< Psalms 42 >

1 To the choirmaster a poem of [the] sons of Korah. Like a deer [which] it pants towards channels of water so being my it pants to you O God. 2 It thirsts being my - for God for [the] God living when? will I go and I may appear? [the] presence of God. 3 It has been of me tear[s] my food by day and night when say to me all the day where? [is] God your. 4 These [things] I will remember - and I will pour out on myself - soul my that I passed on - with the crowd I led them to [the] house of God with [the] sound of a shout of joy and thanksgiving a multitude celebrating a festival. 5 Why? are you bowed down - O soul my and were you in turmoil? on me wait for God for again I will give thanks to him [the] salvation of presence his. 6 O God my on me being my it is bowed down there-fore I will remember you from [the] land of [the] Jordan and Hermon from mount Mizar. 7 Deep to deep [is] calling to [the] sound waterfalls your all breakers your and waves your over me they have passed. 8 By day - he commands Yahweh - covenant loyalty his and in the night (song his *Q(K)*) [is] with me a prayer to [the] God of life my. 9 I will say - to God rock my why? have you forgotten me why? mourning do I walk in [the] oppression of an enemy. 10 With a shattering - in bones my they have taunted me opposers my when say they to me all the day where? [is] God your. 11 Why? are you bowed down - O soul my and why? are you in turmoil on me wait for God for again I will give thanks to him [the] salvation of face my and God my.

< Psalms 42 >