< Proverbs 9 >

1 Wisdom she has built house her she has hewn pillars her seven.
Mudrost je sazidala sebi kuću, i otesala sedam stupova.
2 She has slaughtered slaughtering her she has mixed wine her also she has arranged table her.
Poklala je svoje klanice, pomiješala svoje vino i postavila svoj stol.
3 She has sent out female servants her she calls out on [the] elevations of [the] heights of [the] town.
Poslala je svoje djevojke da objave svrh gradskih visina:
4 Who? [is] naive let him turn aside here [one] lacking of heart she says to him.
“Tko je neiskusan, neka se svrati ovamo!” A nerazumnima govori:
5 Come eat in food my and drink in [the] wine [which] I have mixed.
“Hodite, jedite od mojega kruha i pijte vina koje sam pomiješala.
6 Abandon foolish things and live and advance in [the] way of understanding.
Ostavite ludost, da biste živjeli, i hodite putem razboritosti.”
7 [one who] admonishes - A mocker [is] receiving for himself shame and [one who] reproves a wicked [person] defect his.
Tko poučava podrugljivca, prima pogrdu, i tko prekorava opakoga, prima ljagu.
8 May not you reprove a mocker lest he should hate you reprove a wise [person] and he will love you.
Ne kori podsmjevača, da te ne zamrzi; kori mudra, da te zavoli.
9 Give to a wise [person] so he may be wise yet make known to a righteous [person] so may he increase insight.
Pouči mudroga, i bit će još mudriji; uputi pravednoga, i uvećat će se njegovo znanje.
10 [is the] beginning of Wisdom [the] fear of Yahweh and [the] knowledge of [the] holy [one] [is] understanding.
Gospodnji strah početak je mudrosti, a razboritost je spoznaja Presvetog.
11 For by me they will increase days your so they may add to you years of life.
“Po meni ti se umnožavaju dani i množe ti se godine života.
12 If you are wise you are wise for yourself and you mock to alone you you will bear [it].
Ako si mudar, sebi si mudar; budeš li podsmjevač, sam ćeš snositi.”
13 A woman of folly [is] boisterous naivete and not she knows whatever.
Gospođa ludost puna je strasti, prosta je i ne zna ništa.
14 And she sits to [the] doorway of house her on a seat [the] heights of [the] town.
I sjedi na vratima svoje kuće na stolici, u gradskim visinama,
15 To call out to [those who] pass by of [the] road those [who] make straight paths their.
te poziva one koji prolaze putem, koji ravno idu svojim stazama:
16 Who? [is] naive let him turn aside here and [one] lacking of heart and she says to him.
“Tko je neiskusan, neka se svrati ovamo!” I nerazumnomu govori:
17 Waters stolen they are sweet and bread of secret places it is delightful.
“Kradena je voda slatka i ugodno je potajno jesti kruh.”
18 And not he knows that [the] shades [are] there [are] in [the] depths of Sheol invited [ones] her. (Sheol h7585)
A on ne zna da su Sjene ondje, da uzvanici njezini počivaju u Podzemlju. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 9 >