< Revelation 12 >

1 And a sign great appeared in heaven: a woman having been clothed with the sun, and the moon under the feet of her and on the head of her a crown of stars twelve,
Kelingasiilyo kekulu kekigela kung'wanso kilunde musungu nauambilwe ni iyoa, akezeukete nung'weli pihe pamigulu akwe, nengala nanzota ikumi, ing'wi nuubele migulya mitwe lakwe.
2 and in womb having, (And *no*) (she cries out *NK(o)*) being in travail and being in pain to bring forth.
Aukete uube hange ukeze lela kunsoko auai wakutuga muupyu wakitunguiela.
3 And was seen another sign in heaven, and behold a dragon great red having heads seven and horns ten, and upon the heads of him seven royal crowns,
Nikiuya kilingasiilyo kekigela kilunde, Goza! Yikatula ikole nzoka kauku nkulu ekete matwe mupungate ni mpembe ikumi, hange aikole ngala mupungate mumatwe ao.
4 And the tail of him drags a third of the stars of heaven and he cast them to the earth. and the dragon has stood before the woman who is being about to bring forth, so that when she may bring forth the child of her he may devour.
Umukela wakwe aiulutie ipande la nzota kilunde nukuigoma pihe muunkumbigulu. Inzoka akimeka ntongeela amasungu naiwahugeela kutuga, inge anga imatungo akutuga, emumele ung'wakwe ao.
5 And she brought forth a son (male, *N(k)O*) who is about to rule all the nations with a rod of iron. and was caught up the child of her to God and to the throne of Him.
Aulungile ng'wana, mung'enya wakigoha, nuakatema imahe ehi kumulanga nuashuma umung'enya wakwe wekapulwa migulya kung'wi Tunda hange kituntu lakwe nilautemi.
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place prepared (by *NK(o)*) God, so that there (they may feed *NK(o)*) her days one thousand two hundred sixty.
Numusungu wikamanka mumbuga, ekianza nekanso Itunda aiwanonelya pang'wanso kunsoko akwe, inge wahume kualigwa mahiku 1,260.
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and the angels of him (*no*) (to war against *N(k)O*) the dragon. and the dragon warred [back] and the angels of him
Itungo yekatula nembita kilunde. Mikaeli niamalaeka akwe, ekikua nenzoka pihe niamalaeka akwe akikua nuyo.
8 And not (he had [enough] strength, nor *N(k)O*) a place was found (for them *NK(O)*) any longer in heaven.
Kuite inzoka aigila anga ngulu yakukondya kudula inge gwa yekatula kutile ilyoma hange kilunde kunsoko akwe niamalaeka akwe.
9 And was thrown [out] the dragon great, the serpent ancient, who is called [the] devil and Satan who is deceiving the inhabited [world] whole, He was thrown down to the earth, and the angels of him with him were thrown down.
Izoka nikulu enzoka iyo nakale nitangwe ibilisi ang'wi Shetani nuekongela - ihe wikagung'wa pihe mihe niamalaika akwe ekagung'wa pihe palung'wi nuyo.
10 And I heard a voice great in heaven saying: Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of the God of us, and the authority of the Christ of Him, because (has been cast down *N(k)O*) the (accuser *N(k)O*) of the brothers of us who is accusing (them *N(k)O*) before the God of us day and night.
Hangi nekija luli lukulu kupuma kilunde: “Itungeele ugunwa wazaa, ngulu, nuutemi wang'wi Tunda witu nuuhumi wang'wa Kilisto nuakwe. Kunsoko umusemi nualuna ehi wagung'wa pihe - naeuasemee ntongeela ang'wi Tunda witu utiko numung'we.
11 And they themselves overcame him through the blood of the Lamb and through the word of the testimony of them and not they have loved the life of them unto death.
Aeamusemee kusakami ang'wankolo nukulukani lawihengi nuao, kundogoelyo shangaealoilwe ulikalo laosunga ensha.
12 Because of this do rejoice O heavens and you who [are] in them dwelling! Woe (to those dwelling [in] *K*) (the land *NK(o)*) and (the sea, *NK(o)*) because has come down the devil to you having fury great knowing that a short time he has.
Kuite lumbeelyi, unye kilunde, hange ehi neikie neikie mukate akwe. Kuite ukia wehi nibahali kunsoko umulugu wasima kung'waanyu. Wizue ikuo nitaki, kunsoko ulengile kina ukete matungo mashenyidaa.
13 And when saw the dragon that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had brought forth the male [child].
Imatungo izoka, naeleine kina lagung'wa pihe wikamutyata umusungu naiwitugile ung'wana numugoha.
14 And were given to the woman (the *no*) two wings of the eagle great, so that she may fly into the wilderness into the place of her (where *NK(O)*) (she is nourished *NK(o)*) there a time and times and half a time from [the] face of the serpent.
Kuite umusungu wekapegwa manana ande abeele makulu, kuitegwa ahume kuluma nukupika pang'wanso nainoneigwe kunsoko akwe kuko kumbuga, keanza nekanso kekumile kumusunga, kumatungo, matungo nanusu matungo, kianza nishalehumile kupika izoka nelanso.
15 And cast the serpent out of the mouth of him after the woman water as a river, so that (her *N(k)O*) carried away by a flood he may cause to be.
I nzoka ikahunula emaze kupuma mumulomo wakwe anga umoto, inge alete ekarika nakukapilya.
16 And gave help the earth to the woman and opened the earth the mouth of it and swallowed up the river which had cast the dragon out of the mouth of him.
Kuite ihe ekamuaelya umusongu, ekamaha umulomo wakwe nukuumila umongo ulewe nizoka kupumila kumulomo wakwe.
17 And was angry the dragon with the woman and went to make war with the rest of the children of her who are keeping the commandments of God and holding the testimony (*k*) of Jesus (Christ. *K*)
Hangi izoka likamutakila umusungu nuyo wikahenga nukituma embita kuutugwa wakwe wehi - kuawa niagombile imalago ang'wi Tunda nukuambela wihengi nuang'wa Yesu.

< Revelation 12 >