< Titus 2 >

1 You yourself however do speak [the things] that are consistent with sound doctrine.
Pamo awe gayanje gala gagabhalilana nalanganyizye gelweteho.
2 [The] aged [men] sober-minded are to be, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in endurance.
Azehe bhabhe hashe, ishishi, uhogowe, ulweteho ulwinza, nulugano na nujivwi.
3 [the] aged [women] likewise in behavior reverent, not slanderers, (not *NK(o)*) to wine much enslaved, teachers of what is good,
Shesho abhashe abhazehe lazima isalazyonti bhajilolense bhewo bhene hansi bhegolosu, na bhabagabhasenkenyaji. Bhangajabhe bhatumwa bhihombwa.
4 so that (they may train *NK(o)*) the young [women] lovers of [their] husbands to be, loving [their] children,
Wapaswa amanyizye gagali muhogowe lubhalenganye abhalendo nuhogowe hubhagane alume bhao na abhana bhawo.
5 self-controlled, pure (busy at home *N(k)O*) kind, being subject to [their] own husbands, so that not the word of God may be denigrated.
Bhanziwa hubhafundizye abhe nuluhogowe, bhinza, bhabheha shinza inyumba zyawo, bhihaje whalume bhawo bhewo. Bhalazimiha awombela Ngolobhe lingajealigwe.
6 The younger [men] likewise do exhort to be self-controlled,
Whinamuna yeyo yeyo, wapanji umoyo avijana bhishilume bhabhe nuhogowe.
7 In all things yourself be holding forth [as] a pattern of good works, in the teaching (unspoilable *K*) incorruptable, dignity
Na mumadala gonti jibhehaji bhewo abhe shifwani katika imbombo inyinza; na lwamumanyizya, lolesyaji winzahani ni shishi.
8 speech sound, beyond reproach, so that he who is of the contrary may be ashamed nothing having to say concerning (us *N(K)O*) evil.
Yangaji iizu lyengovo lyasagalili ni kasolo kwa sababu sagaali ni libhibhi lyolyonti humwanya yetu.
9 Servants to [their] own masters are to be subject, in everything well-pleasing to be, not gainsaying,
Bhatumwa bhihaje wha gosi bhawo hushi hantu. Bhahanziwa hubhasongwezye nasagadasanye nawo.
10 not pilfering but all fidelity showing good, so that the doctrine (which [is] *no*) of the Savior (of us *NK(O)*) God they may adorn in all things.
Sagabhahanziwa awhibhe. Hahawhanziwa, bhahanziwa alolesye ulweteho lonti ulwinza ili aje katika amadala gonti Bhagapambe amamanyizyo gonti gagahusu Ongolobhe unkombozi wetu.
11 Has appeared for the grace of God (*k*) [bringing] salvation to all men
Afwatanaje ineema ya Ngolobhe iloleshe hubhantu wonti.
12 instructing us that having denied ungodliness and worldly passions discreetly and righteously and piously we may live in the present age (aiōn g165)
Ihutifundizya akhane ambo gasaga kishi Ngolobhe nanyonywe wishense. Ihutifundizya akhale whihogowe, whilyoli, na hwida lishi Ngolobhe whisala ogu. (aiōn g165)
13 awaiting the blessed hope and [the] appearing of the glory of the great God and Savior of us Jesus Christ
Isala zyatitalaji aposhele itegemeo lyetu lilusayo mwaloleshe muutuntumu wa Ngolobhe wetu ugosi na ummokozi wetu Kristi.
14 who gave Himself for us that He may redeem us from all lawlessness and may purify to Himself a people specially chosen, zealous of good works.
U Yesu ajifumizye yoyo kwaajili yetu ili hutokole afume mumbibhi na hutebheshe bhinza, kwajili yakwe abhantu bhasalulilwe bhali nihamu ya wombe imbombo inyinza.
15 These things do speak and do exhort and do rebuke with all authority. No one you should despise.
Gayanje na hugasimishizye amambo ego. Khalipila kwa amamlaka gonti. Usaheteshe umuntu wowonti asholanyenye.

< Titus 2 >