< Revelation 4 >

1 After these things I looked, and behold a door opened in heaven, and the voice first that I heard like a trumpet was speaking with me (saying; *N(k)O*) do come up here, and I will show to you what it behooves to take place after these things.
Pega amambo ehenyizye nalola, endyango gwagufungwilwe, amwanya. Ela esauti eyawande, eyanganane nashi italumpeta, eyinga, “Enzaa epa, embahulanje gagabhafumile hwega.”
2 (and *k*) immediately I was in [the] Spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven, and upon (the throne *N(k)O*) [One] sitting.
Ane ehali ehali endi hu Mpepo, ehenyizye ehali nitengo elyemwene amwanya, no mntu alikhalie.
3 and the [One] sitting (was *k*) like in appearance stone jasper and sardius And a rainbow [was] around the throne (like in appearance *NK(o)*) (an emerald. *N(k)O*)
Omo yaliakhalie abhoneshe nashi iwe elye yaspi ne akiki. Hwalino lukwe ne mvula ezyongolele itengo elyeumwene. Olukwe olwe mvula lwabhoneshe nashi zumaridi.
4 And around the throne (thrones *N(k)O*) [were] twenty (and *k*) four, and on the thrones (I saw *K*) (*k*) twenty (and *k*) four elders sitting, having clothed themselves in garments white, and (had *k*) on the heads of them crowns golden.
Huzyongola itengo elwemwene hwali namatengo eshimwene evyamwabho amalongo gabhele na gane, na bhabhakheye humatengo egeshi mwene bhali agogolo amalongo gabhele na bhane, bhakwatiziwi ameuda amazelu netaji ezye dhahabu mmatwe gabho.
5 And out of the throne come flashes of lightning and voices and thunderings, And [there were] seven lamps of fire burning before the throne (of him *O*) (which *N(k)O*) are the seven Spirits of God,
Afume mwitengo eshimwene zihafuma endapusi ezyemvula na gulume nendapusi etala saba zyalizuhwaha witagalila elyetengo elyamwene. Etala zye mpepo saba ezya Ngolobhe.
6 And before the throne ([was something] like *NO*) a sea of glass, like as crystal, And in [the] midst of the throne and around the throne [were] four living creatures being full of eyes in front and behind.
Nantele witagalila elyeitengo elye shimwene waline ensombe yelipawe leele nashi ilolwe. Bhonte azyongole itengo elyeshimwene wali na bhali nebhehwemi bhane, bhabhamemile amaso witagalila na hunyuma.
7 And the living creature first [was] like as a lion, and the second living creature like as a calf, and the third living creature (he is having *N(k)O*) the face as (of a man, *N(k)O*) and the fourth living creature like as an eagle flying.
Ahalenganywe ahahwendwe ewehwomi alinashi ensama, ahaleganyewe ahabhele hali no womi alinashi endama, olenganywe owatatu yali no hwomi alipamaso nanshi abhantu nanshi, ensimila yeluha.
8 And the four living creatures, one for (one *n(o)*) (of them *N(k)O*) (he having *N(k)(o)*) respectively wings six around and within (full *N(k)O*) of eyes and rest not they have by day and night (saying: *N(k)O*) Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty, who was being and who is being and who is coming.
Evibhombwe evye hwomi bhane shila umo ali na mapiho taanda, bhamemile amaso pamwanya na pansi yakwe. Osiku napasanya sebhaleha ayanje, “Womwinsa, womwinza, womwinza Gosi Ongolobhe, omwanesho owa gonti, yahali nayahweli na yayenza.”
9 And whenever (will give *NK(o)*) the living creatures glory and honor and thanksgiving to the [One] sitting upon (the throne, *N(k)O*) who is living to the ages of the ages, (aiōn g165)
Shila shibhombwe eshe hwomi nabhafumiga outukufu, olwiho, na salifye witagalila hwali yakheye hwelyo itengo elyeshi mwene, oyo yakhala wilawila hani, (aiōn g165)
10 will fall the twenty (and *k*) four elders before the [One] sitting upon the throne and (they will worship *N(k)O*) the [One] living to the ages of the ages and (they will cast *N(k)O*) the crowns of them before the throne saying: (aiōn g165)
agogolo amalongo gabhele na bhane bhaputil ebhene pitagalila lyakwe yakhalie itengo elyeshimwene. Bhasuleme pansi pamwene yakhala wila hani naponyepansi etaji zyabho pitagalila yakhalie itengo elye shimwemwe bhayanga, (aiōn g165)
11 Worthy are You Lord (and the God of us, *NO*) (the Holy One *O*) to receive glory and honor and power. for You yourself created all things, and because of the will of You (they were existing *N(k)O*) and were created.
“Ohwanziwa awe, Ogosi wetu Ngolobhe wetu, aposhele ouzuvyo no lwiho ne guvu. Afwatane ohabhombele evintu vyonti, hunsongwo zyao, vyahali na vyabhombelwe.”

< Revelation 4 >