< Zechariah 11 >

1 Open O Lebanon doors your so it may consume fire cedars your.
¡Abre tus puertas, oh Líbano, y consuma el fuego tus cedros!
2 Wail O cypress for it has fallen a cedar that majestic [trees] they have been devastated wail O oaks of Bashan for it has come down [the] forest (of the vintage. *Q(K)*)
¡Llora, oh ciprés, porque el cedro cayó, y los majestuosos fueron talados! ¡Laméntense, oh robles de Basán, porque el denso bosque cayó!
3 [the] sound of [the] wailing of The shepherds for it has been devastated splendor their [the] sound of [the] roaring of young lions for it has been devastated [the] thicket[s] of the Jordan.
Hay un gemido de los pastores, porque su esplendor quedó arruinado. Hay un rugido de los leoncillos, porque el esplendor del Jordán quedó destruido.
4 Thus he says Yahweh God my shepherd [the] flock of slaughter.
Yavé mi ʼElohim dice: Apacienta las ovejas para la matanza,
5 Which [those who] buy them they will kill them and not they will be held guilty and [those who] sell them he will say [be] blessed Yahweh so I may gain riches and shepherds their not he will have compassion on them.
a las cuales sus compradores degüellan sin sentirse culpables. El que las vende piensa: Bendito sea Yavé, porque me enriquecí. Sus propios pastores no tienen compasión de ellas.
6 For not I will have compassion again on [the] inhabitants of the land [the] utterance of Yahweh and here! I [am] about to deliver everyone each in [the] hand of neighbor his and in [the] hand of king his and they will crush the land and not I will deliver [it] from hand their.
Por tanto ya no tendré compasión de los habitantes de la tierra, dice Yavé. Porque, miren, Yo entrego a los hombres, a cada uno en manos de su prójimo y en manos de su rey. Así desolarán la tierra, y Yo no los libraré de sus manos.
7 And I shepherded [the] flock of slaughter therefore [the] afflicted [ones] of the flock and I took for myself two staffs one I called Favor and one I called Union and I shepherded the flock.
Así que apacenté las ovejas de matadero, esto es, las pobres del rebaño. Tomé para mí dos cayados. A uno llamé Gracia y al otro Atadura, y apacenté las ovejas.
8 And I annihilated [the] three the shepherds in a month one and it was short self my with them and also self their it loathed me.
Entonces eliminé a tres pastores en un mes, porque yo me fastidié de ellos, y ellos también se disgustaron conmigo.
9 And I said not I will shepherd you the [one which] dies let it die and the [one which] is being destroyed let it be destroyed and those [which] survive let them devour each [the] flesh of [female] neighbor its.
Les dije: No los alimentaré más a ustedes. Si alguna muere, que muera. Si alguna se pierde, que se pierda, y las que queden, que coman carne las unas de las otras.
10 And I took staff my Favor and I cut up it to break covenant my which I had made with all the peoples.
Tomé mi cayado Gracia y lo quebré en señal de anulación de mi pacto con todos los pueblos.
11 And it was broken on the day that and they knew thus [the] afflicted [ones] of the flock who were watching me that [was] [the] word of Yahweh it.
Aquel día fue anulado. Los que compraban las ovejas, quienes me observaban, reconocieron que era Palabra de Yavé.
12 And I said to them if it is good in view your give wage[s] my and if not - refrain and they weighed out wage[s] my thirty silver.
Y les dije: Si les parece bien, denme mi salario, y si no, déjenlo. Y pesaron 30 piezas de plata como salario mío.
13 And he said Yahweh to me throw it to the potter [the] magnificence of the value which I was valued from with them and I took! thirty the silver and I threw it [the] house of Yahweh to the potter.
Y Yavé me dijo: Échalo al tesoro. ¡Valioso precio con el cual fui valuado por ellos! Y tomé las 30 piezas de plata y las eché en la vasija de arcilla del tesoro en la Casa de Yavé.
14 And I cut up staff my second Union to break the brotherhood between Judah and between Israel.
Luego quebré mi otro cayado, Atadura, para romper la hermandad entre Judá e Israel.
15 And he said Yahweh to me again take for yourself [the] equipment of a shepherd foolish.
Y Yavé me dijo: Toma también la ropa y los objetos de un pastor insensato,
16 For here! I [am] about to raise up a shepherd in the land those [which] are being destroyed not he will visit the young man not he will seek and the [one which] is maimed not he will heal the [one which] stands firm not he will sustain and [the] flesh of the fat [sheep] he will eat and hooves their he will tear off.
porque, ciertamente, Yo levanto en la tierra a un pastor que no se ocupará de las perdidas, ni buscará a la descarriada, ni curará a la perniquebrada, ni llevará a cuestas a la cansada, pero se comerá la carne de la robusta y romperá sus pezuñas.
17 Woe to! shepherd of my worthlessness [who] abandons the flock a sword [will be] on arm his and on [the] eye of right [side] his arm his totally it will wither and [the] eye of right [side] his certainly it will grow dim.
¡Ay del pastor inútil, que abandona el rebaño! ¡Caiga una espada contra su mano derecha y su ojo derecho sea completamente oscurecido!

< Zechariah 11 >