< Psalms 79 >

1 A psalm of Asaph O God they have come [the] nations - in inheritance your they have made unclean [the] temple of holiness your they have made Jerusalem into heaps of ruins.
En Salme af Asaf. Hedninger er trængt ind i din arvelod, Gud, de har besmittet dit hellige Tempel og gjort Jerusalem til en Stenhob;
2 They have given [the] corpse[s] of servants your food to [the] bird[s] of the heavens [the] flesh faithful [people] your to [the] animal[s] of [the] earth.
de har givet Himlens Fugle dine Tjeneres Lig til Æde, Jordens vilde Dyr dine frommes Kød;
3 They have poured out blood their - like water round about Jerusalem and there not [was one who] buried [them].
deres Blod har de udøst som Vand omkring Jerusalem, ingen jorder dem;
4 We have become a reproach to neighbors our mockery and derision to [those] around us.
vore Naboer er vi til Haan, vore Grander til Spot og Spe.
5 Until when? O Yahweh will you be angry? to perpetuity will it burn? like fire jealousy your.
Hvor længe vredes du, HERRE — for evigt? hvor længe skal din Nidkærhed lue som Ild?
6 Pour out anger your against the nations which not they know you and on kingdoms which on name your not they call.
Udøs din Vrede paa Folk, der ikke kender dig, paa Riger, som ikke paakalder dit Navn;
7 For it has consumed Jacob and habitation its they have devastated.
thi de har opædt Jakob og lagt hans Bolig øde.
8 May not you remember to us iniquities former [surely] quickly may they come to meet us compassion your for we have become low exceedingly.
Tilregn os ikke Fædrenes Brøde, lad din Barmhjertighed komme os snarlig i Møde, thi vi er saare ringe,
9 Help us - O God of salvation our on [the] matter of [the] glory of name your and deliver us and atone on sins our for [the] sake of name your.
Hjælp os, vor Frelses Gud, for dit Navns Æres Skyld, fri os, forlad vore Synder for dit Navns Skyld!
10 Why? - will they say the nations where? [is] God their let it be known (among the nations *Q(k)*) to eyes our [the] vengeance of [the] blood of servants your poured out.
Hvorfor skal Hedninger sige: »Hvor er deres Gud?« Lad dine Tjeneres udgydte Blod blive hævnet paa Hedningerne for vore Øjne!
11 May it come before you [the] groaning of [the] prisoner according to [the] greatness of arm your leave over [the] sons of death.
Lad de fangnes Suk naa hen for dit Aasyn, udløs Dødens Børn efter din Arms Vælde,
12 And repay to neighbors our sevenfold into bosom their reproach their which they reproached you O Lord.
lad syvfold Gengæld ramme vore Naboer for Haanen, de viser dig, Herre!
13 And we people your - and [the] sheep of pasture your we will give thanks to you for ever to a generation and a generation we will recount praise your.
Men vi, dit Folk og den Hjord, du røgter, vi vil evindelig takke dig, forkynde din Pris fra Slægt til Slægt!

< Psalms 79 >