< Psalms 107 >

1 Give thanks to Yahweh for [he is] good for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his. 2 Let them say [the] redeemed of Yahweh whom he has redeemed them from [the] hand of [the] opponent. 3 And from [the] lands he has gathered them from east and from west from north and from [the] sea. 4 They wandered about in the wilderness in a desolate place of a way a city of dwelling not they found. 5 Hungry also thirsty life their in them it was fainting away. 6 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he delivered them. 7 And he led them by a way straight to go to a city of dwelling. 8 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind. 9 For he satisfies a throat longing and a throat hungry he fills good thing[s]. 10 [those who] sat of Darkness and deep darkness prisoners of affliction and iron. 11 For they had rebelled against [the] words of God and [the] counsel of [the] Most High they had spurned. 12 And he humbled with trouble heart their they stumbled and there not [was] a helper. 13 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he saved them. 14 He brought out them from darkness and deep darkness and fetters their he tore apart. 15 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind. 16 For he breaks down gates of bronze and bars of iron he cuts down. 17 Fools from [the] way of transgression their and from iniquities their they were afflicted. 18 All food it loathed throat their and they reached to [the] gates of death. 19 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he saved them. 20 He sent word his and he healed them and he may deliver [them] (from pits their. *LAH(b)*) 21 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of (humankind. *LAH(b)*) 22 And let them sacrifice sacrifices of thanksgiving and let them recount works his (with a shout of joy. *L(abh)*) 23 [those who] went down the Sea in ships [those who] did business on [the] waters (many. *L(abh)*) 24 They they saw [the] works of Yahweh and wonders his (in [the] deep. *L(abh)*) 25 And he spoke and he appointed a wind of a storm and it lifted up (waves its. *L(abh)*) 26 They went up [the] heavens they went down [the] deeps soul their in distress (it melted. *LB(ah)*) 27 They staggered and they may trembled like drunkard and all skill their (it was confused. *LB(ah)*) 28 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them and from troubles their he brought out them. 29 He raised [the] storm into a calm and they were still waves their. 30 And they rejoiced for they were quiet and he guided them to [the] harbor of desire their. 31 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind. 32 And let them exalt him in [the] assembly of [the] people and in [the] seat of [the] elders let them praise him. 33 He made rivers into a wilderness and springs of water into thirsty ground. 34 A land of fruit into saltiness from [the] evil of [those who] dwell in it. 35 He made a wilderness into a pool of water and a land dry into springs of water. 36 And he caused to dwell there hungry [people] and they established a city of dwelling. 37 And they sowed fields and they planted vineyards and they produced fruit of produce. 38 And he blessed them and they multiplied exceedingly and cattle their not he made few. 39 And they became few and they were bowed down from [the] pressure of calamity (and sorrow. *L(abh)*) 40 [he was] pouring out Contempt on noble [people] and he made wander them in a wasteland not a way. 41 And he set on high [the] needy from affliction and he made like flock families. 42 They see upright [people] so they may rejoice and all unrighteousness it shuts mouth its. 43 Who? [is] wise and let him observe these [things] and let them consider carefully [the] covenant loyalti of Yahweh.

< Psalms 107 >