गरेनौ?”
44 and to say [the] king to(wards) Shimei you(m. s.) to know [obj] all [the] distress: harm which to know heart your which to make: do to/for David father my and to return: return LORD [obj] distress: harm your in/on/with head your
राजाले शिमीलाई यसो पनि भने, “तिमीले मेरा पितालाई गरेका सबै दुष्टता तिमीलाई आफ्नो मनमा थाहा छ । त्यसकारण परमप्रभुले तिम्रो दुष्टता तिम्रै शिरमाथि फर्काइदिनुहुने छ ।
45 and [the] king Solomon to bless and throne David to be to establish: establish to/for face: before LORD till forever: enduring
तर राजा सोलोमनचाहिँ आशिषित हुने छन्, र दाऊदको सिंहासन परमप्रभुको सामु सदाको निम्ति स्थापित हुने छ ।”
46 and to command [the] king [obj] Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and to come out: come and to fall on in/on/with him and to die and [the] kingdom to establish: establish in/on/with hand: power Solomon
तब राजाले यहोयादाका छोरा बनायाहलाई आज्ञा दिएअनुसार तिनले शिमीलाई मारे । यसरी सोलोमनको हातमा शासन बलियो गरी स्थापित भयो ।

< 1 Kings 2 >