< Psalms 69 >
1 To the choirmaster on Shoshannim of David. Save me O God for they have come waters to [the] neck.
Ilaahow, i badbaadi, Waayo, biyaa naftii ii keenay.
2 I have sunk - in mire of depth and there not [is] a foothold I have come in depths of water and a flood it has overflowed me.
Waxaan ku dhex liimbadaa dhoobo mool dheer oo aan lahayn meel laysku taago, Waxaan ku dhacay biyo mool dheer, oo daad baa halkaas igu qarqinaya.
3 I have become weary by calling out my it has become parched throat my they have failed eyes my waiting for God my.
Waxaan ku daalay qayladaydii, oo hungurigaygu waa qallalay, Oo intii aan Ilaahay sugayo ayay indhahaygu dem yidhaahdaan.
4 They are many - more than [the] hairs of head my [those who] hate me without cause they are numerous [those who] destroy me enemies my falsehood [that] which not I stole then I will return.
Kuwa sababla'aanta ii nebcaadaa way ka sii badan yihiin timaha madaxayga, Kuwa doonaya inay i baabbi'iyaan iyagoo cadaawayaashayda gardarro igu ah waa xoog badan yihiin, Markaasaan magdhabay wax aanan qaadan.
5 O God you you know folly my and guilt my from you not they are hidden.
Ilaahow, waad og tahay nacasnimadayda, Oo dembiyadayduna kaama qarsoona.
6 May not they be ashamed in me - [those who] wait for you O Lord Yahweh of hosts may not they be humiliated in me [those who] seek you O God of Israel.
Sayidow, Ilaaha ciidammadow, kuwa ku sugaya yaanan ceeb u soo jiidin, Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iilow, kuwa ku doondoonaya yaanan sharafjab u soo jiidin.
7 For on you I have borne reproach it has covered ignominy face my.
Maxaa yeelay, adiga daraaddaa ayaan cay u qaaday, Oo waxaa wejigaygii ka muuqatay ceeb.
8 Estranged I have become to brothers my and a foreigner to [the] children of mother my.
Waxaan walaalahay u noqday shisheeye, Oo ilma hooyadayna waxaan u noqday ajanabi.
9 For [the] zeal of house your it has consumed me and [the] reproaches of [those who] reproach you they have fallen on me.
Qiiradii aan gurigaaga u qabay ayaa i gubtay, Oo caydii kuwii ku caayay ayaa igu kor dhacday.
10 And I wept with fasting self my and it became reproach to me.
Markaan ooyay, oo aan naftayda soon ku edbiyey, Taasu waxay igu noqotay ceeb.
11 And I made! clothing my sackcloth and I became for them a byword.
Markaan joonyado dhar ka dhigtayna, Waxaan iyagii u noqday masaal.
12 They speak in me [those who] sit of [the] gate and taunt songs of drinkers of strong drink.
Kuwa iridda fadhfadhiyaa way igu sheekaystaan, Oo kuwa sakhraanka ahuna way igu gabyaan.
13 And I prayer my [is] to you - O Yahweh a time of favor O God in [the] greatness of covenant loyalty your answer me in [the] faithfulness of salvation your.
Laakiinse adigaan ku baryayaa wakhti la aqbali karo, Rabbiyow, Ilaahow, naxariistaada badan Iyo runta badbaadintaada iigu jawaab.
14 Deliver me from [the] mud and may not I sink may I be delivered from [those who] hate me and from depths of water.
Dhoobada iga samatabbixi, oo yaanan ku liimban, Oo ha layga samatabbixiyo kuwa i neceb, iyo biyaha moolka dheer.
15 May not it overflow me - a flood of water and may not it swallow up me [the] deep and may not it close over me [the] pit mouth its.
Biyaha daadka ahuna yaanay i qarqin, Oo yaan moolku i liqin, Oo yamayskuna yaanu afkiisa igu qabsan.
16 Answer me O Yahweh for [is] good covenant loyalty your according to [the] greatness of compassion your turn to me.
Rabbiyow, ii jawaab, waayo, raxmaddaadu waa wanaagsan tahay, Naxariistaada badnaanteeda aawadeed iigu soo jeeso.
17 And may not you hide face your from servant your for it is distress to me hurry answer me.
Oo wejigaaga ha iga qarin anoo addoonkaaga ah, Waayo, waan dhibaataysnahay, ee haddiiba ii jawaab.
18 Draw near! to self my redeem it on account of enemies my ransom me.
Naftayda u soo dhowow, oo furo, Oo cadaawayaashayda daraaddood ii samatabbixi.
19 You you know reproach my and shame my and ignominy my [are] before you all opposers my.
Waad og tahay caydayda iyo ceebtayda iyo sharafdarradayda, Oo cadaawayaashayda oo dhammu hortaaday joogaan.
20 Reproach - it has broken heart my and I have become sick! and I waited to show sympathy and there not and for comforters and not I found [them].
Cay baa i qalbi jebisay, waanan quusanayaa, Oo waxaan doondoonay mid ii jixinjixa, laakiinse waan waayay, Oo waxaan doondoonay kuwo i qalbi qaboojiya, laakiinse ma aanan helin.
21 And they put in food my poison and for thirst my they gave to drink me vinegar.
Oo weliba waxay cunto ahaan ii siiyeen xammeeti, Oo markaan harraadsanaana waxay i cabsiiyeen khal.
22 May it become table their before them a trap and for allies a snare.
Miiskoodu hortooda ha ku noqdo dabin, Oo markay nabdoon yihiinna shirqool ha ku noqdo.
23 May they grow dim eyes their from seeing and loins their continually make to shake.
Indhahoodu ha madoobaadeen si aanay waxba u arkin, Oo simahooduna had iyo goorba ha gariireen.
24 Pour out on them indignation your and [the] burning of anger your may it overtake them.
Xanaaqaaga iyaga ku deji, Oo cadhadaada kulaylkeeduna ha qabsado.
25 May it be encampment their made desolate in tents their may not anyone be dwelling.
Gurigoodu cidla ha noqdo, Ninnana yaanu teendhooyinkooda degin,
26 For you [those] whom you struck they have harassed and concerning [the] pain of fatally wounded [ones] your they have recounted.
Waayo, iyagu waxay silciyaan kii aad dishay, Oo waxay ka sheekeeyaan kuwaad dhaawacday murugtooda.
27 Put! iniquity to iniquity their and may not they come in righteousness your.
Xumaantooda xumaan ugu sii dar, Oo yaanay xaqnimadaada soo gelin.
28 May they be wiped out from [the] scroll of life and with righteous [people] may not they be written down.
Magacooda ha laga tirtiro kitaabka kuwa nool, Oo yaan iyaga lala qorin kuwa xaqa ah.
29 And I [am] afflicted and [am] in pain salvation your O God may it set on high me.
Laakiinse anigu miskiin baan ahay, waanan murug badnahay, Ilaahow, badbaadintaadu meel sare ha i saarto.
30 I will praise [the] name of God with a song and I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Rabbiga magiciisa ayaan gabay ku ammaani doonaa, Oo waxaan isaga ku weynayn doonaa mahadnaqid.
31 So it may be good to Yahweh more than an ox a young bull having horns having hooves.
Oo taasuna Rabbiga way ka farxin doontaa in ka sii wanaagsan intii uu ku farxi lahaa dibi, Ama dibi sange ah oo geeso iyo qoobab leh.
32 They will see humble [people] they will rejoice O [you who] seek God and may it live heart your.
Kuwa camal qabow way arkeen, waana faraxsan yihiin, Kuwiinna Ilaah doondoonow, qalbigiinnu ha noolaado.
33 For [is] listening to needy [people] Yahweh and prisoners his not he despises.
Waayo, Rabbigu wuu maqlaa kuwa baahan, Oo maxaabiistiisana ma uu quudhsado.
34 May they praise him heaven and earth [the] seas and every [thing which] moves in them.
Samada, iyo dhulka, iyo badaha, Iyo waxa ku dhex dhaqaaqa oo dhammuba isaga ha ammaaneen.
35 For God - he will save Zion so he may rebuild [the] cities of Judah and they will dwell there and they will take possession of it.
Waayo, Ilaah Siyoon wuu badbaadin doonaa, oo magaalooyinka reer Yahuudahna wuu dhisi doonaa, Oo iyana halkaasay degi doonaan, oo hanti ahaan bay u lahaan doonaan.
36 And [the] offspring of servants his they will inherit it and [those who] love name his they will dwell in it.
Oo weliba waxaa halkaas dhaxli doona farcanka addoommadiisa, Oo kuwa magiciisa jecelna way dhex degganaan doonaan.