< Psalms 33 >

1 Shout for joy O righteous [people] in Yahweh for upright [people] [is] fitting praise.
Jubler i HERREN, I retfærdige, for de oprigtige sømmer sig Lovsang;
2 Give thanks to Yahweh with harp with lyre of ten make music to him.
lov HERREN med Citer, tak ham til tistrenget Harpe;
3 Sing to him a song new do well to play with a shout of joy.
en ny Sang synge I ham, leg lifligt paa Strenge til Jubelraab!
4 For [is] upright [the] word of Yahweh and all work his [is] in faithfulness.
Thi sandt er HERRENS Ord, og al hans Gerning er trofast;
5 [he is] loving Righteousness and justice [the] covenant loyalty of Yahweh it is full the earth.
han elsker Retfærd og Ret, af HERRENS Miskundhed er Jorden fuld.
6 By [the] word of Yahweh [the] heavens they were made and by [the] breath of mouth his all host their.
Ved HERRENS Ord blev Himlen skabt og al dens Hær ved hans Munds Aande.
7 [he is] gathering Like heap [the] waters of the sea [he is] putting in storehouses [the] deeps.
Som i Vandsæk samled han Havets Vand, lagde Dybets Vande i Forraadskamre.
8 Let them fear from Yahweh all the earth from him let them be afraid all [the] inhabitants of [the] world.
Al Jorden skal frygte for HERREN, Alverdens Beboere skælve for ham;
9 For he he spoke and it was he he commanded and it stood forth.
thi han talede, saa skete det, han bød, saa stod det der.
10 Yahweh he makes ineffectual [the] counsel of nations he frustrates [the] plans of peoples.
HERREN kuldkasted Folkenes Raad, gjorde Folkeslags Tanker til intet;
11 [the] counsel of Yahweh for ever it stands [the] plans of heart his to a generation and a generation.
HERRENS Raad staar fast for evigt, hans Hjertes Tanker fra Slægt til Slægt.
12 How blessed! [is] the nation which Yahweh [is] God its the people - [which] he has chosen to an inheritance for himself.
Saligt det Folk, der har HERREN til Gud, det Folkefærd, han valgte til Arvelod!
13 From [the] heavens he looks Yahweh he sees all [the] children of humankind.
HERREN skuer fra Himlen, ser paa alle Menneskens Børn;
14 From [the] place of dwelling his he looks to all [the] inhabitants of the earth.
fra sit Højsæde holder han Øje med alle, som bor paa Jorden;
15 The [one who] forms together heart their the [one who] attends to all deeds their.
han, som danned deres Hjerter til Hobe, gennemskuer alt deres Værk.
16 Not king [is] saved by greatness of army a warrior not he is delivered by greatness of strength.
Ej frelses en Konge ved sin store Stridsmagt, ej fries en Helt ved sin store Kraft;
17 [is] a vain hope Horse for victory and by [the] greatness of strength its not it delivers.
til Frelse slaar Stridshesten ikke til, trods sin store Styrke redder den ikke.
18 Here! [the] eye of Yahweh [is] to [those] fearing him to [those who] hope for covenant loyalty his.
Men HERRENS Øje ser til gudfrygtige, til dem, der haaber paa Naaden,
19 To deliver from death life their and to preserve alive them in famine.
for at fri deres Sjæl fra Døden og holde dem i Live i Hungerens Tid.
20 Self our it waits for Yahweh [is] help our and shield our he.
Paa HERREN bier vor Sjæl, han er vor Hjælp og vort Skjold;
21 For in him it rejoices heart our for in [the] name of holiness his we trust.
thi vort Hjerte glæder sig i ham, vi stoler paa hans hellige Navn.
22 May it be covenant loyalty your O Yahweh toward us just as we hope for you.
Din Miskundhed være over os, HERRE, saa som vi haaber paa dig.

< Psalms 33 >