< Ruth 3 >

1 And she said to her Naomi mother-in-law her O daughter my ¿ not will I seek for you a resting place that it will go well for you.
Onda će joj Noemi, svekrva njezina: “Kćeri moja, da ti potražim mirno mjesto gdje bi mogla biti sretna?
2 And therefore ¿ not [is] Boaz relative our whom you were with female servants his there! he [will be] winnowing [the] threshing floor of the barley this night.
Vidiš, Boaz, s čijim si se poslenicima našla, naš je rođak. Evo, on će noćas vijati ječam na gumnu.
3 And you will wash - and you will anoint yourself and you will put (garments your *Q(K)*) on yourself (and you will go down *Q(K)*) the threshing floor may not you make yourself known to the man until finishes he to eat and to drink.
Umij se ti i namaži, lijepo se odjeni pa idi na gumno. Ne daj da te prepozna prije nego što se najede i napije.
4 And let it be when lies down he and you will take note of the place where he will lie down there and you will go and you will uncover feet his (and you will lie down *Q(k)*) and he he will tell to you [that] which (you will do! *L(abh)*)
Kad bude lijegao, dobro pazi gdje će leći; pa kad legne, otiđi onamo, podigni mu pokrivač s nogu i lezi ondje! Tada će ti on reći što ti je činiti.”
5 And she said to her all that (you are saying to me *Q(K)*) I will do.
Ona joj odgovori: “Učinit ću sve kako mi kažeš.”
6 And she went down the threshing floor and she did according to all that she had commanded her mother-in-law her.
I siđe na gumno i učini sve kako joj je svekrva naredila.
7 And he ate Boaz and he drank and it was good heart his and he went to lie down at [the] end of the heap and she came in secrecy and she uncovered feet his and she lay down.
A Boaz, pošto je jeo i pio i tako se odobrovoljio, ode i leže kraj stoga. Onda ona priđe polako, otkri mu noge i leže.
8 And it was in [the] middle of the night and he trembled the man and he twisted and there! a woman [was] lying down feet his.
Kad bijaše oko ponoći, trže se čovjek i obrnu se, i gle: žena leži do njegovih nogu.
9 And he said who? [are] you and she said I [am] Ruth maidservant your and you will spread out skirt your over maidservant your for [are] a kinsman-redeemer you.
“Tko si?” - upita on, a ona odgovori: “Ja sam Ruta, sluškinja tvoja. Raširi skut svoje haljine na sluškinju svoju jer si mi skrbnik.”
10 And he said [be] blessed you by Yahweh O daughter my you have made good loyalty your latter more than former to not to go after the young men whether poor and or rich.
“Blagoslovio te Jahve, kćeri moja!” - dočeka on. “Ovaj drugi tvoj čin milosti još je vredniji od prvoga, jer se nisi trudila da slijediš mlade poslenike, bili oni bogati ili siromašni.
11 And therefore O daughter my may not you fear all that you are saying I will do for you for [is] knowing all [the] gate of people my that [are] a woman of ability you.
I zato se, kćeri moja, sada ne plaši: učinit ću ti sve što zatražiš, jer sva vrata moga naroda znaju da si čestita žena.
12 And therefore for truly that (*Q(K)*) [am] a kinsman-redeemer I and also there [is] a kinsman-redeemer near more than I.
Jest, uistinu sam ti skrbnik; ali postoji još bliži od mene.
13 Stay - this night and it will be in the morning if he will redeem you good let him redeem and if not he will be willing to redeem you and I will redeem you I [by] [the] life of Yahweh lie down until the morning.
Ostani noćas; ako te sutra ujutro on kao skrbnik htjedne uzeti, dobro, neka te uzme; a ne htjedne li, uzet ću te ja, tako mi Jahve! Spavaj do jutra.”
14 And she lay down (feet his *Q(K)*) until the morning and she arose (before *Q(K)*) he recognized anyone neighbor his and he said may not it be known that she came the woman the threshing floor.
I spavaše ona do njegovih nogu do jutra. On ustade prije nego što mogaše čovjek čovjeka razaznati jer mišljaše: “Ne treba da znaju da je žena bila na gumnu.”
15 And he said give the shawl which [is] on you and take hold on it and she took hold on it and he measured out six barley and he put [it] on her and he came the city.
I kaza joj: “Daj ogrtač što je na tebi i drži ga dobro.” Ona ga pridrža, a on joj nasu šest mjerica ječma i naprti joj. I ode ona u grad.
16 And she came to mother-in-law her and she said who? [are] you O daughter my and she told to her all that he had done for her the man.
Kad je stigla, upita je svekrva: “Što je s tobom, kćeri moja?” A ona joj pripovjedi sve što je učinio za nju.
17 And she said [the] six the barley these he gave to me for (he said to me *Q(K)*) may not you go empty to mother-in-law your.
I nadoveza: “Ovih šest mjerica ječma dade mi kazujući: 'Ne smiješ se vratiti svekrvi praznih ruku.'”
18 And she said sit down O daughter my until that you will know! how? will it fall out a matter for not he will be at peace the man that except he has finished the matter this day.
Nato će joj Noemi: “Budi mirna, kćeri moja, dok ne vidiš što će biti: jer neće on imati spokoja dok sve još danas ne dokrajči.”

< Ruth 3 >