< Zechariah 13 >

1 On the day that it will be a fountain opened for [the] house of David and for [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for impurity.
Ese día se abrirá una fuente que brotará continuamente porque la casa de David y el pueblo de Jerusalén para limpiar su pecado e impureza.
2 And it will be on the day that [the] utterance of - Yahweh of hosts I will cut off [the] names of the idols from the land and not they will be remembered again and also the prophets and [the] spirit of uncleanness I will cause to pass away from the land.
Ese día, declara el Señor Todopoderoso, eliminaré la idolatría de la tierra, y no habrá nunca más memoria de los ídolos. Yo quitaré a los falsos profetas y al espíritu de impureza de la tierra.
3 And it will be that he will prophesy anyone still and they will say to him father his and mother his [who] begot him not you will live for falsehood you have spoken in [the] name of Yahweh and they will pierce through him father his and mother his [who] begot him when prophecies he.
Si alguno sigue profetizando, su padre o madre le dirán: “No vivirás, porque has engañado en nombre del Señor”. Entonces sus padres lo matarán, porque ha profetizado.
4 And it will be - on the day that they will be ashamed the prophets each one from vision his when prophecies he and not they will wear a cloak of hair so as to deceive.
Ese día, tales profetas sentirán vergüenza de profetizar sus supuestas visiones. Para engañar no se pondrán más sus vestiduras de profetas, hechas de pelo áspero.
5 And he will say not [am] a prophet I [am] a man [who] tills ground I for someone he sold me since youth my.
Dirán entonces: “No soy profeta, soy un granjero. He labrado la tierra desde que era pequeño”.
6 And someone will say to him what? [are] the wounds these between hands your and he will say [those] which I was wounded [the] house of friends my.
Y si alguien le pregunta: “¿Cuál es el motivo de esas heridas en tu espalda?” él responderá: “Fui herido en la casa de un amigo”.
7 O sword awake on shepherd my and on [the] man of community my [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts strike the shepherd and they may be scattered the sheep and I will turn hand my on the little [ones].
¡Levántate, espada mía! ¡Ataca a mi pastor, al hombre que ha estado junto a mi! declara el Señor. Golpea al pastor y las ovejas serán dispersas, y yo levantaré mi mano contra los corderos.
8 And it will be in all the land [the] utterance of Yahweh a mouth of two in it they will be cut off they will perish and the third [part] it will be left in it.
Dos tercios de los habitantes de la tierra serán destruidas, y solo un tercio quedará, dice el Señor.
9 And I will bring the third [part] in the fire and I will refine them as refines silver and I will test them as tests gold it - it will call on name my and I I will answer it I will say [is] people my it and it it will say Yahweh [is] God my.
Yo pondré este tercio en el fuego, y lo refinaré como la plata, los probaré como se prueba al oro. Ellos clamarán por mi ayuda, y yo les responderé. Diré: “Este es mi pueblo”, y ellos dirán: “El Señor es mi Dios”.

< Zechariah 13 >