< Zephaniah 1 >

1 [the] word of Yahweh - which it came to Zephaniah [the] son of Cushi [the] son of Gedaliah [the] son of Amariah [the] son of Hezekiah in [the] days of Josiah [the] son of Amon [the] king of Judah.
Ko te kupu a Ihowa i puta mai ki a Tepania tama a Kuhi, tama a Keraria, tama a Amaria, tama a Hetekia, i nga ra o Hohia tama a Amono, kingi o Hura.
2 Utterly I will bring to an end everything from on [the] surface of the ground [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Ka poto rawa i ahau nga mea katoa i runga i te mata o te oneone, e ai ta Ihowa.
3 I will bring to an end human being and animal I will bring to an end [the] bird[s] of the heavens and [the] fish of the sea and the stumbling-blocks with the wicked [people] and I will cut off humankind from on [the] surface of the ground [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Ka poto i ahau te tangata, te kararehe; ka poto i ahau te manu o te rangi, me te ika o te moana, nga tutukitanga waewae ngatahi ano ko te hunga kino; ka hatepea atu ano e ahau te tangata i runga i te mata o te oneone, e ai ta Ihowa.
4 And I will stretch out hand my on Judah and on all [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem and I will cut off from the place this [the] remnant of Baal [the] name of the pagan priests with the priests.
Ka totoro ano toku ringa ki runga ki a Hura, ki nga tangata katoa ano o Hiruharama; ka hatepea atu e ahau i tenei wahi nga toenga o Paara, me te ingoa o nga Kemarimi, ratou ko nga tohunga;
5 And those [who] bow down on the roofs to [the] host of the heavens and those [who] bow down those [who] swear an oath to Yahweh and those [who] swear an oath by Milcom.
Me te hunga e koropiko ana i runga i nga tuanui ki te ope o te rangi; ratou ko te hunga e koropiko ana, e oati ana i a Ihowa, me te oati ano ratou i a Marakama;
6 And those [who] have turned back from after Yahweh and [those] who not they have sought Yahweh and not they have sought him.
Me te hunga i tahuri atu nei i te whai i a Ihowa, me te hunga kihai nei i ui ki a Ihowa, kihai ano i rapu i a ia.
7 Hush! from before [the] Lord Yahweh for [is] near [the] day of Yahweh for he has prepared Yahweh a sacrifice he has consecrated invited [ones] his.
Whakarongoa i te aroaro o te Ariki, o Ihowa, ka tata hoki te ra o Ihowa, kua takoto hoki ta Ihowa patunga tapu, kua whakatapua hoki e ia ana manuhiri.
8 And it will be on [the] day of [the] sacrifice of Yahweh and I will visit [judgment] on the princes and on [the] sons of the king and on all those [who] are clothed clothing foreign.
Na i te ra o ta Ihowa patunga tapu, ka whiua e ahau nga rangatira, ratou ko nga tama a te kingi, ko te hunga katoa ano he kakahu ke o ratou.
9 And I will visit [judgment] on every [one who] leaps over the threshold on the day that those [who] fill [the] house of lord their violence and deceit.
A taua ra ka whiua e ahau te hunga katoa e tupekepeke ana i runga i te paepae, e whakaki ana i nga whare o o ratou ariki ki te nanakia, ki te tinihanga.
10 And it will be on the day that [the] utterance of Yahweh [the] sound of a cry of distress from [the] gate of the fish and wailing from the second district and a crashing great from the hills.
A taua ra, e ai ta Ihowa, ka karanga te reo i te kuwaha ika, he aue hoki i te wahi tuarua, a he nui te pakaru i nga pukepuke.
11 Wail O inhabitants of the Mortar for it will be destroyed all [the] people of Canaan they will be cut off all [the] weighers of silver.
Aue, e nga tangata o Makateha, kua moti hoki nga tangata katoa o Kanaana, kua hatepea atu nga kaimau hiriwa katoa.
12 And it will be at the time that I will search Jerusalem with lamps and I will visit [judgment] on the people who are thickening on lees their who are saying in heart their not he will do good Yahweh and not he will do harm.
I taua ra ka rapua e ahau ta Hiruharama, mea rawa ki te rama; ka whiua ano nga tangata kua totoka i runga i o ratou nganga, a e mea ana i roto i o ratou ngakau, E kore a Ihowa e mahi i te pai, e kore ano e mahi i te kino.
13 And it will become wealth their plunder and houses their a desolation and they will build houses and not they will dwell [in them] and they will plant vineyards and not they will drink wine their.
Na hei mea parau o ratou rawa; o ratou whare hei ururua: ae ra, ka hanga whare ratou; a e kore e nohoia e ratou, ka whakato i te mara waina, otiia e kore e inu i te waina.
14 [is] near [the] day of Yahweh great near and hurrying exceedingly [the] sound of [the] day of Yahweh bitter [is] shouting out there a warrior.
Ka tata te ra nui o Ihowa, ka tata, nui atu te hohoro, ara te reo o te ra o Ihowa: nui noa atu te tangi o te marohirohi i reira.
15 [will be] a day of Fury the day that a day of trouble and distress a day of devastation and desolation a day of darkness and gloom a day of cloud and thick darkness.
He ra riri taua ra, he ra mamae, he pawera, he ra whakangaro, whakamoti, he ra pouri, he mangu, he ra kapua, he pouri kerekere;
16 A day of trumpet and battle-cry on the cities fortified and on the corners high.
Ko te ra ia o te tetere, o te whakaoho mo nga pa taiepa, mo nga taumaihi tiketike.
17 And I will cause distress to humankind and they will walk like blind [people] for to Yahweh they have sinned and it will be poured out blood their like dust and bowel[s] their like dung.
Ka mamae ano i ahau nga ngakau o nga tangata, ka rite ratou ki te matapo ina haere, mo ratou i hara ki a Ihowa: ka ringihia o ratou toto ano he puehu, o ratou kikokiko ano he paru.
18 Neither silver their nor gold their not it will be able to deliver them on [the] day of [the] fury of Yahweh and in [the] fire of jealousy his it will be consumed all the earth for complete destruction surely a terrible [thing] he will make with all [the] inhabitants of the earth.
E kore ano ta ratou hiriwa, ta ratou koura, e tau hei whakaora i a ratou i te ra o to Ihowa riri; engari ka pau te whenua katoa i te ahi, ara i tona hae; ka ohorere hoki, ka poto i a ia nga tangata katoa o te whenua.

< Zephaniah 1 >