< Psalms 30 >

1 A psalm [the] song of [the] dedication of the house of David. I will exalt you O Yahweh for you have drawn up me and not you have allowed to rejoice enemies my to me.
Psalam. Pjesma za posvećenje Doma. Davidov. Veličam te, Jahve, jer si me izbavio i nisi dao da se raduju nada mnom dušmani.
2 O Yahweh God my I cried for help to you and you healed me.
Jahve, Bože moj, zazvah te, i ti si me ozdravio;
3 O Yahweh you brought up from Sheol life my you preserved alive me (from going down my *Q(K)*) [the] pit. (Sheol h7585)
Jahve, izveo si mi dušu iz Podzemlja, na rubu groba ti si me oživio. (Sheol h7585)
4 Sing praises to Yahweh O faithful [people] his and give thanks to [the] remembrance of holiness his.
Pjevajte Jahvi, vjernici njegovi, zahvaljujte svetom imenu njegovu!
5 For a moment - [is] in anger his life [is] in favor his in the evening it passes [the] night weeping and to the morning a shout of joy.
Jer samo za tren traje srdžba njegova, a čitav život dobrota njegova. Večer donese suze, a jutro klicanje.
6 And I I said in prosperity my not I will be shaken for ever.
U svojoj sreći rekoh: “Neću se pokolebati nikada!”
7 O Yahweh in favor your you made stand to mountain my strength you hid face your I was disturbed.
Dobrotom si me, o Jahve, na goru nade postavio, ali čim lice sakriješ, sav se uplašim.
8 To you O Yahweh I called out and to [the] Lord I sought favor.
Tada, Jahve, zavapih k tebi i zazvah milosrđe Boga svojega:
9 What? [is the] profit in blood my in going down my to [the] pit ¿ will it give thanks to you dust ¿ will it declare faithfulness your.
“Kakva je korist od krvi moje, kakva korist da u grob siđem? Zar će te prašina slaviti, zar će naviještati vjernost tvoju?”
10 Hear O Yahweh and show favor to me O Yahweh be a helper of me.
Slušaj, o Jahve, i smiluj se meni; Jahve, budi mi na pomoć!
11 You turned wailing my into dancing to me you loosened sackcloth my and you girded me joy.
Okrenuo si moj plač u igranje, skinuo kostrijet s mene i opasao me radošću.
12 So that - it may sing praises to you honor and not it may be silent O Yahweh God my for ever I will give thanks to you.
Zato ti pjeva duša moja i neće zamuknuti: Jahve, Bože moj, dovijeka ću te hvaliti!

< Psalms 30 >