< Romans 13 >

1 Every soul to the authorities being above [him] should be subject. Not for there is authority only except (by *N(k)O*) God, those however existing (authorities *k*) by (*k*) God instituted are.
Persona gucia potestate goragoén suiet biz, ecen ezta potestateric Iaincoaganic baicen: eta diraden potestateac, Iaincoaz ordenatuac dirade.
2 Therefore the [one] resisting the authority the of God ordinance has resisted; those now having resisted upon themselves judgment will bring.
Halacotz, potestateari resistitzen draucanac, Iaincoaren ordenançari resistitzen drauca: eta resistitzen dutenéc, bere buruén gainera damnatione erekarriren duté.
3 The for rulers not are a terror (to the good *N(k)O*) (work *N(K)O*) but (to the evil. *N(k)O*) Do you desire now not to fear the authority? The good do perform and you will have praise from him;
Ecen magistratuac eztirade icigarri, obra onacgatic, baina gaichtoagatic. Bada nahi duc potestatearen beldur ez içan? eguic vngui, eta recebituren duc laudorio harenganic.
4 Of God for servant he is to you for good. If however evil you shall do, do be afraid; not for in vain the sword he bears. of God for a servant He is an avenger for wrath to the [one] evil doing.
Ecen Iaincoaren cerbitzari duc hire onetacotz: baina gaizquiric badaguic, aicén beldur: ecen eztic causa gabe ezpatá ekarten: ecen Iaincoaren cerbitzari duc, mendecari hiratan, gaizqui eguiten duenaren gainean.
5 Therefore necessary [it is] to be subject, not only on account of the wrath but also on account of the conscience.
Harren behar da içan suiect ez hiragatic solament, baina conscientiagatic-ere.
6 Because of this for also taxes pay you; servants for of God they are upon this very thing attending continually.
Ecen halacotz tributac-ere pagatzen dituçue: ecen Iaincoaren ministre dirade, hunetara berera emplegatzen diradela.
7 do render (therefore *K*) to all their dues, to whom the tax the tax, to whom the revenue the revenue, to whom the respect the respect, to whom the honor the honor.
Renda ieceçue bada guciey çor draueçuena: nori tributa, tributa: nori peagea, peagea: nori beldurra, beldurra: nori ohorea, ohorea.
8 To no one nothing do owe only except one another to love; the [one] for loving the other [the] Law has fulfilled;
Etzaretela nehorengana deusez çordun: elkarri on daritzoçuen baicen: ecen berceri on daritzanac, Leguea complitu du.
9 For Not you will commit adultery, Not you will murder, Not you will steal (not will you bear false witness *K*) Not you will covet, and if any other commandment, in word this it is summed up, in the [saying] You will love the neighbour of you as (yourself. *NK(O)*)
Ecen haur, Ezaiz adultero içanen, Eztuc hilen, Eztuc ebatsiren, Eztuc falsu testimoniageric erranen, Eztuc guthiciaturen: eta baldin cembeit berce manamenduric bada, hitz hunetan sommarioqui comprehenditzen da, Onhetsiren duc eure hurcoa eure burua beçala.
10 Love to the neighbour evil not does do; [the] fulfillment therefore of [the] law love [is].
Charitateac hurcoari gaizquiric eztrauca eguiten. Beraz Leguearen complimendua, charitatea da.
11 And this knowing the time, that [it is the] hour already ([for] you *N(k)O*) out of sleep to awaken; now for nearer [is] of us the salvation than when first we believed;
Principalqui ikussiric sasoina, ecen ia ordu dela lotaric iratzar gaitecen: ecen orain hurbilago daucu saluamendua, ecen ez sinhetsi vkan dugunean.
12 The night is nearly over and the day has drawn near. (We may cast off *NK(o)*) therefore the works of darkness, (and *k*) we may put on (now *no*) the armor of light.
Gauä iragan da eta eguna hurbildu. Iraitz ditzagun bada ilhumbearen obrác, eta vezti gaitecen arguiari dagocan abillamenduz.
13 As in daytime properly we may walk, not in reveling and in drinking, not in sexual immorality and in sensuality, not in dissension and in jealousy;
Egunáz anco honestqui ebil gaitecen: ez gormandicetan eta hordiquerietan, ez ohatzetan eta insolentietan, ez gudutan eta inuidiatan.
14 But do put on the Lord Jesus Christ and of the flesh provision not do make for desires.
Baina vezti çaiteztez Iesus Christ Iaunaz, eta haraguiaz artharic eztuçuela haren guthicién complitzeco.

< Romans 13 >