< Proverbs 9 >

1 Wisdom she has built house her she has hewn pillars her seven.
Amamihe ewuola ụlọ ukwu ya nʼelu ogidi asaa.
2 She has slaughtered slaughtering her she has mixed wine her also she has arranged table her.
O doziela oriri ya nʼusoro, o gbuola anụ ya, gwaakwa mmanya.
3 She has sent out female servants her she calls out on [the] elevations of [the] heights of [the] town.
O zipụkwala ndị ozi ya ka ha gaa kpọọ mmadụ niile, site nʼebe dị elu nke obodo ka ha nọ na-akpọ oku na-asị,
4 Who? [is] naive let him turn aside here [one] lacking of heart she says to him.
“Bịanụ nʼụlọ m, unu ndị niile na-enweghị uche” Ma nye ndị amamihe kọrọ, ọ na-asị,
5 Come eat in food my and drink in [the] wine [which] I have mixed.
“Bịanụ, rie nri m, ṅụọkwa mmanya m gwakọtara.
6 Abandon foolish things and live and advance in [the] way of understanding.
Hapụnụ ụzọ enweghị uche unu, ka unu were dị ndụ; gbasokwanụ ụzọ mmụọ ịghọta ihe.”
7 [one who] admonishes - A mocker [is] receiving for himself shame and [one who] reproves a wicked [person] defect his.
Onye ọbụla na-adọ onye na-akwa emo aka na ntị na-ewetara onwe ya nlelị; onye na-abara mmadụ ọjọọ mba na-enweta nkọcha.
8 May not you reprove a mocker lest he should hate you reprove a wise [person] and he will love you.
Abarala ndị na-akwa emo mba, ma ọ bụghị ya, ha ga-akpọ gị asị; baara ndị maara ihe mba, ha ga-ahụ gị nʼanya.
9 Give to a wise [person] so he may be wise yet make known to a righteous [person] so may he increase insight.
Kuziere onye maara ihe ihe o kwesiri ịmụta, ọ ga-ama ihe karịa, kuziere onye ziri ezi ihe ọ ga-atụkwasị ihe ọ mụtara nʼamamihe ya.
10 [is the] beginning of Wisdom [the] fear of Yahweh and [the] knowledge of [the] holy [one] [is] understanding.
Nʼihi na ịtụ egwu Onyenwe anyị bụ mmalite amamihe, inwe ihe ọmụma banyere onye Nsọ ahụ bụkwa nghọta.
11 For by me they will increase days your so they may add to you years of life.
Nʼihi na ọ bụ site na amamihe, ka ụbọchị gị ga-adị ogologo. A ga-etinyekwara gị ọtụtụ afọ na ndụ gị.
12 If you are wise you are wise for yourself and you mock to alone you you will bear [it].
Ị bụrụ onye nwere amamihe, amamihe gị ga-abara gị uru, ma ị bụrụ onye na-akwa emo, naanị gị ga-ata ahụhụ ya.
13 A woman of folly [is] boisterous naivete and not she knows whatever.
Nwanyị dị nzuzu na-eme mkpọtụ, o nweghị uche; ihere adịghịkwa eme ya.
14 And she sits to [the] doorway of house her on a seat [the] heights of [the] town.
Ọ na-anọ ọdụ nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ ya, nʼelu oche nʼebe dịkarịsịrị elu nʼobodo,
15 To call out to [those who] pass by of [the] road those [who] make straight paths their.
na-akpọ ndị na-aga nʼụzọ oku, bụ ndị na-aga mkpa ha,
16 Who? [is] naive let him turn aside here and [one] lacking of heart and she says to him.
“Ka ndị niile amamihe kọrọ bịa nʼụlọ m.” Ọ na-asịkwa ndị na-enweghị uche,
17 Waters stolen they are sweet and bread of secret places it is delightful.
“Mmiri e zutere nʼohi na-atọ ụtọ, nri e riri na nzuzo na-atọkarịkwa nʼụtọ.”
18 And not he knows that [the] shades [are] there [are] in [the] depths of Sheol invited [ones] her. (Sheol h7585)
Ma ha adịghị aghọta na ndị nʼadịghị ndụ nọ nʼebe ahụ, na ndị ọ kpọrọ oku nri aghọọlarị ndị nọ nʼala mmụọ. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 9 >