< Psalms 45 >

1 To the choirmaster on Shoshannim of [the] sons of Korah a poem a song of love. It is aroused heart my - a word good [am] speaking I work my to [the] king tongue my [is] a stylus of - a scribe skilled.
(Til sangmesteren. Af Koras sønner. Al-alamot. En sang.) Mit Hjerte svulmer af liflige Ord, jeg kvæder mit Kvad til Kongens Pris, som Hurtigskriverens Pen er min Tunge.
2 You are handsome more than [the] sons of humankind it has been poured grace on lips your there-fore he has blessed you God for ever.
Den skønneste er du af Menneskens Børn, Ynde er udgydt på dine Læber, derfor velsignede Gud dig for evigt.
3 Gird sword your on a thigh O mighty [one] splendor your and majesty your.
Omgjord din Lænd med Sværdet, o Helt,
4 And majesty your - prosper ride forth on a matter of truth and humility righteousness and let it teach you awesome [deeds] right [hand] your.
Lykken følge din Højhed og Hæder, far frem for Sandhedens Sag, for Ydmyghed og Retfærd, din højre lære dig frygtelige Ting!
5 Arrows your [are] sharpened peoples under you they will fall in [the] heart of [the] enemies of the king.
Dine Pile er hvæssede, Folkeslag falder for din Fod, Kongens Fjender rammes i Hjertet.
6 Throne your O God [is] forever and ever [is] a scepter of uprightness [the] scepter of kingdom your.
Din Trone, o Gud, står evigt fast, en Retfærds Stav er din Kongestav.
7 You have loved righteousness and you have hated wickedness there-fore - he has anointed you God God your [the] oil of joy more than companions your.
Du elsker Ret og hader Uret; derfor salvede Gud, din Gud, dig med Glædens Olie fremfor dine Fæller,
8 [are] myrrh And aloes cassia all clothes your from palaces of ivory stringed instrument they have made glad you.
af Myrra, Aloe og Kassia dufter alle dine Klæder. Du glædes ved Strengeleg fra Elfenbenshaller,
9 Daughters of kings [are] among noble [women] your she stands a queen-consort to right [hand] your in [the] gold of Ophir.
Kongedøtre står i kostbare Klæder, Dronningen i Ofirguldets Skrud ved din højre.
10 Listen O daughter and see and incline ear your and forget people your and [the] house of father your.
Hør, min Datter, opmærksomt og bøj dit Øre: Glem dit Folk og din Faders Hus,
11 So may he desire the king beauty your for he [is] lord your and bow down to him.
at Kongen må attrå din Skønhed, thi han er din Herre.
12 And [the] daughter of Tyre - with a gift face your they will entreat rich [ones] of a people.
Tyrus's Datter skal hylde dig med Gaver, Folkets Rigmænd bejle til din Yndest.
13 [is] all Glorious a daughter of a king within [is] from settings of gold clothing her.
Idel Pragt er Kongedatteren, hendes Dragt er Perler, stukket i Guld;
14 To embroidered robes she is brought to the king virgins behind her [female] companions her [are] being brought to you.
fulgt af Jomfruer føres hun frem i broget Pragt, Veninderne fører hende hen til Kongen.
15 They are brought with joy and rejoicing they go in [the] palace of [the] king.
De føres frem under Glæde og Jubel, holder deres Indtog i Kongens Palads.
16 In place of ancestors your they will be children your you will make them into princes in all the land.
Dine Sønner træde ind i dine Fædres Sted, sæt dem til Fyrster rundt i Landet!
17 I will cause to be remembered name your in every generation and a generation there-fore peoples they will give thanks to you for ever and ever.
Jeg vil minde om dit Navn fra Slægt til Slægt; derfor skal Folkene love dig evigt og altid.

< Psalms 45 >