< Proverbs 8 >

1 ¿ Not wisdom does she call out and understanding does she give forth? voice her.
He teka ianei kei te karanga te whakaaro nui, e puaki ana ano te reo o te matauranga?
2 At [the] top of [the] heights on [the] way between [the] pathways she stations herself.
I runga i nga wahi tiketike tona turanga, i te ara i te tutakitanga o nga huarahi;
3 To [the] side of [the] gates to [the] opening of [the] town [the] entrance of [the] doorways they cry aloud.
Hamama ana ia i te taha o nga kuwaha, i te ngutu o te pa, i te tomokanga atu i nga tatau:
4 To you O people I call and voice my [is] to [the] children of humankind.
Ki a koutou, e nga tangata, taku karanga; ki nga tama ano a te tangata toku reo.
5 Understand O naive people prudence and O fools understand heart.
E nga kuware, kia matau koutou ki te ngarahu tupato; e nga wairangi, kia mohio te ngakau.
6 Listen for princely things I will speak and [the] utterance of lips my [will be] uprightness.
Whakarongo mai, ka korerotia hoki e ahau nga mea pai rawa; ko ta oku ngutu e whakapuaki ai ko nga mea e rite ana.
7 For truth it will utter palate my and [is] an abomination of lips my wickedness.
He pono hoki te korero a toku mangai; he mea whakarihariha ano te kino ki oku ngutu.
8 [are] Righteousness all [the] words of mouth my there not among them [is] a twisted [thing] and a distorted [thing].
Kei runga i te tika nga kupu katoa a toku mangai; kahore he whakapeka, he whanoke ranei, i roto.
9 All of them [are] right to the discerning [person] and upright to [those who] find knowledge.
Ko enei katoa he marama ki te tangata e matau ana, he tika ki te hunga i kitea ai te mohio.
10 Take discipline my and may not [you take] silver and knowledge more than gold chosen.
Manakohia mai taku ako, kaua te hiriwa; ko te matauranga, nui atu i te koura pai rawa.
11 For [is] good wisdom more than jewels and all pleasures not they compare with it.
Pai atu hoki te whakaaro nui i nga rupi; e kore hoki nga mea katoa e minaminatia nei e tau hei whakarite mona.
12 I wisdom I dwell prudence and knowledge of discretion I find.
Kua meinga e ahau, e te whakaaro nui, ko te ngarahu pai hei nohoanga moku, e kitea ana e ahau te mohio me te ata whakaaro.
13 [the] fear of Yahweh [is] to hate evil pride and arrogance - and a way evil and a mouth of perversities I hate.
Ko te wehi ki a Ihowa koia tena ko te kino ki te he: e kino ana ahau ki te whakapehapeha, ki te whakakake, ki te ara he, ki te mangai whanoke.
14 [belong] to Me counsel and sound wisdom I [am] understanding [belongs] to me strength.
Ko te whakaaro tika, ko te whakaaro nui, naku; ko ahau te matauranga, kei ahau te kaha.
15 By me kings they reign and rulers they enact righteousness.
Naku nga kingi i kingi ai, naku nga rangatira i whakatakoto ai i te tika.
16 By me princes they rule and noble [people] all judges of (righteousness. *L(H)*)
Naku i whai rangatiratanga ai nga rangatira, nga tangata nunui, ara nga kaiwhakawa katoa o te whenua.
17 I ([those who] love me *Q(K)*) I love and [those who] earnestly seek me they find me.
E arohaina ana e ahau te hunga e aroha ana ki ahau; ko te hunga hoki e ata rapu ana i ahau, e kite ratou i ahau.
18 Wealth and honor [are] with me wealth enduring and righteousness.
He taonga, he kororia kei ahau; ae ra, he rawa mau tonu, he tika.
19 [is] good Fruit my more than gold and more than pure gold and gain my more than silver chosen.
Pai atu oku hua i te koura, ae ra, i te koura parakore; ko nga mea e puta ana i ahau, pai atu i te hiriwa kowhiri.
20 In [the] path of righteousness I walk in [the] midst of [the] pathways of justice.
Kei nga ara o te tika ahau e haere ana, kei waenganui i nga huarahi o te whakawa:
21 To give as an inheritance [those who] love me - substance and treasuries their I fill.
Kia meinga ai e ahau te hunga e aroha ana ki ahau kia whiwhi ki te rawa, kia whakakiia ai e ahau a ratou takotoranga taonga.
22 Yahweh he created me [the] beginning of way his [the] beginning of works his from then.
I a Ihowa ahau, no te timatanga ra ano o ona ara, no mua atu i ana mahi o nehera.
23 From long ago I was installed from [the] beginning from [the] beginnings of [the] earth.
Nonamata riro ahau i whakaritea ai, no te timatanga, no mua atu i te whenua.
24 When there not [were] [the] deeps I was brought forth when there not [were] springs abounding of water.
I te mea kahore ano nga rire, kua whanau ahau; i te mea kiano he puna whai wai.
25 Before mountains they were planted before [the] hills I was brought forth.
No mua atu i te whakaunga o nga maunga, no mua i nga pukepuke toku whanautanga:
26 Until not he had made [the] earth and [the] open places and [the] first of [the] dusts of [the] world.
I te mea kahore ano i hanga noatia e ia te whenua, me nga parae, me te timatanga o te puehu o te ao.
27 When established he [the] heavens [was] there I when marked out he a circle on [the] surface of [the] deep.
I tana whakaturanga i nga rangi, i reira ano ahau: i tana whakaritenga i te awhi mo te mata o te rire;
28 When made firm he [the] clouds above when became strong [the] springs of [the] deep.
I tana whakapumautanga i nga rangi i runga; i te tototanga o nga puna o te rire;
29 When set he for the sea - limit its and [the] waters not they will transgress mouth his when marked out he [the] foundations of [the] earth.
I tana rohenga mai i te moana, kei takahia tana kupu e nga wai; i tana waitohutanga i nga turanga o te whenua;
30 And I was beside him an artisan and I was delight day - day playing before him at every time.
I reira ahau i tona taha, he tohunga ki nga mahi: he ahuarekatanga ahau nona i ia ra, i ia ra, e koa ana i nga wa katoa i tona aroaro;
31 Playing in [the] world of earth his and delight my [were] with [the] children of humankind.
E koa ana ki tana ao; a ko taku i ahuareka ai ko nga tama a te tangata.
32 And therefore O children listen to me and how blessed! [are those who] ways my they observe.
No reira, e aku tamariki, whakarongo mai ki ahau: ka hari hoki te hunga e pupuri ana i oku ara.
33 Listen to correction and act wisely and may not you neglect [it].
Whakarongo mai ki te ako, kia whai whakaaro ai koutou; kaua hoki e paopaongia.
34 How blessed! [is] a person [who] listens to me by keeping watch at doors my day - day by watching [the] doorposts of doorways my.
Ka hari te tangata e whakarongo ana ki ahau, e tatari ana i oku tatau i tenei ra, i tenei ra, e whanga ana i nga pou o oku kuwaha.
35 For [one who] finds me (he finds *Q(K)*) life and he obtained favor from Yahweh.
Ko te tangata hoki e kite ana i ahau, e kite ana i te ora, ka whiwhi ano ia ki ta Ihowa manako mai.
36 And [one who] misses me [is] doing wrong to self his all [those who] hate me they love death.
Ko te tangata ia e hara ana ki ahau, he mahi nanakia tana ki tona wairua ake; ko te hunga katoa e kino ana ki ahau, e aroha ana ki te mate.

< Proverbs 8 >