< Psalms 37 >

1 Of David - may not you fret yourself in the evil-doers may not you be jealous of [those who] do unrighteousness.
Dari Daud. Jangan gelisah karena orang jahat, jangan iri hati kepada orang yang berbuat salah.
2 For like grass quickly they will wither and like [the] greenery of vegetation they will fade!
Sebab mereka segera hilang seperti rumput, dan layu seperti tanaman hijau.
3 Trust in Yahweh and do good dwell [the] land and graze faithfulness.
Percayalah kepada TUHAN, dan lakukanlah yang baik, diamlah di negeri itu dan berlakulah setia.
4 And take delight on Yahweh so he may give to you [the] requests of heart your.
Carilah kebahagiaanmu pada TUHAN, Ia akan memuaskan keinginan hatimu.
5 Roll on Yahweh way your and rely on him and he he will act.
Serahkanlah hidupmu kepada TUHAN, berharaplah kepada-Nya, Ia akan menolongmu.
6 And he will bring forth like the light righteousness your and justice your like the noontide.
Ia akan menyatakan kesetiaanmu seperti terang, dan ketulusanmu seperti siang.
7 Be still - to Yahweh and wait longingly for him may not you fret yourself in [one who] makes prosperous way his in a person [who] makes plots.
Nantikanlah TUHAN dengan hati yang tenang, tunggulah dengan sabar sampai Ia bertindak. Jangan gelisah karena orang yang berhasil hidupnya, atau yang melakukan tipu muslihat.
8 Refrain from anger and forsake rage may not you fret yourself only to do evil.
Jangan marah dan panas hati, itu hanya membawa celaka.
9 For evil-doers they will be cut off! and [those who] wait for Yahweh they they will possess [the] land.
Sebab orang yang berbuat jahat akan dilenyapkan, tetapi yang berharap kepada TUHAN akan mewarisi tanah itu.
10 And yet a little and there not [will be the] wicked and you will look carefully on place his and there not [will be] he.
Orang jahat akan lenyap dengan segera, kalau dicari, ia sudah tidak ada.
11 And humble [people] they will possess [the] land and they will take delight on abundance of well-being.
Orang yang rendah hati akan mewarisi tanah itu, dan menikmati kemakmuran yang berlimpah.
12 [is] plotting [the] wicked To the righteous and [is] gnashing towards him teeth his.
Orang jahat merencanakan yang jahat terhadap orang baik, dan memandang dia dengan benci.
13 [the] Lord He laughs to him for he sees that it will come day his.
Tetapi TUHAN menertawakan orang jahat, sebab Ia tahu kesudahan orang itu sudah dekat.
14 A sword - they have drawn wicked [people] and they have bent bow their to make fall [the] poor and [the] needy to slaughter [people] upright of way.
Orang jahat menghunus pedang dan membidikkan panah untuk membunuh orang miskin dan sengsara, untuk membantai orang yang hidup baik.
15 Sword their it will go in own heart their and bows their they will be broken.
Tetapi orang jahat akan tertikam oleh pedangnya sendiri, busur mereka akan dipatahkan.
16 [is] good [the] little Of the righteous more than [the] wealth of wicked [people] many.
Barang sedikit yang dimiliki orang baik lebih berharga daripada kelimpahan orang jahat.
17 For [the] arms of wicked [people] they will be broken and [is] sustaining righteous [people] Yahweh.
Sebab kuasa orang jahat akan dipatahkan TUHAN, tetapi orang baik dilindungi-Nya.
18 [is] knowing Yahweh [the] days of blameless [people] and inheritance their for ever it will be.
TUHAN menjaga hidup orang saleh, milik pusaka mereka tetap untuk selama-lamanya.
19 Not they will be ashamed in a time evil and in days of famine they will be satisfied.
Di waktu kesesakan mereka tak akan menderita, di masa kelaparan mereka akan berkecukupan.
20 For wicked [people] - they will perish and [the] enemies of Yahweh [will be] like a splendid [thing] of pastures they will come to an end in smoke they will come to an end.
Tetapi orang jahat akan binasa, musuh TUHAN akan hilang seperti bunga di padang, mereka akan lenyap dalam asap.
21 [is] borrowing [the] wicked And not he repays and [the] righteous [is] showing favor and giving.
Orang jahat meminjam dan tidak mengembalikan, tetapi orang baik memberi dengan murah hati.
22 For blessed [ones] his they will possess [the] land and cursed [ones] his they will be cut off.
Orang yang diberkati TUHAN akan mewarisi tanah itu, tetapi orang yang dikutuk-Nya akan diusir.
23 From Yahweh [the] steps of a man they are established and way his he delights in.
TUHAN membimbing orang di jalan yang harus ditempuhnya, Ia meneguhkan orang yang hidupnya berkenan kepada-Nya.
24 For he will fall not he will be thrown down for Yahweh [is] supporting hand his.
Bila jatuh, ia tak akan luka parah, sebab TUHAN memegang tangannya.
25 A young man - I have been also I am old and not I have seen [the] righteous forsaken and offspring his seeking food.
Sejak aku muda sampai sudah tua, tak pernah kulihat orang baik ditinggalkan TUHAN, atau anak cucunya menjadi peminta-minta.
26 All the day [he is] showing favor and [he is] lending and offspring his [become] a blessing.
Ia selalu meminjamkan dan memberi, dan anak-anaknya menjadi berkat baginya.
27 Turn away from evil and do good and dwell for ever.
Tinggalkan yang jahat, lakukanlah yang baik, maka untuk selamanya keturunanmu mendiami tanah itu.
28 For Yahweh - [is] loving justice and not he will abandon faithful [people] his for ever they are preserved and [the] offspring of wicked [people] it is cut off.
Sebab TUHAN mencintai perbuatan yang baik dan adil, orang yang setia kepada-Nya tidak dibiarkan-Nya terlantar. Ia melindungi mereka sampai selama-lamanya, tetapi keturunan orang jahat akan ditumpas.
29 Righteous [people] they will possess [the] land so they may dwell for ever on it.
Orang saleh akan mewarisi tanah itu, dan mendiaminya untuk selama-lamanya.
30 [the] mouth of [the] righteous It utters wisdom and tongue his it speaks justice.
Orang baik berbicara dengan bijaksana, ia selalu lurus dalam tutur katanya.
31 [the] law of God his [is] in heart his not it slips steps his.
Hukum Allahnya tersimpan di dalam hatinya, ia tidak menyimpang daripadanya.
32 [is] watching A wicked [person] for righteous [person] and [is] seeking to kill him.
Orang baik diintai orang jahat yang mencari kesempatan untuk membunuhnya.
33 Yahweh not he will abandon him in hand his and not he will condemn as guilty him when is judged he.
Tetapi TUHAN tidak membiarkan dia jatuh ke tangan musuh, atau dihukum pada waktu diadili.
34 Wait to Yahweh - and keep way his and he will exalt you to possess [the] land when are cut off wicked [people] you will see.
Berharaplah kepada TUHAN dan taatilah perintah-Nya, maka Ia mengangkat engkau untuk mewarisi tanah itu; engkau akan melihat orang jahat dilenyapkan.
35 I have seen a wicked [person] ruthless and spreading himself like a native tree luxuriant.
Aku pernah melihat seorang jahat yang suka membual; ia seperti pohon yang segar dan berakar dalam.
36 And he passed away and there! there not [was] he and I sought him and not he was found.
Waktu aku lewat, ia tidak ada lagi, kucari dia, tetapi tidak kudapati.
37 Watch [the] blameless and see [the] upright for a future [belongs] to a person of peace.
Perhatikanlah orang yang baik dan yang tulus hati; orang yang suka damai mempunyai masa depan.
38 And transgressors they will be destroyed altogether [the] future of wicked [people] it will be cut off.
Tetapi orang berdosa akan dibinasakan; keturunan mereka akan dilenyapkan.
39 And [the] salvation of righteous [people] [is] from Yahweh place of refuge their in a time of trouble.
TUHAN menyelamatkan orang saleh, dan melindungi mereka di waktu kesesakan.
40 And he helped them Yahweh and he delivered them he delivers them from wicked [people] and he saves them for they have taken refuge in him.
Ia menolong dan menyelamatkan mereka, dan meluputkan mereka dari orang-orang jahat, sebab mereka berlindung pada-Nya.

< Psalms 37 >