< Psalms 50 >

1 A psalm of Asaph God - God Yahweh he has spoken and he has summoned [the] earth from [the] rising of [the] sun to setting its.
Pisarema raAsafi. Iye Wamasimba, Mwari, Jehovha, anotaura uye anodana nyika kubva pakubuda kwezuva kusvikira kwarinovirira.
2 From Zion perfection of beauty God he has shone forth.
Kubva kuZioni, rakakwana parunako, Mwari anopenya.
3 He comes God our and may not he be silent fire before him it consumes and around him it is tempestuous exceedingly.
Mwari wedu anouya uye haanganyarari; moto unoparadza pamberi pake, uye dutu rine hasha rakamupoteredza.
4 He summons the heavens above and the earth to judge people his.
Anodana matenga kumusoro, uye nenyika, kuti atonge vanhu vake achiti:
5 Gather to me O faithful [people] my [those who] made covenant my with sacrifice.
“Ndiunganidzirei vatsvene vangu, vakaita sungano neni nechibayiro.”
6 And they declared [the] heavens righteousness his for God - [is] judge he (Selah)
Uye matenga anoparidza kururama kwake, nokuti Mwari amene ndiye mutongi. Sera
7 Hear! O people my - so let me speak O Israel and I will warn you [am] God God your I.
“Inzwai, imi vanhu vangu, uye ndichataura, imi Israeri, uye ndichapupura pamusoro penyu: Ndini Mwari, Mwari wenyu.
8 Not on sacrifices your I rebuke you and burnt offerings your [are] to before me continually.
Handikutukei nokuda kwezvibayiro zvenyu, kana zvipiriso zvenyu zvinopiswa, zvinogara zviri pamberi pangu.
9 Not I will accept from household your a young bull from folds your goats.
Handisi kuda hando inobva mudanga rako, kana mbudzi inobva muzvirugu zvako,
10 For [belong] to me every living creature of [the] forest [the] animals on hills of a thousand.
nokuti mhuka dzose dzesango ndedzangu, nemombe pamakomo chiuru.
11 I know every bird of [the] mountains and moving creature[s] of [the] field [are] with me.
Ndinoziva shiri dzose dziri mumakomo, uye zvisikwa zvose zvesango ndezvangu.
12 If I will be hungry not I will tell to you for [belong] to me [the] world and what fills it.
Kana dai ndaiva nenzara, handaikuudza iwe, nokuti nyika ndeyangu, nezvose zviri mairi.
13 ¿ Do I eat [the] flesh of mighty [bulls] and [the] blood of goats do I drink?
Ko, ndinodya nyama yehando kana kunwa ropa rembudzi here?
14 Sacrifice to God a thank-offering and pay to [the] Most High vows your.
“Bayirai zvibayiro zvokuvonga kuna Mwari, zadzisai zvamakapikira Wokumusoro-soro,
15 And call out to me in a day of trouble I will rescue you and you will honor me.
uye mudane kwandiri pazuva rokutambudzika; ndichakurwirai, uye imi muchandikudza.”
16 And to the wicked - he says God what? [is] to you to recount decrees my and you have taken covenant my on mouth your.
Asi kuna vakaipa, Mwari anoti: “Ko, une mvumo ipiko iwe yokuti ududzire mutemo wangu, kana kuisa sungano yangu pamiromo yako?
17 And you you hate discipline and you have thrown words my behind you.
Unovenga kurayira kwangu, uye unorasira mashoko angu shure kwako.
18 If you saw a thief and you were pleased with him and [was] with adulterers portion your.
Paunoona mbavha, unowadzana nayo; unogoverana nemhombwe mugove wako.
19 Mouth your you let loose in evil and tongue your it harnesses deceit.
Unoshandisa muromo wako kuita zvakaipa, uye unorovedza rurimi rwako kukunyengera.
20 You sit on brother your you speak on [the] child of mother your you give a fault.
Unogara uchipomera hama yako uye unoitira mwanakomana wamai vako makuhwa.
21 These [things] you have done - and I kept silent you imagined exactly I am like you I will rebuke you and I will arrange to eyes your.
Zvinhu izvi wakazviita ini ndikaramba ndinyerere; wakafunga kuti ndakafanana newe. Asi ndichakutsiura uye ndichaisa mhosva iyi pamberi pako.
22 Consider please this O [those who] forget God lest I should tear to pieces and there not [will be] a deliverer.
“Fungai izvi, imi vanokanganwa Mwari, kuti ndirege kukubvambura-bvamburai mukashaya angakununurai:
23 [one who] sacrifices A thank-offering he honors me and [one who] sets a way I will let look him on [the] salvation of God.
Munhu anobayira chibayiro chokuvonga ndiye anondikudza, uye anogadzira nzira kuitira kuti ndimuratidze ruponeso rwaMwari.”

< Psalms 50 >