< Romans 2 >

1 Therefore inexcusable you are, O man everyone you who [are] judging; In that which for you judge the other, yourself you are condemning; for the same things you do who are judging.
Nantele sagauhwiuzizye, awe wologa eshi hwagala golonga owenje ahwibheshele mnyobho mnyabho mwene. Huje awe wolonga obhomba enongwa zizila.
2 We know however that the judgment of God is according to truth upon those such things practicing;
Nantele timenye huje olonzi owa Ngolobhe welyoli hwa bhala bhabha bhomba aminza gabho.
3 Suppose you now this, O man you who [are] judging those such things practicing and doing them [yourself], that you yourself will escape the judgment of God?
Eshi awe sebha eli wolongo bhala bhabha bhomba enongwa nashi ezye nawe obhomba embombo zyezyo. Eshi obhohwiyefwe hulonzi wa Ngolobhe?
4 Or the riches of the kindness of Him and the forbearance and the patience despise you not knowing that the kindness of God to repentance you leads?
Huje osebha hashesana huwiji we winza wakwe, akhabhile humayemba gakwe naji mbizye hwakwe? Eshi saga omenye aje owinza wakwe uhwanzi wa hulanganyizye hu ndambo?
5 Because of however the hardness of you and unrepentant heart you are treasuring up to yourself wrath in [the] day of wrath and revelation (and *O*) of justice of God,
Nantele shohweli okhome wemwoyo gwaho ogaje lole edambo ohibhishela wewe eshanga eshemayemba hwisikulila elyemaye mba, nantele, isiku lila elye kwinkule owelenzi owelyoli wa Ngolobhe.
6 who will give to each according to the works of him,
Omwene aihuposhezya kila mtu eshipimilo eshalengane ne mbombo zyakwe:
7 to those who indeed with endurance in work good glory and honor and immortality are seeking life eternal; (aiōnios g166)
hwa bhala bhabhali lyoli hu mbombo enyinza nanganyishe bhaibhapela owomi wewilawila. (aiōnios g166)
8 to those however of self-interest and disobeying (indeed *k*) the truth, being persuaded about however unrighteousness, wrath and anger
Nantele hwabhala bhali bhene, bhaseyogopa elyoli nantele bhayogopa ezuluma, ilyoyo nekuni ehali ehainya.
9 tribulation and distress upon every soul of man which is working the evil, of Jew both first and also of Greek;
Ongolobhe aitaleta etabu na malabha hu kila nafusi zya bhatu yabhombila amabhibhi, hwa Muyahudi owahwande no Muyunani nantele.
10 glory however and honor and peace to everyone who is doing good, to Jew both first and to Greek;
Eshi ensombo, neshishi no winza waihwenza kwa shila mtu yabhomba enyinza, hwa Muyahudi hwande na hwa Muyunani nantele.
11 Not for there is partiality with God.
Huje nahumo apendelele hwa Ngolobhe.
12 As many as for without [the] Law have sinned, without [the] Law also will perish; and as many as in [the] Law have sinned, through [the] Law will be judged;
Huje nashi abhinji bhabhalulila pasepali ne shelia bhanzateje pasepali ne shelia, nantele nashi abhinji bhabhatulile alengane ne shelia bhailongwa hu shelia.
13 not for the hearers (*k*) of [the] law [are] righteous with God, but the doers (*k*) of [the] law will be justified.
Huje sebhahovwa edajizyo bhali nelyoli hwitagalila lwa Ngolobhe, nantele bhabhala bhabhaibhomba edajizyo bhaibhaziwa hu haki.
14 When for Gentiles not the law having by nature the [things] of the law (they may do, *N(k)O*) these [the] Law not having to themselves are a law,
Huje abhatu bhase Bhaputa bhaseli nedajizyo, bhabhomba hushikalilo embombo ezye ndajizyo zyabho, bhagalushe ndajizyo humoyo gabho, nantele abhene sagabhali nedajizyo.
15 who show the work of the law written in the hearts when they are bearing witness to them their conscience and between one another the thoughts accusing or also presenting a defense
Hweli balolesya aje embombo zyazi hwanziwa hu mijibu owe ndajizyo zisimbwilwe muhati mmoyo gabho. Ezamili zyabho zisumula aje, ne jele zyabho bhibho aje bhashitakiwa au zibhalinda abhene bhebho
16 on day (when *NK(o)*) (judges *N(k)O*) God the secrets of men according to the gospel of mine through Christ Jesus.
nantele hwa Ngolobhe. Ega gafumila hwi siku elya Ongolobhe paizilonga esili ezya bhatu bhoti, sawasawa nedombelelo zyane, hwi tawa elya Yesu Kilisiti.
17 (If *N(K)O*) (however *no*) you yourself a Jew are called and you rely on (the *k*) law and you boast in God
Tiyanje aje ohwikwizya wewe Muyahudi, yakheye yu dajizyo, shima ahwisombe hwa Ngolobhe,
18 and know the will and approve the [things] being superior being instructed out of the law;
manya ogane wakwe, na genye gala gase gabhalilana nago, baada yala jiziwenendajizyo.
19 you are confident then [that] you yourself a guide being of [the] blind, a light to those in darkness,
Eshi tiyanye aje olijivi wewe hu mwenee olilongozi wabhasebhalola apazelu hwabhala bhabahli hukisi,
20 an instructor of [the] foolish, a teacher of infants, having the embodiment of knowledge and of the truth in the law;
yasahihiswa alema, omwalimu wabhana nahuje oliyo huje edajizyo ezyemanyizu awe lyoli.
21 You who [are] then teaching another yourself not do you teach? You who [are] preaching not to steal do you steal?
Awe basi, wuhugajila aweje, sahwimanyizya wewe? Wulombelela aje mugaje hwibhe awe sohwibha?
22 You who [are] saying not to commit adultery do you commit adultery? You who [are] abhorring idols do you rob temples?
Awe oiga, muganjebhebhegu? Awe, wovitwa eshilolesyo eshi, ohwibha mwi kanisa?
23 You who in law boast, through the transgression of the law God dishonor you?
Awe wohwisovya hu ndajizyo, eshi sokenyensyewa na Ngolobhe huje onagenye endajizyo?
24 For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles even as it has been written.
Hwa huje “itawa elya Ngolobhe likenyesewa hwa bhatu bhasebhaputa ashile hulimwe,” nashisesibwilwe.
25 Circumcision indeed for profits if [the] law you shall do; if however a transgressor of law you shall be, the circumcision of you uncircumcision has become.
Awe atahilwe lyoli shinza nkoyogope edajizyo nantele nkashile awe oligalugalu wedajizyo, atahilwe hwaho hubhaje sotahiliwe.
26 If therefore the uncircumcision the requirements of the law shall keep, (surely *N(k)O*) the uncircumcision of him for circumcision will be reckoned?
Eshi, nkashele, omtu yasagatahilwe ahwendelela akhate amazu age dajizyo, eshi asintetahiliwe kwakwe sehwaiye jelwa huje atahiliwe?
27 And will judge the by nature uncircumcision the law fulfilling you who with [the] letter and circumcision [are] a transgressor of law.
Wope yasatahiliwe hushikulilo sagadahulonje nkashele abhatimizye edajizyo? Ene hwa huje olinesimbo zyazisimbwilwe ne tohala huje osele ali galuhani hudajizyo!
28 Not for the [one] on the outward a Jew is, neither the [one] outwardly the outward in flesh [is] circumcision,
Nantele omwene saga Muyahudi yali huhali eya hwonze; hubhe hutahilwe sagahwahula wahuli hwahwonze wene hu humbele.
29 but he who [is] on the inward a Jew [is one], and circumcision [is] of heart in spirit not in letter, of whom the praise [is] not of men but of God.
Nantele omwene Muyahudi yalimhati, ne tohala eyaha muvoyo, hu fijili. Saga hunsimbo esombo ezya mtu owe sho sagafumila hwa bhatu gafuma hwa Ngolobhe.

< Romans 2 >