< Psalms 68 >
1 To the choirmaster of David a psalm a song. May he arise God may they be scattered enemies his and they may flee [those who] hate him from before him.
Kumqondisi wokuhlabelela. ElikaDavida. Ihubo. Ingoma. UNkulunkulu kaphakame, izitha zakhe azihlakazwe; izitha zakhe azimbalekele.
2 As is driven about smoke may you drive [them] about as melts wax from before a fire may they perish wicked [people] from before God.
Njengentuthu iphetshulwa ngumoya lawe baphephulele kude; njengengcino encibilikiswa ngumlilo, ababi kababhubhe phambi kukaNkulunkulu.
3 And righteous [people] may they be glad may they exult before God and may they rejoice with gladness.
Kodwa sekungathi abalungileyo bangajabula bathokoze phambi kukaNkulunkulu; sengathi bangathaba bathokoze.
4 Sing - to God sing praises to name his lift up to the rider in the clouds [is] Yahweh name his and exult before him.
Hlabelelani kuNkulunkulu, hlabelelani indumiso ebizweni lakhe, mphakamiseni yena ohlezi phezu kwamayezi lithokoze phambi kwakhe obizo lakhe nguThixo.
5 [is] a father of Fatherless ones and a judge of widows God in [the] dwelling place of holiness his.
Uyise wezintandane, umlamuleli wabafelokazi, nguNkulunkulu emzini wakhe ongcwele.
6 God - [is] causing to dwell solitary [people] - a household [he is] bringing out prisoners in prosperiti only rebellious [people] they dwell a parched land.
UNkulunkulu uyabalungisela indawo ezimulini labo abalesizungu, ukhokhela izibotshwa ngokuhlabela; kodwa abahlamuki bahlala elizweni elomileyo.
7 O God when going out you before people your when marching you in a desolate place (Selah)
Kwathi lapho ukhokhela abantu bakho, Oh Nkulunkulu, lapho wawudabula elizweni eliyinkangala,
8 [the] earth It quaked - also [the] heavens they dropped from before God this Sinai from before God [the] God of Israel.
umhlaba wanyikinyeka, umkhathi walithulula izulu, phambi kukaNkulunkulu, onguYena oweSinayi, phambi kukaNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli.
9 Rain of voluntariness you spread abroad O God inheritance your weary you you established it.
Wanisa izulu elinengi, Oh Nkulunkulu; wavuselela ilifa lakho elaselikhathele.
10 Community your they dwelt in it you prepared in goodness your for poor [person] O God.
Abantu bakho bahlala kulo bazinza, kwathi ngokuphana kwakho Nkulunkulu, wabaphakela abangabayanga.
11 [the] Lord He gives a word the [women who] bear news [are] a host great.
INkosi yalikhupha ilizwi, kwaba labanengi kakhulu abalimemezelayo besithi,
12 Kings of armies they flee! they flee! and [the] beautiful woman of [the] house she divides [the] plunder.
“Makhosi lamabutho phangisani libaleke; ezihonqweni amakhosikazi abelana impango.
13 If you will lie down! between [two] saddlebags [the] wings of a dove [are] covered with silver and pinions its with greenish of gold.
Khonapho lisalele phakathi kwemililo yezihonqo, impiko zejuba lami zihuqiwe ngesiliva, izinsiba zalo ngegolide elikhazimulayo.”
14 When scatters [the] Almighty kings in it let it snow on Zalmon.
Lapho uSomandla wawahlakaza amakhosi elizwe, kwakunjengongqwaqwane eqoqene phezu kweZalimoni.
15 O mountain of God O mountain of Bashan O mountain of peaks O mountain of Bashan.
Izintaba zeBhashani yizintaba ezilesithunzi; zilezindongandonga izintaba zaseBhashani.
16 Why? - do you watch with envy! O mountains peaks the mountain [which] he desired God to dwell in he also Yahweh he will dwell to perpetuity.
Kungani linyonkoloza ngomona, lina zintaba ezindongandonga, leyontaba uNkulunkulu akhetha ukubusa kuyo, lapho uThixo ngokwakhe uzahlala khona lanini?
17 [the] chariotry of God [is] twice ten thousand thousands of repetition[s] [the] Lord [is] among them Sinai [is] in holiness.
Izinqola zikaNkulunkulu zingamatshumi ezinkulungwane; lezinkulungwane zezinkulungwane; iNkosi isifikile ivela eSinayi yangena endlini yayo engcwele.
18 You went up to the height - you took captive captive[s] you took gifts among humankind and even rebellious [people] to dwell - Yahweh God.
Wathi ekukhuphukeni kwakho uqansa, wakhokhela abathunjiweyo; wemukela izipho ebantwini, lakulabo abahlamukayo ukuze wena, Oh Thixo Nkulunkulu, uhlale khona.
19 [be] blessed [the] Lord Day - day he carries a load for us God salvation our (Selah)
Udumo kalube kuThixo, kuNkulunkulu uMsindisi wethu, othwala imithwalo yethu insuku zonke.
20 God - of us [is] a God of saving acts and [belong] to Yahweh [the] Lord to death escapes.
UNkulunkulu wethu nguNkulunkulu osindisayo; kuThixo wobukhosi kuvela ukuphepha ekufeni.
21 Surely God he will shatter [the] head of enemies his scalp of hair [one who] goes about in guilt his.
Ngeqiniso uNkulunkulu uzawachoboza amakhanda ezitha zakhe, imiqhele eloboya yalabo abaqhubekayo ngezono zabo.
22 He has said [the] Lord from Bashan I will bring back I will bring back from [the] depths of [the] sea.
INkosi ithi, “Ngizabaletha besuka eBhashani; ngizabaletha besuka ekujuleni kolwandle,
23 So that - it may smash foot your in blood [the] tongue of dogs your [will be] from [the] enemies portion its.
ukuze ligxamuze inyawo zenu egazini lezitha zenu, lezilimi zezinja zenu zibe lesabelo sazo.”
24 People have seen processions your O God [the] processions of God my king my in the holy place.
Udwendwe lwakho Nkulunkulu seluqhamuka, yebo udwendwe lukaNkulunkulu wami leNkosi lungena endlini engcwele.
25 They went in front singers ([were] behind *L(S)*) musicians in among young women playing tambourines.
Phambili ngabahlabeleli, kulandele abamachacho; phakathi kwabo kulamantombazana atshaya amagedla.
26 In assemblies bless God Yahweh from [the] fountain of Israel.
Dumisani uNkulunkulu ebandleni elikhulu; dumisani uThixo embuthanweni ka-Israyeli.
27 There Benjamin - insignificant [is] ruling them [the] princes of Judah heaps of stones their [the] princes of Zebulun [the] princes of Naphtali.
Masinyane isizwana sakoBhenjamini sibakhokhele, nantiyana ixuku elikhulu lamakhosana kaJuda, njalo nankayana amakhosana kaZebhuluni lakaNafithali.
28 He has ordained God your strength your be strong! O God who you have acted for us.
Veza amandla akho, Oh Nkulunkulu, sitshengise amandla akho Nkulunkulu, njengowakwenza endulo.
29 From temple your at Jerusalem to you they will bring kings a gift.
Ngenxa yethempeli lakho eliseJerusalema amakhosi azakulethela izipho.
30 Rebuke [the] animal[s] of [the] reed[s] a herd of mighty [bulls] - with calves of peoples trampling on pieces of silver he has scattered peoples [which] wars they delight in.
Khuza isilo esiphakathi kwemihlanga umhlambi wenkunzi phakathi kwamathole ezizwe. Sezithotshisiwe kazilethe izibhebhedu zesiliva. Hlakaza izizwe ezithokoza ngempi.
31 They will come envoys from Egypt Cush it will cause to run hands its to God.
Amanxusa azavela eGibhithe; iKhushi izazithoba kuNkulunkulu.
32 O kingdoms of the earth sing to God sing praises to [the] Lord (Selah)
Hlabelelani kuNkulunkulu, awu lina mibuso yomhlaba, hlabelelani indumiso kuThixo,
33 To the rider in [the] heavens of heavens of ancient time there! he gives with voice his a voice of strength.
kuye ohlala phezu kwesibhakabhaka sekadeni, okhwaza ngelizwi elikhulu.
34 Ascribe strength to God [is] over Israel majesty his and strength his [is] in the clouds.
Fakazani ngamandla kaNkulunkulu, obukhosi bakhe buphezu kuka-Israyeli; omandla akhe asesibhakabhakeni.
35 [is] to be feared God from sanctuari your [the] God of Israel he [is] giving - strength and power to the people [be] blessed God.
Uyamangalisa, Oh Nkulunkulu, usendlini yakho engcwele; uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli upha amandla ebantwini bakhe. Indumiso kayibe kuNkulunkulu!