< 1 Kings 13 >

1 and behold man God to come (in): come from Judah in/on/with word LORD to(wards) Bethel Bethel and Jeroboam to stand: stand upon [the] altar to/for to offer: offer
परमप्रभुको वचनद्वारा परमेश्वका जन बेथेलमा आए । यारोबाम धूप बाल्नलाई वेदीनेर उभिरहेका थिए ।
2 and to call: call out upon [the] altar in/on/with word LORD and to say altar altar thus to say LORD behold son: child to beget to/for house: household David Josiah name his and to sacrifice upon you [obj] priest [the] high place [the] to offer: offer upon you and bone man to burn upon you
तिनले परमप्रभुको वचनद्वारा वेदीको विरुद्धमा चिच्च्याए, “हे वेदी, हे वेदी! परमप्रभु यसो भन्नुहुन्छ, 'हेर, दाऊदको घरानामा योशियाह नाउँ गरेको बालकको जन्म हुने छ, र त्यसले तेरो लागि बलिदान चढाउने डाँडाका ठाउँहरूमा पुजारीहरूलाई तँमाथि नै बलिदान चढाउने छ । तँमाथि तिनीहरूले मानिसका हड्डीहरू जलाउने छन्' ।”
3 and to give: give in/on/with day [the] he/she/it wonder to/for to say this [the] wonder which to speak: speak LORD behold [the] altar to tear and to pour: pour [the] ashes which upon him
तब उही दिन परमेश्वरका जनले यसो भन्दै एउटा चिन्ह दिए, “परमप्रभुले घोषणा गर्नुभएको चिन्ह यही होः हेर, वेदी दुई फक्लेटा हुने छ, र त्यसमाथि भएको खरानीचाहिँ खन्याइने छ' ।”
4 and to be like/as to hear: hear [the] king [obj] word man [the] God which to call: call out upon [the] altar in/on/with Bethel Bethel and to send: reach Jeroboam [obj] hand his from upon [the] altar to/for to say to capture him and to wither hand his which to send: reach upon him and not be able to/for to return: return her to(wards) him
बेथेलमा परमेश्वरका जनले वेदीको विरुद्धमा भनेका कुरा जब राजा यारोबामले सुने तिनले वेदीबाट आफ्नो हात पसारेर यसो भने, “त्यसलाई समात्!” तब तिने परमेश्वरको जनलाई समात्न जुन हात पसारेका थिए, त्यो सुक्यो र तिनले त्यो फेरि आफूतिर ल्याउन सकेनन् ।
5 and [the] altar to tear and to pour: pour [the] ashes from [the] altar like/as wonder which to give: give man [the] God in/on/with word LORD
(वेदी पनि दुई फक्लेटा भयो, र खरानी वेदीबाट पोखियो जस्तो परमप्रभुको वचनद्वारा परमेश्वरका जनले चिन्हद्वारा व्याख्या गरेका थिए ।)
6 and to answer [the] king and to say to(wards) man [the] God to beg please [obj] face of LORD God your and to pray about/through/for me and to return: rescue hand my to(wards) me and to beg man [the] God [obj] face LORD and to return: rescue hand [the] king to(wards) him and to be like/as in/on/with first: previous
त्यसैले परमेश्वरका जनले परमप्रभुलाई प्रार्थना गरे, र राजाको हात पहिलेकै जस्तो भयो ।
7 and to speak: speak [the] king to(wards) man [the] God to come (in): come [emph?] with me [the] house: home [to] and to support [emph?] and to give: give to/for you gift
राजाले परमेश्वरका जनलाई भने, “मेरो घरमा खानपान गर्नुहोस्, र म तपाईंलाई इनाम दिने छु ।”
8 and to say man [the] God to(wards) [the] king if to give: give to/for me [obj] half house: household your not to come (in): come with you and not to eat food: bread and not to drink water in/on/with place [the] this
परमेश्वरका जनले राजालाई भने, “तपाईंले मलाई आधा सम्पत्ति दिनुभए तापनि म तपाईंसित जान्नँ, न यस ठाउँमा तपाईंसित खाने छु न पिउने छु ।
9 for so to command [obj] me in/on/with word LORD to/for to say not to eat food: bread and not to drink water and not to return: return in/on/with way: road which to go: come
किनकि परमप्रभुले आफ्नो वचनद्वारा मलाई आज्ञा दिनुभएको छ, 'तैँले त्यहाँ रोटी नखानू, न त पानी पिउनू, न तँ आएको बाटो फर्केर जानू' ।”
10 and to go: went in/on/with way: road another and not to return: return in/on/with way: road which to come (in): come in/on/with her to(wards) Bethel Bethel
त्यसैले परमेश्वरका जन अर्कै बाटो भएर गए, र तिनी जुन बाटो भएर आएका थिए त्यही बाटो भएर आफ्नो घरमा फर्केनन् ।
11 and prophet one old to dwell in/on/with Bethel Bethel and to come (in): come son: child his and to recount to/for him [obj] all [the] deed which to make: do man [the] God [the] day in/on/with Bethel Bethel [obj] [the] word which to speak: speak to(wards) [the] king and to recount them to/for father their
बेथेलमा एक जना वृद्ध अगमवक्ता बस्थे । त्यस दिन बेथेलमा परमेश्वरका जनले गरेका सबै कुरा अगमवक्ताका एक जना छोराले तिनलाई बताए । परमेश्वरका जन राजासित बोलेका थिए भन्ने कुरा पनि तिनका छोराहरूले तिनलाई बताए ।
12 and to speak: speak to(wards) them father their where? this [the] way: direction to go: went and to see: see son: child his [obj] [the] way: direction which to go: went man [the] God which to come (in): come from Judah
तिनीहरूका पिताले तिनीहरूलाई सोधे, “तिनी कुनचाहिँ बाटो लागे?” परमेश्वरका जन यहूदाको बाटो भएर गएका थिए भनी तिनका छोराहरूले देखेका थिए ।
13 and to say to(wards) son: child his to saddle/tie to/for me [the] donkey and to saddle/tie to/for him [the] donkey and to ride upon him
त्यसैले तिनले आफ्ना छोराहरूलाई भने, “मेरो निम्ति गधामा काठी कस ।” त्यसैले तिनीहरूले गधामा काठी कसी त्यसमा चढेर गए ।
14 and to go: went after man [the] God and to find him to dwell underneath: under [the] oak and to say to(wards) him you(m. s.) man [the] God which to come (in): come from Judah and to say I
ती वृद्ध अगमवक्ता परमेश्वरका जनको पछिपछि गए र तिनलाई फलाँटको रुखमुनि बसिरहेको भेट्टाए, र तिनले भने, “के यहूदाबाट आउनुभएका परमेश्वरका जन तपाईं नै हुनुहुन्छ?” तिनले जवाफ दिए, “हो, म नै हुँ ।”
15 and to say to(wards) him to go: come with me [the] house: home [to] and to eat food: bread
तब ती वृद्ध अगमवक्ताले तिनलाई भने, “मसितै घरमा आउनुहोस् र खानपान गर्नुहोस् ।”
16 and to say not be able to/for to return: return with you and to/for to come (in): come with you and not to eat food: bread and not to drink with you water in/on/with place [the] this
परमेश्वरका जनले भने, “म तपाईंसँगै फर्केर जान सक्दिनँ, न त यस ठाउँमा तपाईंसँगै खानपान गर्न सक्छु न पिउन सक्छु ।
17 for word: speaking to(wards) me in/on/with word LORD not to eat food: bread and not to drink there water not to return: return to/for to go: went in/on/with way: road which to go: come in/on/with her
किनकि परमप्रभुको वचनद्वारा मलाई आज्ञा दिइएको छ, 'तैँले त्यहाँ रोटी नखानू, न पानी पिउनू, न तँ आएको बाटो फर्केर जानू' ।”
18 and to say to/for him also I prophet like you and messenger: angel to speak: speak to(wards) me in/on/with word LORD to/for to say to return: return him with you to(wards) house: home your and to eat food: bread and to drink water to deceive to/for him
त्यसैले ती वृद्ध अगमवक्ताले तिनलाई भने, “तपाईंजस्तै म पनि अगमवक्ता हुँ, र परमप्रभुको वचनद्वारा एउटा स्वर्गदूतले मलाई यसो भने, 'तिनलाई तिमीसँगै घरमा फर्काएर ल्याउनू ताकि तिनले रोटी खान सकून् र पानी पिउन सकून्' ।” तर तिनले परमेश्वरका जनलाई झुट बोल्दै थिए ।
19 and to return: return with him and to eat food: bread in/on/with house: home his and to drink water
त्यसैले परमेश्वरका जन ती वृद्ध अगमवक्तासँगै फर्केर गए, र तिनको घरमा रोटी खानुका साथै पानी पिए ।
20 and to be they(masc.) to dwell to(wards) [the] table and to be word LORD to(wards) [the] prophet which to return: return him
तिनीहरू टेबुलमा बस्दै गर्दा परमप्रभुको वचन तिनलाई फर्काएर ल्याउने अगमवक्ताकहाँ आयो, र
21 and to call: call out to(wards) man [the] God which to come (in): come from Judah to/for to say thus to say LORD because for to rebel lip: word LORD and not to keep: obey [obj] [the] commandment which to command you LORD God your
तिनले यहूदबाट आएका परमेश्वरका जनलाई यसो भनेर कराए, “परमप्रभु भन्नुहुन्छ, 'तँ परमप्रभुको वचनप्रति अनाज्ञाकारी भएकोले र परमप्रभुले तँलाई दिनुभएको वचन पालन नगरी
22 and to return: return and to eat food: bread and to drink water in/on/with place which to speak: speak to(wards) you not to eat food: bread and not to drink water not to come (in): come carcass your to(wards) grave father your
फर्केर आई यस ठाउँमा रोटी खाएकोले र पानी पिएकोले तेरो शरीरलाई तेरा पित्रहरूको चिहानमा गाडिने छैन किनकि तैँले परमप्रभुले मनाही गर्नुभएको ठाउँमा रोटी खाइस् र पानी पिइस्' ।”
23 and to be after to eat he food: bread and after to drink he and to saddle/tie to/for him [the] donkey to/for prophet which to return: return him
जब ती परमेश्वरका जनले रोटी खाइसके र पानी पिइसके तब अगमवक्ताले तिनीसँगै तिनको घरमा फर्केर आएका परमेश्वरका जनका लागि गधामा जीन काठी कसे ।
24 and to go: went and to find him lion in/on/with way: road and to die him and to be carcass his to throw in/on/with way: road and [the] donkey to stand: stand beside her and [the] lion to stand: stand beside [the] carcass
परमेश्वरका जन गइसकेपछि बाटोमा एउटा सिंहसित तिनको जम्काभेट भयो । सिंहले तिनलाई मारिदियो, र तिनको लाश बाटोमै पडिरह्‍यो । तब गधा र सिंह लाशको छेउमा उभिएका थिए ।
25 and behold human to pass and to see: see [obj] [the] carcass to throw in/on/with way: road and [obj] [the] lion to stand: stand beside [the] carcass and to come (in): come and to speak: speak in/on/with city which [the] prophet [the] old to dwell in/on/with her
मानिसहरू त्यो बाटो भएर जाँदा तिनीहरूले बाटोमा लाश छाडिएको र लाशनेर सिंह उभिरहेको देखे । तिनीहरू ती वृद्ध अगमवक्ता बस्ने सहरमा आएर यो कुरा बताइदिए ।
26 and to hear: hear [the] prophet which to return: return him from [the] way: journey and to say man [the] God he/she/it which to rebel [obj] lip: word LORD and to give: give him LORD to/for lion and to break him and to die him like/as word LORD which to speak: speak to/for him
जब तिनलाई फर्काएर ल्याउने अगमवक्ताले यो कुरा सुने तिनले भने, “तिनी परमप्रभुको वचन नमान्ने परमेश्वरका जन हुन् । त्यसकारण परमप्रभुले तिनलाई सिंहको मुखमा पर्न दिनुभयो जसले तिनलाई टुक्राटुक्रा पारी मारिदियो जस्तो परमप्रभुको वचनले तिनलाई चेताउनी दिएको थियो ।”
27 and to speak: speak to(wards) son: child his to/for to say to saddle/tie to/for me [obj] [the] donkey and to saddle/tie
त्यसैले ती वृद्ध अगमवक्ताले आफ्ना छोराहरूलाई यसो भने, “मेरो गधमा जीन काठी कस ।” तिनीहरूले त्यसै गरे ।
28 and to go: went and to find [obj] carcass his to throw in/on/with way: road and donkey and [the] lion to stand: stand beside [the] carcass not to eat [the] lion [obj] [the] carcass and not to break [obj] [the] donkey
तिनी बाटो लागे र तिनले बाटोमा लाश पडिरहेको अनि लाशको छेउमा गधा र सिंह उभिरहेका देखे । सिंहले लाशलाई खाएको थिएन न त गधालाई आक्रमण गरेको थियो ।
29 and to lift: raise [the] prophet [obj] carcass man [the] God and to rest him to(wards) [the] donkey and to return: return him and to come (in): come to(wards) city [the] prophet [the] old to/for to mourn and to/for to bury him
अगमवक्ताले परमेश्वरका जनको लाश उठाई गधामा राखे र फर्काएर ल्याए । तिनको निम्ति शोक गर्न र लाशलाई गाड्न तिनी आफ्नै सहरमा आए ।
30 and to rest [obj] carcass his in/on/with grave his and to mourn upon him woe! brother: compatriot my
तिनले लाशलाई आफ्नै चिहानमा राखे, र तिनीहरूले यसो भन्दै तिनको निम्ति शोक गरे, “धिक्कार, मेरा भाइ!”
31 and to be after to bury he [obj] him and to say to(wards) son: child his to/for to say in/on/with death my and to bury [obj] me in/on/with grave which man [the] God to bury in/on/with him beside bone his to rest [obj] bone my
तिनले लाशलाई गाडिसकेपछि वृद्ध अगमवक्ताले आफ्ना छोराहरूलाई यसो भने, “जब म मर्छु, मलाई परमेश्वरका जन गाडिएकै चिहानमा गाड्नू । मेरा हड्डीहरू तिनका हड्डीहरूको छेउमा रहून् ।
32 for to be to be [the] word: speaking which to call: call out in/on/with word LORD upon [the] altar which in/on/with Bethel Bethel and upon all house: home [the] high place which in/on/with city Samaria
किनकि तिनले परमप्रभुको वचनद्वारा बेथेलको वेदीको विरुद्धमा र सामरियाका सहरहरूमा भएका सबै डाँडाका ठाउँहरूका घरहरूको विरुद्धमा घोषणा गरेका सन्देश निश्चय नै पुरा हुने छ ।”
33 after [the] word: thing [the] this not to return: repent Jeroboam from way: journey his [the] bad: evil and to return: again and to make from end [the] people priest high place [the] delighting to fill [obj] hand: donate his and to be priest high place
यसपछि यारोबाम आफ्नो दुष्ट मार्गबाट फर्केनन्, तर तिनले डाँडाका ठाउँहरूका लागि सबै थरीका मानिसहरूका बिचबाट सामान्य पुजारीहरूलाई नियुक्त गरिरहे । सेवा गर्न चाहने जोसुकैलाई पनि तिनले पुजारीको रूपमा अभिषेक गर्थे ।
34 and to be in/on/with word: thing [the] this to/for sin house: household Jeroboam and to/for to hide and to/for to destroy from upon face: surface [the] land: planet
यो विषय यारोबामको परिवारको निम्ति पाप बन्यो, र यसले गर्दा तिनको परिवार पृथ्वीबाट नष्ट भएर सर्वनाश भएर गयो ।

< 1 Kings 13 >