< Titus 2 >

1 You yourself however do speak [the things] that are consistent with sound doctrine.
Nʼakụkụ nke gị, na-akụzi ihe kwesiri eziokwu nke okwukwe.
2 [The] aged [men] sober-minded are to be, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in endurance.
Gwa ndị okenye nwoke ka ha nwee anya udo, ka ha nwee akọnuche zuruoke, ka ha bụrụ ndị kwesiri nsọpụrụ, ndị okwukwe ha siri ike, ndị na-ahụ ibe ha nʼanya, na ndị nwekwara ntachiobi.
3 [the] aged [women] likewise in behavior reverent, not slanderers, (not *NK(o)*) to wine much enslaved, teachers of what is good,
Nʼotu aka ahụ, gwa ndị okenye nwanyị ka ha na-eme omume dị ka ụmụ nwanyị dị nsọ. Ka ha ghara ịbụ ndị na-agba asịrị maọbụ ohu nke ịṅụbiga mmanya oke. Kama ha na-akụzi ihe dị mma.
4 so that (they may train *NK(o)*) the young [women] lovers of [their] husbands to be, loving [their] children,
Ha ga-esi otu a kuziere ụmụ agbọghọ ka ha ga-esi hụ di ha na ụmụ ha nʼanya.
5 self-controlled, pure (busy at home *N(k)O*) kind, being subject to [their] own husbands, so that not the word of God may be denigrated.
Ka ha bụrụkwa ndị akọnuche ha zuruoke, ndị dị ọcha nʼobi, ndị na-edozi ezinaụlọ di ha, ndị na-eme ebere, ndị na-edo onwe ha nʼokpuru di ha, ka onye ọbụla ghara ikwulu okwu Chineke.
6 The younger [men] likewise do exhort to be self-controlled,
Nʼotu ụzọ ahụ kwa, gbaakwa ụmụ okorobịa ume ka ha jide onwe ha.
7 In all things yourself be holding forth [as] a pattern of good works, in the teaching (unspoilable *K*) incorruptable, dignity
Nʼihe niile ị na-eme, mee onwe gị ihe ịma atụ ndị ọzọ ga na-eṅomi nʼime ezi omume. Na nkuzi gị niile, gosikwa izuoke na ikwesi ntụkwasị obi.
8 speech sound, beyond reproach, so that he who is of the contrary may be ashamed nothing having to say concerning (us *N(K)O*) evil.
Ka ozi gị bụrụ nke kwụ ọtọ mmadụ apụghị ịma ikpe, ka ihere mee onye na-agbagha gị okwu, ebe ọ bụ na onweghi ihe ọjọọ ọ ga-ekwu gbasara anyị.
9 Servants to [their] own masters are to be subject, in everything well-pleasing to be, not gainsaying,
Gwa ndị ohu ka ha na-erubere ndị nwe ha isi, ka ha na-eme ihe ga-atọ onyenwe ha ụtọ mgbe niile. Ka ha hapụ ịsa ndị nwe ha okwu,
10 not pilfering but all fidelity showing good, so that the doctrine (which [is] *no*) of the Savior (of us *NK(O)*) God they may adorn in all things.
ka ha ghara izu ohi, kama ka ha gosi na ha bụ ndị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ha ga-ewetara ihe anyị na-akụzi maka Chineke Onye nzọpụta anyị otuto nʼihe niile ha na-eme.
11 Has appeared for the grace of God (*k*) [bringing] salvation to all men
Nʼihi na Chineke emela ka amara ya nke wetaara mmadụ niile nzọpụta pụta ìhè.
12 instructing us that having denied ungodliness and worldly passions discreetly and righteously and piously we may live in the present age (aiōn g165)
Ọ bụkwa amara a na-akụziri anyị ka anyị jụ ndụ asọpụrụghị Chineke na nke ịgbaso ọchịchọ ọjọọ dị nʼụwa, kama ka anyị bie ndụ dị ka ndịisi zuruoke na ndụ ezi omume, nakwa ịtụ egwu Chineke nʼọgbọ nke oge a. (aiōn g165)
13 awaiting the blessed hope and [the] appearing of the glory of the great God and Savior of us Jesus Christ
Otu a ka anyị ga-esi na-eche olileanya anyị dị ngọzị bụ ọbịbịa nke otuto nke Chineke anyị dị ukwuu, na Onye nzọpụta anyị bụ Jisọs Kraịst.
14 who gave Himself for us that He may redeem us from all lawlessness and may purify to Himself a people specially chosen, zealous of good works.
Ọ bụ ya jiri onwe ya chụọ aja nʼihi anyị, ka ọ gbapụta anyị site nʼajọ omume anyị niile, na ido ndị ga-abụ ndị nke ya ọcha nye onwe ya, ndị ọ na-agụ agụụ ime ihe dị mma mgbe niile.
15 These things do speak and do exhort and do rebuke with all authority. No one you should despise.
Na-akụzi ihe ndị a, werekwa ha na-adụ ndị gị ọdụ site nʼikike niile i nwere. Werekwa ha na-atụ ha mmehie ha nʼihu. Ka mmadụ ọbụla ghara ilelị gị anya.

< Titus 2 >