< Revelation 22 +
1 And he showed me a river (pure *K*) of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
2 In [the] middle of the street of it and of the river, from here and (from there, *N(k)O*) [was a] tree of life producing fruits twelve, according to month (one *K*) each (yielding *NK(o)*) the fruit of it, and the leaves of the tree [are] for [the] healing of the nations.
3 And any curse not there will be any longer, And the throne of God and of the Lamb in it will be, and the servants of Him will serve Him
4 And they will behold the face of Him, and the name of Him [will be] on the foreheads of them.
5 And night not there will be (still, *N(k)O*) and not they have need (of [the] light *no*) of a lamp and (of [the] light *NK(o)*) of [the] sun because [the] Lord God (will enlighten *N(k)O*) (upon *no*) them. and they will reign to the ages of the ages. (aiōn )
6 And (he said *NK(o)*) to me; These words [are] faithful and true, And (the *no*) Lord the God of the (spirits *N(K)O*) of the prophets sent the angel of Him to show to the servants of Him [the things] that must come to pass with speed.
7 (And *no*) behold I am coming quickly. Blessed [is] the [one] keeping the words of the prophecy of the book this.
8 And I myself And I myself John who is hearing and is seeing these things; And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who is showing me these things.
9 And he says to me; do see that you [do] not, Fellow servant of you (for *k*) I am and with the brothers of you the prophets and with those keeping the words of the book this; God do worship.
10 And he says to me; Not may seal the words of the prophecy of the book this (that *k*) the time for near is.
11 The [one] being unrighteous he should be unrighteous still, and he who (filthy he should be defiled *N(k)O*) still, and he who [is] righteous (righteousness *N(k)O*) (he should practice *no*) still; and he who [is] holy he should be holy still.
12 (and *k*) Behold I am coming quickly, and the reward of Mine [is] with Me to give to each as the work (is *N(k)O*) of him.
13 I myself (am *k*) the (Alpha *N(k)O*) and the Omega the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14 Blessed [are] those (washing *N(K)O*) the (robes of them, *N(K)O*) that will be the right of them to the tree of life, and by the gates they may enter into the city.
15 Outside [are] (now *k*) the dogs and the sorcerers and the sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone (who *k*) is loving and practicing falsehood.
16 I myself Jesus sent the angel of Mine to testify to you these things in the churches. I myself am the root and the offspring (*k*) of David, the star the bright (the *N(K)O*) (morning. *N(k)O*)
17 And the Spirit and the bride say; (Come! *N(k)O*) And the [one] hearing he should say; (Come! *N(k)O*) And the [one] thirsting (he should come, *N(k)O*) (and *k*) the [one] desiring (he should take *N(k)O*) (the *k*) water of life freely.
18 (Testify *N(k)O*) (I myself *N(K)O*) to everyone who is hearing the words of the prophecy of the book this: If anyone (shall add to these things, *N(k)O*) (will add *NK(o)*) God unto him the plagues which written in book this.
19 And if anyone (shall take away *N(k)O*) from the words of the (book *N(k)O*) of the prophecy this, (will take away *NK(o)*) God the part of him from the (tree *N(K)O*) of life and out of the city holy, (and *k*) of those written in book this.
20 Says the [One] testifying these things; Yes I am coming quickly; Amen. (yes *KO*) do come, Lord Jesus!
21 The grace of the Lord (of us *K*) Jesus (Christ *KO*) [be] with all (*o*) (of you *K(O)*) (Amen. *KO*)