< Song of Solomon 4 >

1 Here you [are] beautiful O friend my here you [are] beautiful eyes your [are] doves from behind to veil your hair your [is] like [the] flock of she-goats that have descended from [the] mountain of Gilead.
Wakanaka sei, mudiwa wangu! A, wakazonaka! Meso ako uri mumumbure injiva chaidzo. Bvudzi rako rakaita sedanga rembudzi riri kuburuka kubva muGomo reGireadhi.
2 Teeth your [are] like [the] flock of shorn [ewes] that have come up from the washing that all of them [are] bearing twins and [is one] deprived of offspring there not among them.
Meno ako akafanana neboka ramakwai achangobva mukuveurwa, ari kubva kundoshambidzwa. Rimwe nerimwe riine rarakafanana naro, pasina rimwe riri roga zvaro.
3 [are] like [the] thread of Scarlet lips your and mouth your [is] lovely [is] like [the] slice of pomegranate temple your from behind to veil your.
Miromo yako yakafanana nomucheka mutsvuku; muromo wako wakaisvonaka. Zvavovo zvako zviri mumumbure wako zvakaita sezvikamu zviviri zvedamba.
4 [is] like [the] tower of David neck your built to layers thousand shield[s] [is] hung on it all [the] shields of the warriors.
Mutsipa wako wakafanana neshongwe yaDhavhidhi yakavakwa zvinoyevedza. Mairi makaturikwa nhoo dzine chiuru, dzose dziri nhoo dzemhare.
5 [the] two Breasts your [are] like two fawns twins of a gazelle which graze among the lilies.
Mazamu ako ari maviri akafanana netsvana mbiri dzemhara, mapatya emhara dzinofura pamwe chete pakati pemaruva.
6 Until that will breathe the day and they will flee the shadows I will go myself to [the] mountain of myrrh and to [the] hill of frankincense.
Kusvikira zuva rabuda uye mimvuri yotiza, ndichaenda kugomo remura nokuchikomo chezvinonhuhwira.
7 All of you [is] beautiful O friend my and [is] blemish there not in you.
Wakaisvonaka iwe, mudiwa wangu; mauri hamuna kana chinongo.
8 With me from Lebanon O bride with me from Lebanon you will come you will come down - from [the] top of Amana from [the] top of Senir and Hermon from [the] dens of lions from [the] mountains of leopards.
Ngatibvei tose kuRebhanoni, iwe mwenga wangu, ngatibvei tose kuRebhanoni. Buruka kubva pamusoro-soro peAmana, kubva pamusoro peSeniri, pamusoro-soro peHerimoni, kubva kumapako eshumba nokumakomo anofamba-famba mbada.
9 You have stolen heart my O sister my bride you have stolen heart my (with one *Q(K)*) from eyes your with one necklace from necklaces your.
Watora mwoyo wangu hanzvadzi yangu, mwenga wangu; wanditora mwoyo nokungondiringa kwawaita kamwe chete, uye nedombo rimwe rinokosha rechishongo chomutsipa wako.
10 How! they are beautiful love your O sister my bride how! they are good love your more than wine and [the] odor of oils your more than all spices.
Rudo rwako kwandiri runondifadza sei, hanzvadzi yangu, mwenga wangu! Rudo rwako runofadza sei kukunda waini, uye kunhuhwira kwamafuta ako okuzora kunokunda zvose zvinonhuhwira.
11 Honey they drip lips your O bride honey and milk [are] under tongue your and [the] odor of garments your [is] like [the] odor of Lebanon.
Miromo yako inodonhesa zvinotapira sezinga rouchi, mwenga wangu; uchi nomukaka zviri pasi porurimi rwako. Kunhuhwira kwenguo dzako kwakafanana nokweRebhanoni.
12 [is] a garden - Locked sister my bride a spring locked a spring sealed up.
Uri bindu rakapfigwa, hanzvadzi yangu, mwenga wangu. Uri tsime rakakomberedzwa, nechitubu chakavakirirwa.
13 Shoots your [are] a garden of pomegranates with fruit of choice henna plants with nard plants.
Miti yako ibindu ramatamba nemimwe michero yakaisvonaka, hena nenaridhi,
14 Nard - and saffron calamus and cinnamon with all [the] trees of frankincense myrrh and aloes with all [the] choicest of spices.
naridhi nesafuroni, karamusi, nesinamoni, nemiti yose inogadziriswa zvinonhuhwira nemura negavakava, uye nezvose zvinonhuhwira zvakanakisisa.
15 A spring of gardens a well of water living and flowing from Lebanon.
Uri chitubu chomubindu, tsime remvura inoerera, inoerera ichibva kuRebhanoni.
16 Awake O north wind and come O south wind make breathe garden my let them flow spices its let him come lover my to garden his so he may eat [the] fruit of choice its.
Muka, iwe mhepo yokumusoro, uye uya iwe mhepo yezasi! Vhuvhuta napabindu rangu kuti kunhuhwirira kwezvirimo kuparadzirwe kwose kwose. Rega mudiwa wangu apinde mubindu rake, agoravira michero yaro yakaisvonaka, sepaanodira.

< Song of Solomon 4 >