< Romans 2 >

1 Therefore inexcusable you are, O man everyone you who [are] judging; In that which for you judge the other, yourself you are condemning; for the same things you do who are judging.
Tāpēc tu, ak cilvēks, esi neaizbildinājams, ikviens, kas tiesā; jo kurā lietā tu otru tiesā, tu pats sevi notiesā, jo tu tās pašas lietas dari, tu tiesātājs.
2 We know however that the judgment of God is according to truth upon those such things practicing;
Bet mēs zinām, ka Dieva sodība tiem tiešām uzies, kas tādas lietas dara.
3 Suppose you now this, O man you who [are] judging those such things practicing and doing them [yourself], that you yourself will escape the judgment of God?
Bet vai tu, ak cilvēks, gan domā, ka tu izbēgsi Dieva sodībai, tos tiesādams, kas tādas lietas dara, un pats tās darīdams?
4 Or the riches of the kindness of Him and the forbearance and the patience despise you not knowing that the kindness of God to repentance you leads?
Jeb vai tu nicini Viņa laipnības un pacietības un lēnprātības bagātību, nezinādams, ka Dieva laipnība tevi vada uz atgriešanos no grēkiem?
5 Because of however the hardness of you and unrepentant heart you are treasuring up to yourself wrath in [the] day of wrath and revelation (and *O*) of justice of God,
Bet tu pēc savas cietas un neatgriezīgas sirds sev pašam krājies par mantu dusmību uz dusmības dienu, kad Dievs parādīs taisnu spriedumu,
6 who will give to each according to the works of him,
Kas ikvienam atmaksās pēc viņa darbiem:
7 to those who indeed with endurance in work good glory and honor and immortality are seeking life eternal; (aiōnios g166)
Tiem, kas pastāvīgi labā darbā godu un slavu un neiznīcību meklē - mūžīgu dzīvošanu; (aiōnios g166)
8 to those however of self-interest and disobeying (indeed *k*) the truth, being persuaded about however unrighteousness, wrath and anger
Bet tiem, kas ir rējēji un nepaklausa patiesībai, bet paklausa netaisnībai - dusmību un bardzību.
9 tribulation and distress upon every soul of man which is working the evil, of Jew both first and also of Greek;
Bēdas un izbailes ikkatrai cilvēka dvēselei, kas ļaunu dara, papriekš Jūdam un arī Grieķim;
10 glory however and honor and peace to everyone who is doing good, to Jew both first and to Greek;
Bet gods un slava un miers ikkatram, kas labu dara, papriekš Jūdam un arī Grieķim.
11 Not for there is partiality with God.
Jo Dievs neuzlūko cilvēka vaigu.
12 As many as for without [the] Law have sinned, without [the] Law also will perish; and as many as in [the] Law have sinned, through [the] Law will be judged;
Jo kas bez bauslības grēkojuši, tie arī bez bauslības pazudīs; un kas apakš bauslības grēkojuši, tie pēc bauslības taps tiesāti -
13 not for the hearers (*k*) of [the] law [are] righteous with God, but the doers (*k*) of [the] law will be justified.
(Jo ne bauslības klausītāji Dieva priekšā taisni, bet bauslības darītāji taps taisnoti.
14 When for Gentiles not the law having by nature the [things] of the law (they may do, *N(k)O*) these [the] Law not having to themselves are a law,
Jo ja tie pagāni, kam bauslības nav, no savas dabas dara pēc bauslības, tad šie, kam bauslības nav, paši sev ir par bauslību.
15 who show the work of the law written in the hearts when they are bearing witness to them their conscience and between one another the thoughts accusing or also presenting a defense
Tie tad parāda, bauslības darbu esam ierakstītu viņu sirdīs caur to, ka viņu zināma sirds tiem liecību dod, un tās domas savā starpā vai apsūdzēs, vai arī aizbildinās, ) -
16 on day (when *NK(o)*) (judges *N(k)O*) God the secrets of men according to the gospel of mine through Christ Jesus.
Tanī dienā, kad Dievs cilvēku noslēpumus tiesās pēc mana evaņģēlija caur Jēzu Kristu.
17 (If *N(K)O*) (however *no*) you yourself a Jew are called and you rely on (the *k*) law and you boast in God
Raugi, tu saucies Jūds un paļaujies uz bauslību un lielies ar Dievu
18 and know the will and approve the [things] being superior being instructed out of the law;
Un zini Viņa prātu, un bauslībā mācīts izšķīri, kas labs un kas ļauns;
19 you are confident then [that] you yourself a guide being of [the] blind, a light to those in darkness,
Un tu ņemies akliem būt vadonis un gaišums tiem, kas ir tumsībā,
20 an instructor of [the] foolish, a teacher of infants, having the embodiment of knowledge and of the truth in the law;
Neprātīgiem pamācītājs un nejēgām mācītājs, kam ir atzīšanas un patiesības raksts bauslībā.
21 You who [are] then teaching another yourself not do you teach? You who [are] preaching not to steal do you steal?
Tad nu citu mācīdams pats sevi nemāci. Tu sludini, ka nebūs zagt, pats zodz.
22 You who [are] saying not to commit adultery do you commit adultery? You who [are] abhorring idols do you rob temples?
Tu saki, ka nebūs laulību pārkāpt, pats laulību pārkāpi. Tu elkadievus turi negantus, pats esi svētuma laupītājs.
23 You who in law boast, through the transgression of the law God dishonor you?
Tu lielies ar bauslību, pats Dievu pulgo caur bauslības pārkāpšanu.
24 For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles even as it has been written.
Jo Dieva vārds jūsu dēļ top zaimots pagānu starpā, itin kā ir rakstīts.
25 Circumcision indeed for profits if [the] law you shall do; if however a transgressor of law you shall be, the circumcision of you uncircumcision has become.
Jo apgraizīšana gan ir derīga, ja tu bauslību dari; bet ja esi bauslības pārkāpējs, tad tavs apgraizījums ir tapis par priekšādu.
26 If therefore the uncircumcision the requirements of the law shall keep, (surely *N(k)O*) the uncircumcision of him for circumcision will be reckoned?
Ja nu priekšāda bauslības likumus tur, vai tad viņu priekšāda netaps turēta par apgraizījumu?
27 And will judge the by nature uncircumcision the law fulfilling you who with [the] letter and circumcision [are] a transgressor of law.
Un tad tā priekšāda, kas no dabas tāda ir un bauslību tur, tiesās tevi, kas pie raksta un apgraizīšanas esi bauslības pārkāpējs.
28 Not for the [one] on the outward a Jew is, neither the [one] outwardly the outward in flesh [is] circumcision,
Jo tas nav Jūds, kas no ārienes tāds ir; nedz tā ir apgraizīšana, kas no ārienes pie miesas.
29 but he who [is] on the inward a Jew [is one], and circumcision [is] of heart in spirit not in letter, of whom the praise [is] not of men but of God.
Bet tas ir Jūds, kas no iekšienes tāds, un tā ir sirds apgraizīšana, kas garā un ne rakstā; tam ir teikšana ne no cilvēkiem, bet no Dieva.

< Romans 2 >