< Zechariah 11 >

1 Open O Lebanon doors your so it may consume fire cedars your.
Que se abran tus puertas, oh Líbano, para que arda fuego entre tus cedros.
2 Wail O cypress for it has fallen a cedar that majestic [trees] they have been devastated wail O oaks of Bashan for it has come down [the] forest (of the vintage. *Q(K)*)
Da un grito de dolor, oh abeto, por la caída del cedro, porque los grandes han sido abatidos; llora de dolor, oh robles de Basán, porque los fuertes árboles del bosque han sido derribados.
3 [the] sound of [the] wailing of The shepherds for it has been devastated splendor their [the] sound of [the] roaring of young lions for it has been devastated [the] thicket[s] of the Jordan.
¡El sonido del llanto de los pastores del rebaño! porque su gloria se desperdicia; ¡el sonido del fuerte llanto de los leoncillos! porque el orgullo de Jordania está destruida.
4 Thus he says Yahweh God my shepherd [the] flock of slaughter.
Esto es lo que el Señor mi Dios ha dicho: Cuida el rebaño destinadas al matadero;
5 Which [those who] buy them they will kill them and not they will be held guilty and [those who] sell them he will say [be] blessed Yahweh so I may gain riches and shepherds their not he will have compassion on them.
Cuyos dueños las mataron y no tienen sentido de pecado; y los que obtienen un precio por ellos dicen: Que el Señor sea alabado porque tengo mucha riqueza, y los pastores del rebaño no tienen piedad de ellos.
6 For not I will have compassion again on [the] inhabitants of the land [the] utterance of Yahweh and here! I [am] about to deliver everyone each in [the] hand of neighbor his and in [the] hand of king his and they will crush the land and not I will deliver [it] from hand their.
Porque no tendré más piedad por la gente de la tierra, dice el Señor; pero entregaré a todos en la mano de su prójimo y en la mano de su rey; y harán que la tierra se desperdicie, y no los mantendré a salvo de sus manos.
7 And I shepherded [the] flock of slaughter therefore [the] afflicted [ones] of the flock and I took for myself two staffs one I called Favor and one I called Union and I shepherded the flock.
Así que cuidé del rebaño destinados a la muerte, a los afligidos del rebaño; y tomé para mí dos cayados, nombrando uno Gracia y el otro, Lazos; y me hice cargo del rebaño.
8 And I annihilated [the] three the shepherds in a month one and it was short self my with them and also self their it loathed me.
Y en un mes puse fin a los tres pastores del rebaño; porque mi alma estaba cansada de ellos, y sus almas me aborrecían.
9 And I said not I will shepherd you the [one which] dies let it die and the [one which] is being destroyed let it be destroyed and those [which] survive let them devour each [the] flesh of [female] neighbor its.
Y dije: No los cuidaré: La que ha de morir, que muera; si alguna se perdiera que se pierda; y que el resto tome la carne del otro como alimento.
10 And I took staff my Favor and I cut up it to break covenant my which I had made with all the peoples.
Y tomé mi cayado Gracia, quebrando en dos, para que se rompiera el acuerdo del Señor, que había hecho con todos los pueblos.
11 And it was broken on the day that and they knew thus [the] afflicted [ones] of the flock who were watching me that [was] [the] word of Yahweh it.
Y se rompió ese día él Pacto; y los comerciantes de ovejas, que me observaban, estaban seguros de que era la palabra del Señor.
12 And I said to them if it is good in view your give wage[s] my and if not - refrain and they weighed out wage[s] my thirty silver.
Y les dije: Si les parece bien, denme mi paga; y si no, déjenlo. Entonces, pesaron por mi salario, treinta siclos de plata.
13 And he said Yahweh to me throw it to the potter [the] magnificence of the value which I was valued from with them and I took! thirty the silver and I threw it [the] house of Yahweh to the potter.
Y el Señor me dijo: Ponlo en el alfolí, el precio al que me valoraron. Y tomé los treinta siclos de plata y los puse en el tesoro de la casa del Señor.
14 And I cut up staff my second Union to break the brotherhood between Judah and between Israel.
Entonces tomé mi otra vara, la que se llama lazos, y la quebré en dos, para que la relación de hermanos entre Judá e Israel se rompiera.
15 And he said Yahweh to me again take for yourself [the] equipment of a shepherd foolish.
Y el Señor me dijo: Toma de nuevo los instrumentos de un insensato poseedor de ovejas.
16 For here! I [am] about to raise up a shepherd in the land those [which] are being destroyed not he will visit the young man not he will seek and the [one which] is maimed not he will heal the [one which] stands firm not he will sustain and [the] flesh of the fat [sheep] he will eat and hooves their he will tear off.
Porque he aquí, pondré un pastor de ovejas sobre la tierra, que no se preocupará por las que perecen, y no irá en busca de los extraviadas, ni vendará a la que está herida, y no sustentará a la fuerte, sino que tomará por su comida la carne de la gordura, y les partirá los pezuñas.
17 Woe to! shepherd of my worthlessness [who] abandons the flock a sword [will be] on arm his and on [the] eye of right [side] his arm his totally it will wither and [the] eye of right [side] his certainly it will grow dim.
¡Ay sobre el necio pastor que se aleja del rebaño! la espada caiga sobre su brazo y en su ojo derecho; su brazo se volverá bastante seco y su ojo se oscurecerá por completo.

< Zechariah 11 >