< Psalms 141 >
1 A psalm of David O Yahweh I call out to you make haste! to me give ear to! voice my when call I to you.
En Salme af David. HERRE, jeg raaber til dig, il mig til Hjælp, hør min Røst, naar jeg raaber til dig;
2 May it be established prayer my incense before you [the] raising of hands my an offering of evening.
som Røgoffer gælde for dig min Bøn, mine løftede Hænder som Aftenoffer!
3 Set! O Yahweh a guard for mouth my keep watch! over [the] door of lips my.
HERRE, sæt Vagt ved min Mund, vogt mine Læbers Dør!
4 May not you turn heart my to anything - evil to practice practices - in wickedness with people [who] do wickedness and not I will eat in delicacies their.
Bøj ikke mit Hjerte til ondt, til at gøre gudløs Gerning sammen med Udaadsmænd; deres lækre Mad vil jeg ikke smage.
5 Let him strike me a righteous [person] - loyalty and let him rebuke me oil of head may not it refuse head my for still and prayer my [is] on evil deeds their.
Slaar en retfærdig mig, saa er det Kærlighed; revser han mig, er det Olie for Hovedet, ej skal mit Hoved vise det fra sig, end sætter jeg min Bøn imod deres Ondskab.
6 They have been thrown down at [the] hands of a rock judges their and they will hear words my for they are pleasant.
Ned ad Klippens Skrænter skal Dommerne hos dem styrtes, og de skal høre, at mine Ord er liflige.
7 Like [one who] plows and [who] breaks up the earth they have been scattered bones our to [the] mouth of Sheol. (Sheol )
Som naar man pløjer Jorden i Furer, spredes vore Ben ved Dødsrigets Gab. (Sheol )
8 For [are] to you - (O Yahweh *L(ah+b)*) O Lord eyes my in you I take refuge may not you lay bare life my.
Dog, mine Øjne er rettet paa dig, o HERRE, Herre, paa dig forlader jeg mig, giv ikke mit Liv til Pris!
9 Keep me from [the] hands of [the] trap [which] they have laid for me and [the] snares of [those who] do wickedness.
Vogt mig for Fælden, de stiller for mig, og Udaadsmændenes Snarer;
10 Let them fall in own nets his wicked [people] together I until I will pass by.
lad de gudløse falde i egne Garn, medens jeg gaar uskadt videre.