< Psalms 107 >

1 Give thanks to Yahweh for [he is] good for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his.
Hvalite Jahvu jer je dobar, jer je dovijeka ljubav njegova!
2 Let them say [the] redeemed of Yahweh whom he has redeemed them from [the] hand of [the] opponent.
Tako nek' reknu svi otkupljenici koje Jahve otkupi iz ruke dušmanske
3 And from [the] lands he has gathered them from east and from west from north and from [the] sea.
i koje skupi iz svih zemalja, s istoka i sa zapada, sa sjevera i s juga.
4 They wandered about in the wilderness in a desolate place of a way a city of dwelling not they found.
Lutahu pustinjom, u samoći pustoj, puta ne nalazeć' do naseljena grada.
5 Hungry also thirsty life their in them it was fainting away.
Gladni su bili, žeđu izmoreni, duša je klonula u njima.
6 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he delivered them.
Tada zavapiše Jahvi u svojoj tjeskobi, i on ih istrže iz svih nevolja.
7 And he led them by a way straight to go to a city of dwelling.
Pravim ih putem pÓovede da stignu ka gradu naseljenu.
8 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind.
Neka hvale Jahvu za dobrotu njegovu, za čudesa njegova sinovima ljudskim!
9 For he satisfies a throat longing and a throat hungry he fills good thing[s].
Jer gladnu dušu on nasiti, dušu izgladnjelu on napuni dobrima.
10 [those who] sat of Darkness and deep darkness prisoners of affliction and iron.
U mraku sjeđahu i u tmini, sputani bijedom i gvožđima,
11 For they had rebelled against [the] words of God and [the] counsel of [the] Most High they had spurned.
jer su prkosili besjedama Božjim i prezreli naum Svevišnjega.
12 And he humbled with trouble heart their they stumbled and there not [was] a helper.
Srce im stoga skrši patnjama: posrtahu, a ne bješe nikog da im pomogne.
13 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he saved them.
Tada zavapiše Jahvi u svojoj tjeskobi i on ih istrže iz svih nevolja.
14 He brought out them from darkness and deep darkness and fetters their he tore apart.
Izvede ih iz tmina i mraka, raskide okove njihove.
15 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind.
Neka hvale Jahvu za dobrotu njegovu, za čudesa njegova sinovima ljudskim!
16 For he breaks down gates of bronze and bars of iron he cuts down.
Jer razbi vrata mjedena i gvozdene polomi zasune.
17 Fools from [the] way of transgression their and from iniquities their they were afflicted.
Zbog svojih bezakonja bolovahu oni, ispaštajuć' svoje opačine:
18 All food it loathed throat their and they reached to [the] gates of death.
svako se jelo gadilo duši njihovoj, do vrata smrti oni dođoše.
19 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he saved them.
Tada zavapiše Jahvi u svojoj tjeskobi i on ih istrže iz svih nevolja.
20 He sent word his and he healed them and he may deliver [them] (from pits their. *LAH(b)*)
Riječ svoju posla da ih ozdravi i život im spasi od jame grobne.
21 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of (humankind. *LAH(b)*)
Neka hvale Jahvu za dobrotu njegovu, za čudesa njegova sinovima ljudskim!
22 And let them sacrifice sacrifices of thanksgiving and let them recount works his (with a shout of joy. *L(abh)*)
Nek' prinose žrtve zahvalnice i kličući nek' djela njegova kazuju!
23 [those who] went down the Sea in ships [those who] did business on [the] waters (many. *L(abh)*)
Oni koji lađama zaploviše morem da po vodama silnim trguju:
24 They they saw [the] works of Yahweh and wonders his (in [the] deep. *L(abh)*)
oni vidješe djela Jahvina, čudesa njegova na pučini.
25 And he spoke and he appointed a wind of a storm and it lifted up (waves its. *L(abh)*)
On reče i olujni se vjetar uzvitla što u visinu diže valove mora.
26 They went up [the] heavens they went down [the] deeps soul their in distress (it melted. *LB(ah)*)
Do neba se dizahu, u bezdan se spuštahu, u nevolji duša im ginula.
27 They staggered and they may trembled like drunkard and all skill their (it was confused. *LB(ah)*)
Teturahu i posrtahu kao pijani, sva ih je mudrost izdala.
28 And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them and from troubles their he brought out them.
Tada zavapiše Jahvi u svojoj tjeskobi i on ih istrže iz svih nevolja.
29 He raised [the] storm into a calm and they were still waves their.
Smiri oluju u tih povjetarac, valovi morski umukoše.
30 And they rejoiced for they were quiet and he guided them to [the] harbor of desire their.
Obradovaše se tišini, u željenu luku on ih povede.
31 Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind.
Neka hvale Jahvu za dobrotu njegovu, za čudesa njegova sinovima ljudskim!
32 And let them exalt him in [the] assembly of [the] people and in [the] seat of [the] elders let them praise him.
Neka ga uzvisuju u narodnom zboru, neka ga hvale u vijeću staraca!
33 He made rivers into a wilderness and springs of water into thirsty ground.
On pretvori rijeke u pustinju, a izvore vodene u žednu zemlju;
34 A land of fruit into saltiness from [the] evil of [those who] dwell in it.
plodonosnu zemlju u slanu pustaru zbog zloće žitelja njezinih.
35 He made a wilderness into a pool of water and a land dry into springs of water.
On obrati pustinju u jezero, a zemlju suhu u vodene izvore
36 And he caused to dwell there hungry [people] and they established a city of dwelling.
i naseli ondje izgladnjele te podigoše grad gdje će živjeti.
37 And they sowed fields and they planted vineyards and they produced fruit of produce.
Zasijaše njive, posadiše vinograde što im doniješe obilnu ljetinu.
38 And he blessed them and they multiplied exceedingly and cattle their not he made few.
I on ih blagoslovi te se namnožiše silno i stada im se ne smanjiše.
39 And they became few and they were bowed down from [the] pressure of calamity (and sorrow. *L(abh)*)
Prorijeđeni bjehu i prezreni pod teretom patnja i nevolja.
40 [he was] pouring out Contempt on noble [people] and he made wander them in a wasteland not a way.
Onaj što izlijeva prezir na knezove pusti ih da po bespuću pustom lutaju.
41 And he set on high [the] needy from affliction and he made like flock families.
Iz nevolje pÓodiže ubogog i obitelji k'o stada ÓumnožÄi.
42 They see upright [people] so they may rejoice and all unrighteousness it shuts mouth its.
Videć' to, čestiti neka se raduju, a zloća neka sebi usta začepi!
43 Who? [is] wise and let him observe these [things] and let them consider carefully [the] covenant loyalti of Yahweh.
Tko je mudar nek' o svemu tom razmišlja i nek' uvidi dobrotu Jahvinu!

< Psalms 107 >