< 1 Chronicles 27 >

1 and son: descendant/people Israel to/for number their head: leader [the] father and ruler [the] thousand and [the] hundred and official their [the] to minister [obj] [the] king to/for all word: thing [the] division [the] to come (in): come and [the] to come out: come month in/on/with month to/for all month [the] year [the] division [the] one twenty and four thousand 2 upon [the] division [the] first to/for month [the] first Jashobeam son: child Zabdiel and upon division his twenty and four thousand 3 from son: descendant/people Perez [the] head: leader to/for all ruler [the] Hosts to/for month [the] first 4 and upon division [the] month [the] second Dodai [the] Ahohite and division his and Mikloth [the] leader and upon division his twenty and four thousand 5 ruler [the] army [the] third to/for month [the] third Benaiah son: child Jehoiada [the] priest head: leader and upon division his twenty and four thousand 6 he/she/it Benaiah mighty man [the] thirty and upon [the] thirty and division his Ammizabad son: child his 7 [the] fourth to/for month [the] fourth Asahel Asahel brother: male-sibling Joab and Zebadiah son: child his after him and upon division his twenty and four thousand 8 [the] fifth to/for month [the] fifth [the] ruler Shamhuth [the] Izrahite and upon division his twenty and four thousand 9 [the] sixth to/for month [the] sixth Ira son: child Ikkesh [the] Tekoa and upon division his twenty and four thousand 10 [the] seventh to/for month [the] seventh Helez [the] Pelonite from son: child Ephraim and upon division his twenty and four thousand 11 [the] eighth to/for month [the] eighth Sibbecai [the] Hushathite to/for Zerahite and upon division his twenty and four thousand 12 [the] ninth to/for month [the] ninth Abiezer [the] Anathoth (to/for son: descendant/people [Ben]jaminite *Q(K)*) and upon division his twenty and four thousand 13 [the] tenth to/for month [the] tenth Maharai [the] Netophathite to/for Zerahite and upon division his twenty and four thousand 14 eleven ten to/for eleven ten [the] month Benaiah [the] Pirathon from son: child Ephraim and upon division his twenty and four thousand 15 [the] two ten to/for two ten [the] month Heldai [the] Netophathite to/for Othniel and upon division his twenty and four thousand 16 and upon tribe Israel to/for Reubenite leader Eliezer son: child Zichri to/for Simeon Shephatiah son: child Maacah 17 to/for Levi Hashabiah son: child Kemuel to/for Aaron Zadok 18 to/for Judah Elihu from brother: male-sibling David to/for Issachar Omri son: child Michael 19 to/for Zebulun Ishmaiah son: child Obadiah to/for Naphtali Jeremoth son: child Azriel 20 to/for son: descendant/people Ephraim Hoshea son: child Azaziah to/for half tribe: staff Manasseh Joel son: child Pedaiah 21 to/for half [the] Manasseh Gilead [to] Iddo son: child Zechariah to/for Benjamin Jaasiel son: child Abner 22 to/for Dan Azarel son: child Jeroham these ruler tribe Israel 23 and not to lift: count David number their to/for from son: aged twenty year and to/for beneath for to say LORD to/for to multiply [obj] Israel like/as star [the] heaven 24 Joab son: child Zeruiah to profane/begin: begin to/for to count and not to end: finish and to be in/on/with this wrath upon Israel and not to ascend: rise [the] number in/on/with number word: deed [the] day to/for king David 25 and upon treasure [the] king Azmaveth son: child Adiel and upon [the] treasure in/on/with land: country in/on/with city and in/on/with village and in/on/with tower Jonathan son: child Uzziah 26 and upon to make: do work [the] land: country to/for service: work [the] land: soil Ezri son: child Chelub 27 and upon [the] vineyard Shimei [the] Ramathite and upon which/that in/on/with vineyard to/for treasure [the] wine Zabdi [the] Shiphmite 28 and upon [the] olive and [the] sycamore which in/on/with Shephelah Baal-hanan Baal-hanan [the] Gederite and upon treasure [the] oil Joash 29 and upon [the] cattle [the] to pasture in/on/with Sharon (Shitrai *Q(K)*) [the] Sharonite and upon [the] cattle in/on/with valley Shaphat son: child Adlai 30 and upon [the] camel Obil [the] Ishmaelite and upon [the] she-ass Jehdeiah [the] Meronothite 31 and upon [the] flock Jaziz [the] Hagri all these ruler [the] property which to/for king David 32 and Jonathan beloved: male relative David to advise man to understand and secretary he/she/it and Jehiel son: child Hachmoni with son: child [the] king 33 and Ahithophel to advise to/for king and Hushai [the] Archite neighbor [the] king 34 and after Ahithophel Jehoiada son: child Benaiah and Abiathar and ruler army to/for king Joab

< 1 Chronicles 27 >