< Song of Solomon 4 >

1 Here you [are] beautiful O friend my here you [are] beautiful eyes your [are] doves from behind to veil your hair your [is] like [the] flock of she-goats that have descended from [the] mountain of Gilead. 2 Teeth your [are] like [the] flock of shorn [ewes] that have come up from the washing that all of them [are] bearing twins and [is one] deprived of offspring there not among them. 3 [are] like [the] thread of Scarlet lips your and mouth your [is] lovely [is] like [the] slice of pomegranate temple your from behind to veil your. 4 [is] like [the] tower of David neck your built to layers thousand shield[s] [is] hung on it all [the] shields of the warriors. 5 [the] two Breasts your [are] like two fawns twins of a gazelle which graze among the lilies. 6 Until that will breathe the day and they will flee the shadows I will go myself to [the] mountain of myrrh and to [the] hill of frankincense. 7 All of you [is] beautiful O friend my and [is] blemish there not in you. 8 With me from Lebanon O bride with me from Lebanon you will come you will come down - from [the] top of Amana from [the] top of Senir and Hermon from [the] dens of lions from [the] mountains of leopards. 9 You have stolen heart my O sister my bride you have stolen heart my (with one *Q(K)*) from eyes your with one necklace from necklaces your. 10 How! they are beautiful love your O sister my bride how! they are good love your more than wine and [the] odor of oils your more than all spices. 11 Honey they drip lips your O bride honey and milk [are] under tongue your and [the] odor of garments your [is] like [the] odor of Lebanon. 12 [is] a garden - Locked sister my bride a spring locked a spring sealed up. 13 Shoots your [are] a garden of pomegranates with fruit of choice henna plants with nard plants. 14 Nard - and saffron calamus and cinnamon with all [the] trees of frankincense myrrh and aloes with all [the] choicest of spices. 15 A spring of gardens a well of water living and flowing from Lebanon. 16 Awake O north wind and come O south wind make breathe garden my let them flow spices its let him come lover my to garden his so he may eat [the] fruit of choice its.

< Song of Solomon 4 >