< Zephaniah 2 >

1 Gather yourselves together and gather together O nation not ashamed.
Saberite se, skupite, narode bestidni
2 Before brings forth a decree like chaff it has passed away a day before - not it will come on you [the] burning of [the] anger of Yahweh before not it will come on you [the] day of [the] anger of Yahweh.
prije nego budete izgnani kao pljeva koja se u dan rasprši, prije nego stigne na vas plamen i gnjev Jahvin, prije nego stigne na vas dan gnjeva Jahvina.
3 Seek Yahweh O all [the] humble [people] of the land who judgment his they have done seek righteousness seek humility perhaps you will be hidden on [the] day of [the] anger of Yahweh.
Tražite Jahvu, svi skromni na zemlji, svi koji izvršavate odredbe njegove! Tražite pravdu, tražite poniznost: vi ćete možda biti zaštićeni u dan gnjeva Jahvina.
4 For Gaza abandoned it will be and Ashkelon [will become] a desolation Ashdod at the noontide people will drive out it and Ekron it will be plucked up.
Da, Gaza će postati pustinja, Aškelon pustoš. Ašdod u puklo podne bit će izgnan, Ekron iz temelja iščupan.
5 Woe to! [the] inhabitants of [the] region of the sea [the] nation of [the] Kerethites [the] word of Yahweh [is] on you O Canaan [the] land of [the] Philistines and I will destroy you from not inhabitant.
Teško stanovnicima obale morske, narodu kretskome! Evo riječi Jahvine protivu vas: “Ja ću te poniziti, zemljo Filistejaca, uništit ću te, istrijebit ću sve tvoje stanovnike!
6 And it will be [the] region of the sea pastures of meadows of shepherds and folds of sheep.
I postat ćeš ispaša, pasište pastirsko i ograda za stado.”
7 And it will belong [the] region to [the] remnant of [the] house of Judah on them they will graze! in [the] houses of Ashkelon in the evening they will lie down! for he will visit them Yahweh God their and he will turn back (captivity their. *Q(k)*)
I taj kraj pripast će u dio Ostatku doma Judina; tu će oni izvoditi blago na pašu; uvečer se odmarati u kućama aškelonskim, jer će ih pohoditi Jahve, Bog njihov, i on će promijeniti sudbinu njihovu.
8 I have heard [the] reproach of Moab and [the] reviling words of [the] people of Ammon who they have reproached people my and they have magnified themselves on territory their.
Čuo sam uvredu Moabovu i podrugivanja sinova Amonovih kad su vrijeđali moj narod i ponosili se zemljištem svojim.
9 Therefore [by] [the] life of me [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel that Moab like Sodom it will be and [the] people of Ammon like Gomorrah a place possessed of nettle[s] and a pit of salt and a waste until perpetuity [the] remnant of people my they will plunder them and [the] rest ofK: (nation my *Q(K)*) they will take possession of them.
“Zato, života mi moga!” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama, Boga Izraelova: “Moab će postati kao Sodoma i sinovi Amonovi kao Gomora: polje obraslo koprivom, hrpa soli pustoš dovijeka. Ostatak moga naroda oplijenit će ih, preostatak moga naroda zaposjest će ih.”
10 This [will belong] to them in place of pride their for they reproached and they magnified themselves on [the] people of Yahweh of hosts.
To će biti cijena za njihovu oholost jer su se uznosili i rugali narodu Jahve nad Vojskama.
11 [will be] awesome Yahweh on them if he will make lean all [the] gods of the earth so they may bow down to him everyone from own place his all [the] islands of the nations.
Za njih će Jahve biti strašan: kad uništi sve bogove zemaljske, pred njim će se pokloniti - svaki na svojoj zemlji - svi otoci naroda.
12 Also you O Cushites [are those] slain of sword my they.
I vi, Etiopljani: “Vi ćete biti probijeni mojim mačem.”
13 And he may stretch out hand his on [the] north so he may destroy Assyria and he may make Nineveh a waste a dry region like the wilderness.
Zatim će svoju ruku dići protiv Sjevera i razrušit će zemlju asirsku, od Ninive će pustoš učiniti, suhu pustoš kao pustinja.
14 And they will lie down in [the] midst of it herds every animal of a nation both desert owl as well as hedgehog on capitals its they will spend [the] night a sound it will sing in the window desolation [will be] on the threshold for cedar-work he will lay bare.
Usred nje će stado ležati, zvijeri svakojake; čaplje i pelikani počivat će noću na glavicama stupova, sova će hukati na prozoru, gavran graktati na pragu.
15 This [is] the city jubilant which dwells to security which says in heart its I and only I [am] yet how! - it has become a waste a resting place for animal[s] every [one who] passes by at it he will hiss he will shake hand his.
To li je veseli grad koji je stolovao u miru, koji je u svom srcu govorio: “Ja, i jedino ja!” Gledaj! Postade razvalina, brlog zvjerinji! Svi koji pokraj njega prolaze zvižde i mašu rukama.

< Zephaniah 2 >