< Titus 3 >

1 do remind them to rulers (and *k*) to authorities to be subject, to be obedient, for every work good ready to be,
Uyeuchidze vanhu kuti vazviise pasi pavatongi navane simba, kuti vave vanoteerera, kuti vave vanhu vakagadzirira kuita zvose zvakanaka,
2 no one to denigrate, peaceable to be, gentle, all showing humility toward all men.
kuti varege kuchera vamwe, vagare murunyararo, vaitire vamwe zvakanaka, uye kuti varatidze kuzvininipisa kwechokwadi kuvanhu vose.
3 Were for once also we ourselves foolish, disobedient, being deceived, serving lusts and pleasures various, in malice and envy living, hateful, hating one another.
Pane imwe nguva nesuwo takanga tiri mapenzi, tisingateereri, takanyengerwa, takatapwa nokuchiva kwose uye nezvinofadza. Taigara muruvengo negodo, tichivengwa nokuvengana.
4 When however the kindness and the love of mankind appeared of the Savior of us God,
Asi pakaratidzwa ngoni norudo rwaMwari Muponesi wedu,
5 not by works in righteousness (that *N(k)O*) did we ourselves, but according to (*N(k)O*) His (mercy *N(k)O*) He saved us through [the] washing of regeneration and renewing of [the] Spirit Holy
akatiponesa, kwete nokuda kwezvinhu zvakarurama zvatakaita, asi nokuda kwetsitsi dzake. Akatiponesa kubudikidza nokuberekwa patsva nokuvandudzwa noMweya Mutsvene,
6 whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ the Savior of us,
uyo waakadurura wakawanda kwazvo pamusoro pedu kubudikidza naJesu Kristu Muponesi wedu,
7 so that having been justified by that grace heirs (we may become *N(k)O*) according to [the] hope of life eternal. (aiōnios g166)
kuitira kuti mushure mokunge taruramisirwa nenyasha dzake, tive vadyi venhaka tine tariro youpenyu husingaperi. (aiōnios g166)
8 Trustworthy [is] the saying, and concerning these things I want you to affirm strongly so that may take care to good works to be devoted those already believing (*k*) in God; These things are (*k*) excellent and profitable to men.
Iri ishoko rezvokwadi. Uye ndinoda kuti usimbise kwazvo zvinhu izvi, kuitira kuti vaya vakatenda Mwari vachenjere kuti varambe vachiita mabasa akanaka. Zvinhu izvi zvakanaka uye zvinobatsira munhu wose.
9 Foolish however controversies and genealogies and (arguments *NK(O)*) and quarrels about [the] Law do yourself avoid; they are for unprofitable and worthless.
Asi unzvenge mibvunzo youpenzi nenhoroondo dzamazita amadzitateguru, negakava nokukakavara pamusoro pomurayiro, nokuti izvi hazvina maturo uye hazvibatsiri.
10 A factious man after one and a second admonition do reject
Yambira munhu anotsausa kokutanga uye ugomuyambirazve kechipiri. Mushure mezvo usava nechokuita naye.
11 knowing that has been corrupt such a man and is sinning being self-condemned.
Uve nechokwadi chokuti munhu akadaro akatsauka uye mutadzi; akazvirasa iye amene.
12 When I may send Artemas to you or Tychicus, do be diligent to come to me into Nicopolis; there for I have decided to winter.
Pandichatuma Atema kana Tikikasi kwauri, edza napaunogona napo pose kuti uuye kwandiri paNikopori, nokuti ndichagarako panguva yechando.
13 Zenas the lawyer and Apollos earnestly do equip, so that nothing to them may be lacking.
Ita zvose zvaungagona kuti ubatsire Zenasi mududziri womurayiro naAporosi parwendo rwavo uye uite kuti varege kushayiwa chinhu.
14 should learn now also our own [people] to good works to devote themselves for necessary needs, so that not they may be unfruitful.
Vanhu vedu vanofanira kudzidza kuzvipira kuita zvakanaka, kuitira kuti vagone kutibatsira pazvinhu zvinodiwa mazuva ose uye kuti vasararama upenyu husina zvibereko.
15 Greet you those with me all. do greet those loving us in [the] faith. Grace [be] with all of you (Amen. *KO*) (to Titus of the Cretan church first overseer having been chosen It was written from Nicopolis of Macedonia. *K*)
Vose vari kwandiri vanokukwazisa. Ukwazise vose vanotida mukutenda. Nyasha ngadzive nemi mose.

< Titus 3 >