< Romans 11 >

1 I ask then; not did reject God the people of Him? Never would it be! Also for I myself an Israelite am, of [the] seed of Abraham, of [the] tribe of Benjamin.
Kukolya, Itunda auahitile ne iantu akwe? Ingi singa auahitile, ingi nunene ni Mwisraeli nua ukoo wang'wa Abrahamu, nui kabila lang'wa Benyamini.
2 Not did reject God the people of Him whom He foreknew. Or not know you in Elijah what says the Scripture, how he pleads with God against Israel (saying *k*)
Itunda singa auahitile iantu akwe, aualingile kupuma ung'wandyo, iti shamulingile iandiko nuliliiye kung'wa Elia, naumulompile Tunda kuantu akua Israeli.
3 Lord, the prophets of You they have killed, (and *k*) the altars of You they have torn down, and I myself and I myself were left alone, and they are seeking the life of me.
Utata waabulaga ianyakidagu ako, neenso akumulanga imakumbikilo ako. Nasaga ning'wene hangi akupenza upanga wane.
4 But what [was] spoken to him the divine answer? I have left to Myself seven thousand men who not bowed [the] knee to Baal.
Isukiilo lang'wi Tunda likulunga ntuni kitalako? “Naika kunsoko ako antu magana nzogu mupungati awa nishaumukulya Itunda wa unkumbigulu” (Baali).
5 Thus then also in the present time a remnant according to [the] election of grace there has been.
Kululo nimatungo nitungili akoli niasagiile kunsoko au holanigwa nua ukende.
6 If now by grace no longer no longer from works, otherwise grace no longer no longer would be grace (if *KO*) (now from works no longer no longer is grace since the work no longer no longer is work. *K*)
Kululo agaitule kuaukende, singa hangi kua ntendo, ang'wi ukendo singa utulo hangi ukende.
7 What then? What is seeking Israel, (this *N(k)O*) not it has obtained, but the elect obtained [it]; The now rest were hardened
Ntuni gwa? ulukani nu Israeli aukuluduma, singa akalupantika, ingi iaholanigwa kakipantika, niang'wi ikapegwa kiti aleke kuona.
8 (even as *NK(o)*) it has been written: Gave to them God a spirit of stupor, eyes not to see and ears not to hear unto the today day.
Anga niyandikilwe: “Itunda uapee nkolo au tu, imiho aleke kuona, nia kutye aleke kija sunga ni leliye.”
9 And David says: should be the table of them for a snare and for a trap and for a stumbling block and for a retribution to them;
U Daudi nung'wenso ukulunga, “Leka imeza yao itule nyavu, mntego, nuakukumpa kunsoko awilei wao.
10 should be darkened the eyes of them not to see, and the backs of them (for *N(K)O*) (all [times] *N(k)O*) do bend over.
Leka imiho ao apegwe ikiti aleki kuhuma kuona. Ulongole wendua tunye imigongo ao mahiku ihi.”
11 I say then, surely not they did stumble so that they may fall? Never would it be! But in the of them trespass [is] salvation to the Gentiles so as to provoke to jealousy them.
Ingi gwa kulunga, akumpaa nee sunga agwiiza ileka kutula iti itunu. Ingi gwa kua kuleng'wa kitalao, uuguniki wapika kuantu nishaahuie, ingi nienso ahume kupegwa uwilu nuansula.
12 If however the trespass of them [is] riches of [the] world and the failure of them [is the] riches of [the] Gentiles, how much more the fullness of them?
Ang'wi kuleng'wa kitalao nsoko augole waunkumbigulu, hangi ang'wi kuulya kitalao kunsoko augoli wa anyakilungu ukondaniili kitalao ukutula ugeile uli?
13 To you (now *N(k)O*) I am speaking Gentiles; Upon as much as indeed (therefore *NO*) am I myself of [the] Gentiles apostle, the ministry of mine I magnify,
Itungile kuligitya nunye nimiantu amihe. Kunsoko naina nimitumi wa mahi mangiza, nainikuilya uitumi wane.
14 if at all I will provoke to jealousy of me the flesh and will save some of them.
Ang'wi kuapa nsula ao niamuili ung'wi nunene. Ang'wi niang'wi kua guna.
15 If for the rejection of them [is the] reconciliation of [the] world, what [will be] the acceptance only except life out from [the] dead?
Ang'wi kuhitwa kitalako wigombi wa mihi kusingiiligwa kitalao ikutula ule upanga kupuma kuashi.
16 If now the firstfruit [is] holy, also the lump; and if the root [is] holy, also the branches.
Ang'wi indya yang'wandyo iza kiuto nikiza, uu nili nila utu. Ang'wi umuli iza kiuto imataambi nimenso uu.
17 If however some of the branches were broken off, you yourself now a wild olive tree being you were grafted in among them and a fellow-partaker of the root (and *ko*) of the fatness of the olive tree you have become,
Ang'wi imataambi ang'wi aatemilwe anga uewe itaambi nila muzeituni nuamihaka, nautemewe pakati ao, angwe aiwihanguie palung'wi nimihi augoli wa mizeituni,
18 not do boast over the branches; If now you boast against [them], not you yourself the root support but the root you.
leka kilumbiilya kunsoko amataambi, ang'wi ukilumbiilya, singa wewe wimiailya imili, imili ikuailya wewe.
19 You will say then; Were broken off (*k*) branches that I myself may be grafted in.
Kululo ukulunga imatambi aatemilwe kunsoko nihume kutemelwa.
20 Rightly so; by the unbelief they were broken off, you yourself however by faith have stood. Not high do be minded but do be afraid;
Tai ingi: Kunsoko akuhita kuhuila aiatemilwe, kululo uewe aiwimikile kunsoko auhuili wako, uleke kutula kihumbula migulya inonee kogopa.
21 If for God the according to nature branches not spared, surely (perhaps *NK*) neither you (will He spare. *N(k)O*)
Kunso Itunda singa aumalekile imatambi na ng'wandyo, nuewe singa ukuhumila ikinya uwai.
22 Behold therefore [the] kindness and severity of God; upon indeed those having fallen (severity, *N(k)O*) toward however you (kindness *N(k)O*) (of God, *NO*) if (you shall continue in *NK(O)*) the kindness; otherwise also you yourself will be cut off.
Goza gwa intendo ninza niang'wi Tunda nizi nintaki, uulaki auzile ku Ayahudi kunsoko naiagwie, kululo kuangiza, uuza wang'wi Tunda wiza kitalako ang'wi ukikie kuuza wakwe. Angaitule shanga uu nuewe ukuhitwa.
23 And they And they now only unless (they shall continue *N(k)O*) in unbelief, [then] they will be grafted in; able for is God again to graft in them;
Ang'wi singa akulongoleka kuhita kuhuila kitalao, akulemelwa hangi, kunsoko Itunda ukete uhumi nuakuatemela hangi.
24 If for you yourself out of the according to nature were cut off a wild olive tree and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more these who according to nature [are] will be grafted into their own olive tree?
Kunsoko ang'wi anye amutemilwe kunzi kunsoko ang'wi ung'wandyo aimia muzeituni wamihala ni hangi ang'wi anutemewe ung'wandyo wa muzeituni nuza, ang'wi aikukila i Ayahudi, naatuile anga mataambi ang'wandyo kuhuma kutemelwa hangi mukati amizeituni ao?
25 Not for I want you to be ignorant, brothers, of the mystery this, that not you may be (beside *NK(o)*) yourselves wise, that a hardening in part to Israel has happened until that the fullness of the Gentiles may come in,
Aluna ane singantakile mulinge unkunku uwu, hangi muleke kutula nimahala nakusiga kitalanyu. Unkunku uwu upumie ukaku ku Israeli sunga kuukondaniili nua unkumbigulu nuuzile.
26 and so all Israel will be saved even as it has been written: Will come out of Zion the [One] Delivering, (and *k*) He will remove ungodliness from Jacob;
Kululo Israeli ihi akugunika anga naiyandikilwe: “Kupuma Sayuni uzile Muguni ukuuheja uubi kupuma kung'wa Yakono.
27 And this [is] to them the from Me covenant, when I may take away the sins of them.
Nili likutula ilago lane palung'wi nienso. Matungo ninzaheja imilandu ao.”
28 As regards indeed the gospel [they are] enemies on account of you As regards however the election beloved on account of the patriarchs;
Kua lukumo nula lukani, atula alugu kunsoko anyu kululo kunsoko alukumo nulakung'wanso kimikigwa atula alowa kunsoko a Tata anyu.
29 Irrevocable for [are] the gifts and the calling of God.
Kunsoko ikipegwa nu witang'wi wang'wi Tunda shawi kailika.
30 Just as for (and *k*) you yourselves once were disobedient to God now however were shown mercy to them through their disobedience,
Kunsoko ung'wandya aimamulekile Tunda kululo itungila mausingiilya ulekelwa wanakanda, kunsoko akumuleka Itunda kitalao.
31 so also these now were disobedient to your mercy so that also they themselves (now *NO*) may have mercy shown [them].
Kunzila yiyo yiyo i Ayahudi amulekile Itunda, kunsoko aimusingiiye ulekelwa nienso akusingiilya uulekelwa.
32 Has bound up for God all in disobedience that all He may show mercy to. (eleēsē g1653)
Kunsoko Itunda ualungile iantuihi muubi, ingi ahume kuahumila ikinya uwayi. (eleēsē g1653)
33 O [the] depth of riches both of wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable the judgments of Him and untraceable the ways of Him!
Anga niza ukulu uugole wakwe nimahala nu hugu wang'wi Tunda, shawilingika nu lamulwa wakwe ni nzila yakwe shayipenzeka.
34 Who for has known [the] mind of [the] Lord? or who counselor of Him has been?
Nyenyu naumilengile insula ang'wa Tata? Ang'wi nyenyu naiwimusija?
35 Or who has first given to Him, and it will be recompensed to him?
Ang'wi nyanyu naumupee ikintu ung'wandya nung'wenso ukulipwa hangi?
36 For from Him and through Him and unto Him [are] all things; To Him [be] the glory to the ages! Amen. (aiōn g165)
Kunsoko maintu ihi apumie kitalakwe ikoli kua uhumi wakwe, hangi ukusuka kitalakwe, ukulu ukuli kitalakwe ikali na kali. Amina. (aiōn g165)

< Romans 11 >