< Psalms 125 >
1 [the] song of The ascents those [who] trust in Yahweh [are] like [the] mountain of Zion [which] not it will be shaken [which] for ever it will remain.
De, som forlade sig paa Herren, de ere som Zions Bjerg, der ikke rokkes, men bliver evindelig.
2 Jerusalem mountains [are] around it and Yahweh [is] around people his from now and until perpetuity.
Der er Bjerge trindt omkring Jerusalem, og Herren er trindt omkring sit Folk fra nu og indtil evig Tid.
3 For not it will rest [the] scepter of wickedness over [the] allotted portion of the righteous [people] so that not may stretch out the righteous [people] in injustice hands their.
Thi Ugudelighedens Spir skal ikke hvile over de retfærdiges Lod, paa det de retfærdige ikke skulle udrække deres Hænder til Uretfærdighed.
4 Do good! O Yahweh to the good [people] and to [people] upright in hearts their.
Gør vel, Herre! imod de gode og imod dem, der ere oprigtige i deres Hjerter.
5 And those [who] turn aside twisting [ways] their he will lead away them Yahweh with [those who] do wickedness peace [be] on Israel.
Men dem, som bøje ind paa deres Krogveje, skal Herren lade fare bort med dem, som øve Uret. Fred være over Israel!